Cock Sparrer Argy Bargy (excerpt)
The Gordons Future Shock Future Shock
Suburban Reptiles Coup D’Etat
Johnnies Who Killed Johnny? V/A - BLOODSTAINS ACROSS THE WORLD (1978-82)
Proud Scum Suicide
Proud Scum Suicide 2
Terrorway Short Haired Rock 'n' Roll AK79 compilation
No Tag Legalised Dogs It's Bigger Than Both of Us: NZ Singles 1979-82 (V/A)
No Tag No Tag Oi Oi Oi
The Dead C Bad Politics Making Losers Happy: XPressway NZ Singles 1988-91 (v/a)
Terre the DJ speaks
A new set begins: Transistors (NZ) overview !
Transistors Static Control Shortwave
Transistors Flux Pentaphile Flux Pentaphile EP
Transistors Nervous Heart Is This Anything?
Transistors Downer Dirty Diver single
Transistor Soap Suds Cuppa
Transistors Good Years Good Years single
Transistors Oracles Meaning Without Meaning/Oracles single
Terre the DJ speaks
Memory Foam Memory Form Steel Magnolias
Memory Foam Hold My Beer Steel Magnolias
Dick Move Small Man, Big Tweet Wet
Dick Move Women, Take The Streets Wet
Terre the DJ speaks