Cock Sparrer Argy Bargy (excerpt)
F.U.2. Sniffin' Glue Punk Rock
Anti State Control Sniffing Glue Blues V/A Stortbeat
Da Slyme Crazy Glue V/A Only in Canada, Eh 77-81
Hoodoo Gurus Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue Bite the Bullet: Director's Cut (Live)
Golden Pelicans Smell The Lightning Disciples of Blood
Chaotic Dischord Glue Accident V/A Riotous Assembly
Action Pact! Suicide Bag
X-Ray Spex Plastic Bag
Catfight! Carbona Not Glue Splitsville
The Gories Charm Bag I Know You Be House Rockin
The Exploding Hearts Sniffin' Glue Dirtnap Across The Northwest (v/a)
King Louis & the Memphis Maffia The Fuzz On My Bag
Ramones Carbona Not Glue (Sundragon Rough Mixes) Sundragon Sessions
DJ Terre T speaks
C.O.F.F.I.N. City Sun Australia Stops
Rose Tattoo Astra Wally Rock 'n' Roll Outlaws
Killer Kin Shock Collar S/T
Snatch Back Cryin' To the Night Jobcentre Rejects Vol 3 - Ultra Rare NWOBHM 1978-1983 (v/a)
DJ Terre T speaks
The Angels Night Attack Night Attack