Cock Sparrer Argy Bargy (excerpt)
Volcano Suns Testify! The Bright Orange Years
The Hellacopters Times Are Low Cream of the Crap
Dead Boys Ain't Nothing To Do Young Loud and Snotty
Hades Girls Will Be Girls Scrap Metal - Vol. 1 comp (2021)
Motörhead Ace of Spades Ace Of Spades
ELECTRIC CHAIR Low Performative Justice
feedtime Last Time Cooper S
Bassholes Microscopic Feeling
The Subhumans Death To The Sickoids Death Was Too Kind
Your DJ speaks
Vermillion And The Aces I Like Motorcycles Heroes of the Night: Punk, Pop and Wave from the UK Underground 79-83 (v/a)
X Sex And Dying In High Society Los Angeles
Alien Nosejob Once More 1984 Once Again The Present Becomes The Past
POSITRONIX (Save Me) Sammy Demo (2019)
Why Bother? More Brains A Year Of Mutations
Dickies Nights In White Satin Dawn of the Dickies
Deathchant Maker Waste
Sonic Rendezvous Band City Slang (1999) City Slang
Your DJ speaks
John Kitko Indecision Brown Acid: The Thirteenth Trip (Heavy Rock From The Underground Comedown) (v/a)