A new set begins: Wobbly Live SET!!!!recorded to mini-disck July 25th, 2003, At Pianos in NYC
3 (some 'beats')
4 crazy beats
5. pretty part
6. wild why part....
7. beats.. insanity
8. voices
9. brilliant voice cut up part
A new set begins: My Trip to Japan Vol. 3!!!
Milky Chu and over therainbow Carnival for edelweiss's ensamble
Milky Chu horror much show Carnival for edelweiss's ensemble
Milky Chu untitled Carnival for edelweiss's ensemble
Ove Naxx Fucking Overwhelming Metal grind grind! CDR
Ogatt Pac Poconpi
Ogatt Saru Poconpi
A new set begins: Dope Coara Live At Loop Line Bar!Recorded to Minidisk, Oct 9th, 2003
Dope Coara live At loop line bar
Dope Coara good morning world- with improv drumming bit
more insanity
Dope Coara slow part
Dope Coara hip hop cut up section
Shex track 5 CDR- of new album?
Faun mp33 Poconpi
Hannoda Taku 2- 1'55 Guiter
Hannoda Taku 8- 1'34 paraphone
Quniorigin ??? (japanese title) Skinny compilation
God Man track 8? CDr?
Cyche out off-shoot Tech Seter She force FX 5800
A new set begins: PHIRIP LIVE!!!!!recorded live to minidisk from a At Loop Line bar, Oct 9, 2003
Phirip Nice Party!!!
warabimochi song!
PPP 1 cdr
ppp 2 CDR
ppp 3 Cd fucking RRRRRRR
ppp 4 CDR
PPP 5 cdr
ppp shit yeah! cdr
PPP 8 cdr
PPP eat something spicy! cdr
atopy:9 MxA P
atopy:9 F.L.AG P
Hard Off Oshiro's 'george's boy cunt' remix CDR
Yasushi Miura track 4 CDR
Yasushi Miura 17+18 a different CDR
Hard Off Lisa Simpson is a Number 2 CDR
CDR ximuy off the track hardcore
Baiyon portasound dub II CDR
Comment: Hey peeps!Keep sending in those emails! I appreciate it and so do all the great producers from japan!!!!!!