GODZ Quack (I'm a Quack) The Third Testament
CLICKER Du Monde's Back Room Clicker
GUITAR ENSEMBLE The Call The You-n-You
MISSION SINGERS Will We Ever Learn? Everything's Just Fine ... or Is It?
JOHN YLVISAKER Who Cares for the City Cool Livin'
KAREN BETH Come December The Joys of Life
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ASH RA TEMPEL Day-Dream Starring Rosi
BO GRUMPUS Travelin' in the Dark Before the War
GANDALF Can You Travel in the Dark Alone Gandalf
TIMOTHY CLOVER Tear-Drop Mobile The Cambridge Concept of Timothy Clover
SEARCH PARTY So Many Things Have Got Me Down Montgomery Chapel
BUBBLE GUM MACHINE No Love to Be Found The Bubble Gum Machine
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FATHER PAT BERKERY (w/ SPUR) Chalice Prayers for a Noonday Church
STEVE HALPERN Rainbow Raga Spectrum Suite
CLICKER Maple Tree Clicker
JIMMI REITZLER Let Me Take You Home/ One That Got Away Looking Thru Bobby's Diary
JOHN YLVISAKER My City Cool Livin'
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CLICK (HORNING) My Precious Click
BOB DYLAN Lay, Lady Lay Nashville Skyline
TOM PARROTT Misty Morning Maiden Neon Princess
CHAPIN BROTHERS The Rains Come Down Chapin Music
LUV'D ONES Up Down Sue Truth Gotta Stand
DESTINY'S CHILDREN Fall of the Queen V.A.: The World Ain't Round, It's Square
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DECAYES What a Drag Not Yet!
JOHN YLVISAKER Do You Know What I've Done Cool Livin'
SUNSHINE (LARRY 'SUNSHINE' RICE) Easter Bunny Time Here's 'Sunshine'
CHRYSALIS April Grove Definition
ARS NOVA Album in Your Mind Ars Nova
CALIFORNIA POPPY PICKERS Narrow People The California Poppy Pickers Play and Sing Hair-Aquarius
BROTHERHOOD Close the Door Brotherhood
BO GRUMPUS Sparrow Tune Before the War
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FRANZ K. Das Goldene Reich Sensemann
DUISBURGER GOSPELGROUP Warum Nicht Du? V.A.: Neue Geistliche Lieder, Vol. 1
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