Assdroids tk 1 4 the 1st Time
The Sisters of Mercy Marian First And Last And Always
Hopewell Calcutta Hopewell & The Birds Of Appetite
Red Clay Ramblers The Girl Behind The Bar Various: Classic Bluegrass Vol. 2
Antibalas Government Magic Government Magic
Black Mountain Druganaut Druganaut
Kinski The Snowy Parts of Scandinavia Alpine Static
Soilent Green Liquor & Cigarettes, Theory of Pride In Tragedy Confrontation
Adolph Satan Townspeople Are The Ones Who Will Pay Adolph Satan
Adolescents Richard Hung Himself The Complete Demos
Eyehategod Sabbath Jam Preaching the 'End Time' Message
Girth Monopolizing the Pleasure Dome Living in Truth
Swarming Hordes Minor Fingering and Major Philandering Swarming Hordes
Behold...the Arctopus Estrogen/Pathogen Exchange Program Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning
Terminal 11 Reluctantly Accepting Temporary Overexhaustion Illegal Nervous Habits
Prince Lincoln True Experience Various: Studio One Roots 2
Proem Below Me Reds Negativ
Afrirampo On Ska To Paar Ya Kore Ga Mayaku Da
Lumiri Tubo Love to Last Touch of Your Love
William Shatner You've Got Time Various: Lost In Space: Stan's 2005 WFMU Premium
A Taste of Ra Ride Your Smile A Taste of Ra
The Buried Civilizations The Transient Lakes Tunnels to Other Chambers
Lenny Sharon The Boston Draft Conspiracy Trial/ Political Prisoners The Boston Draft Conspiracy Trial/ Political Prisoners
Michael Ferber The Boston Draft Conspiracy Trial The Boston Draft Conspiracy Trial/ Political Prisoners
Beneath the Lake Fire Rain Silent Uprising
Pelican March to the Sea The Fire in Our Throats Will Becon The Thaw
Isis Hym - JK Broadrick Oceanic Remixes/Interpretations