Yurrei Dali by Night Night Vision
After All Judas Kiss Eos
Black Flow Iron to Rust Seeds of Downfall
Cryptopsy Flayed the Swine As Gomorrah Burns
Dødheimsgard It Does Not Follow Black Medium Current
Amen Dragons The Book of Lies
Akercocke He is Risen Decades of Devil Worship
Autumnoskogie Worldfall Awakening
Aeturnus World Black Nepotism Philosopher
Skull and Crossbones Inner Self Sungazer
Cadaver Carnivore Eternal Damnation Devouring Eclipse of Darkest Realms
Barditus Dein Schwert Dein Schwert
Spiritus Mortis Rise from Hell Spiritism
Bodyfarm Empire of Iniquity Ultimate Abomination
Hexvessel Crepuscular Creatures Polar Veil
Orphaned Land In Propaganda Unsung Prophets and Dead Messiahs
Mercyful Fate Into the Coven live
Bekor Quilith Unobtainable Transformations The Flesh of a New God
Sol Paranoic Sunrise Promethean Sessions
Madder Mortem Resonatine Deadlands
Skamold Niohoggar Ydaliar
Angerot Horns of Moses The Profound Recreant
Funeral When Light will Dawn demo
Oros Kau Dawn of the Red Scorpion Thanatos
Unblessed Divine Gods of Darkness Portal to Darkness
The Mystical Hot Chocolate Endeavors Out of Mind A Clock without a Craftsman
The Circle Afflux of Awakening
Graven Sin She Who Rules Nifelheim Veil of the Gods
Battle Born The Endless Grey Blood, Fire, Magic, and Steel
Nevermore This Godless Endeavor This Godless Endeavor