ed shepp the p is for pseuperpower pseu too pseu's theme
portishead nylon smile qthird
diamanda galas o death guilty guilty guilty
barry adamson straight 'til sunrise back to the cat
lynn blessing mother nature's son sunset painter
jowe head paper mache from a parallel universe
the judys rerun washarama
jim noir look around you jim noir
Your DJ speaks
vanishing voice crystal peak vanishing voice
port-royal karola bloch flared up
deep chord vantage isle (echospace reshape) vantage isle
vladislav delay anima (version)anima
Your DJ speaks
ministry and co-conspiritors radar love, roadhouse blues cover up
iron lung life's worth life, iron, death + 17
jinx lennon new land of syringes know your station gouge ntation
burningh star core through thte bars of a rhyme challenger
yoshi wada the appointed castle the appointed castle
Your DJ speaks
jason willett (the jaunties) everything is flowery goodness the sounds of megaphone unlimited
jason willett short tune the sounds of megaphone unlimited
the long blondes i liked boys couples
gunter muller, sato yukie unknown v/a signal to noise vol 6
nick cave & the bad seeds hold on to yourself dig, lazarus dig!
instant orange the visionary (reactive) instant orange