Zakary Thaks Face to Face
Brymers Sacrifice
Shames Special Ones
Preachers Who Do You Love
Bobby Marchan Get Down With It
Chubby Checker and Dee Dee Sharp Slow Twistin'
Billy Fury What Do You Think You're Doing Of
Freddy Butler With Roosevelt Fountain Pens of Rhythm Pitter Patter
Huey Piano Smith with his Clowns Don't You Know Yockomo
Ron Thompson Switchblade
Jiants Tornado
Dal Mc Bride Prissy Missy
Jim Friis and The Valiants Bop a Lena
Chicken Delight spot
Hasil Adkins The Hunch
Don and The Goodtimes Long Green
Unusuals I'm Walkin Babe
Scotsmen Sorry Charlie
Dimensions Knock You Flat
Heirs Don't You Love Me
Jerry Mccain A Cutie Named Judy
Kid Thomas Rocking This Joint Tonight
Rex Garvin Oh Yeah
Bunker Hill Hid and Go Seek
Big Jay McNeely Psycho Serenade