The In-Theme
Bob Snyder Day by Day Bob Snyder Plays 'The Music Box Dancer'
Ambitious Lovers It's Gonna Rain Lust
The dB's I Feel Good (Today) Repercussion
Johnny Thunders (She's So) Untouchable So Alone
The Monochrome Set Fun for All the Family Elligible Bachelors
Los Sampler's La Vida es Llena de Cables Descargas
Malo Cafe Malo
Your DJ speaks
The Greatest Show on Earth Angelina Horizons
Show of Hands No Words Between Us Formerly Anthrax
We Five You Let a Love Burn Out Make Somebody Happy
Graham Nash I Used to Be a King Songs for Beginners
Richard Lloyd Pretend Alchemy
Shoes Someone Finer Black Vinyl Shoes
Giovanni Sollima Giotto-Dante Viaggio in Italia
Arto Lindsay Noon Chill Noon Chill
Kristin Hersh Beestung Strings
Gareth Davis & Frances-Marie Uitti Felt Gramercy
Your DJ speaks
Bongwater He Loved the Weather Too Much Sleep
Hail/Snail Savannah How to Live with a Tiger
Pip Proud Albatross One of These Days
Uriel (= Arzachel) Egoman (1968 demo) Arzachel Collector's Edition
Egg Wring Out the Ground (Loosely Now) The Civil Surface
Marc Ribot Mirror Exercises in Futility
Judy Collins Sky Fell Wildflowers
Herbert Howells De La Mare's Pavane, from 'Lambert's Clavichord' (1928) Lambert's Clavichord / Howells' Clavichord
Your DJ speaks
Caravan Love Song with Flute Caravan
Jason Crest Teagarden Lane (196?) Collected Works of Jason Crest
The Troggs We Waited for Someone Mixed Bag
Alex Chilton My Rival Like Flies on Sherbert
Chris Knox H.P.5 Croaker
Observers Observing Observables Next Available Date V.A.: Early Indiana Punk & New Wave: The Crazy Al's Years: 1976–1983
Chrome Tomorrow Yesterday Half Machine from the Sun: The Lost Chrome Tracks from '79–'80
Last Four (5) Digits Don't Move V.A.: Early Indiana Punk & New Wave: The Crazy Al's Years: 1976–1983
Common Ailments of Maturity Stake V.A.: None Whatsoever
Sepi Kuu Ajatus Rannan Usvassa
The Larry Mondello Band Bug Up My Ass Cassingle
Your DJ speaks
André Caplet Couronnement au Ciel, from 'Le Miroir de Jésus' (1924) Le Miroir de Jésus [cond. by Philippe Bender]
Roger Bergs Water, from 'Elements' (2001) V.A.: String Theory [w/ Numus Cello Ensemble, Penderecki String Quartet]
Gong Selene Angel's Egg
Fondation Quand il Faut Parler d'Amour Metamorphoses
Neil Young Only Love Can Break Your Heart After the Gold Rush
Your DJ speaks
Chrysalis Window Shopping (demo, 1968?) Definition [bonus track]
The Out-Theme Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]