Cock Sparrer Argy Bargy (excerpt)
X I Don't Wanna Go Out 7'
The Vibrators Dragnet 7'
The Pork Dukes Bend and Flush 7'
The Undead Life of Our Own Nine Toes Later EP
Dead Kennedys Police Truck 7'
Woody & the Splinters
Sweet Knives I Don't Wanna Die I Don't Wanna Die 2 x 7'
Rudi Big Time 7'
Terre the DJ speaks Your DJ speaks over
C.O.F.F.I.N. City Sun C.O.F.F.I.N // MINI SKIRT split 7'
Tank Crazy Horses 7'
Venom Die Hard
Motorhead Ace of Spades 7'
GISM Endless Blockades For The Pussyfooter Detestation EP
Halo of Flies I'm A Bug (The Urinals cover) 7'
Reatards Bummer Bitch 7'
La Peste Better Off Dead 7'
Terre the DJ speaks
Sham 69 Hurry Up Harry 7'