"I just wanted to drop
a line to say what a kick-ass time we had Sunday at the Loop. Great music,
great bands, great booze. Best of all, I got to meet you and X Ray in
person, my wife, Diane, was extremely pleased. Diane deserves special
mention because she was our designated driver. She couldn`t drink anyway
because she is three months pregnant with our third kid. She hung tough
inspite of the fact there was no food [not even a bag of chips!] at the
loop. I guess you could safely say she brought the very youngest member
of the I.B.J. to the show. We`re looking forward to this Sunday`s show,
keep up the great work..."
- Sheldon's Plumber


Do Not Adjust Your TV Sets, it's RENO'S MEN Live!


"...and this is how you do a segue."
Second Loop Show friggin rocked. Loved those Skels. That had to be the
best outfit I have ever seen you in. It was a nice change to see you in
men's clothing for a change. I guess you must have had some frilly panties
under that get-up. If you recall, I walked up and kissed your hand at
the start of the show. I have experienced a tremendous upswing in my life
since that moment. I hooked up with a hottie at the after party, got a
call about a job the next day, and have since secured a position for a
MAJOR increase in salary. In all, my life has gotten much better since
I attended the Loop Lounge/IBJ show and I owe it all the magic of Jones.
- Fuzzco


THE SKELS Bring A Little "Erin Go Bragh" To The IBJ

Nothing Like Suckin' On A Good Cuban.
Cigar That Is...


Drunkus Interuptus

"Oh My God! THAT'S Jonesey???"

"Where's The Goddamn Haggis?"
just wanted to let you know I had a blast at the Loop Lounge on Sunday,
I heard from a friend that you sometimes have IBJ functions at other
places, including the shore. Please do that this summer! Thanks."
- Shannah

THE SKELS Bring Down The House

Displaying the Two-Fisted Ways of the IBJ
Men. A fine time was had by all at the Loop. The Skels were great. I hope
to bring more fans to Asbury Park on July 30. I hope it will be as much
fun as last year. I hope to bring more bluefish this time. Maybe even
a striper or summer flounder. Keep the laughs comin! Your pal,"
- Sheldon

THE SKELS Want You (to join the IBJ)
RENO'S MEN Say "Always Know Where
The Nearest Exits Are...Just In Case!"
Photo Contributors: Garry Quinless, Jim Fields, W.