Ferrante & Teicher Sleigh Ride Adventures In Carols
Portsmouth Sinfonia The Nutcracker Suite: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy Plays The Popular Classics
Tom Waits Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis Austin City Limits, December 1978
Culturecide Depressed Christmas Santa Claus Was My Love b/w Depressed Christmas
John Baker Christmas Commercial BBC Radiophonic Workshop Music
Divine, etc. NOT ON CHRISTMAS!!!
Saturday Night Live cast The Killer Trees Saturday Night Live - December 11, 1976
Can Silent Night Silent Night
Can Your DJ speaks over Silent Night
John Oswald White Plunderphonics
Usha Uthup Christmas, Merry Christmas Blast Off!
The Fall No Xmas For John Quays Live At The Witch Trials
The Reds Pinks and Purples We Won't Come Home at Christmas Time They Only Wanted Your Soul
Poison Idea Santa Claus Is Back In Town V/A - It's Finally Christmas!
The Rudy Schwartz Project Christmas Time's For Assholes Remembering a Summertime Rash
The Residents Dumbo the Clown (Who Loved Christmas) V/A - Subterranean Modern
Dead Moon Christmas Rush V/A - It's Finally Christmas!
Pastor John Rydgren Christmas Montage Silhouette Segments
Linda Bennett An Old fashioned Christmas (Daddy’s Home) An Old fashioned Christmas (Daddy’s Home)
Hitting Birth Little Drummer Boy V/A - It's Finally Christmas!
Butthole Surfers Good King Wenceslas Good King Wenceslas
Pastor John Rydgren A Christmas Reflection Silhouette Segments
Ferrante & Teicher Your DJ speaks over Sleigh Ride
The Residents Uninc. Fire Santa Dog EP
The Residents Seasoned Greetings/ N-ER-GEE [excerpt] Meet The Residents
Smegma Happy Holidays V/A - It's Finally Christmas!
The Residents Uninc. Explosion / Lightning / Aircraft Damage Santa Dog EP
The New Bad Things Shoplifting You Something For Christmas V/A - It's Finally Christmas!
Happy Flowers All I Got Were Clothes For Christmas V/A - God's Favorite Dog
The Evolution Control Committee Christmas Wrong Plagiarythm Nation
Saturday Night Live cast Consumer Probe Saturday Night Live - December 11, 1976
Ferrante & Teicher Your DJ speaks over Sleigh Ride
Heather Noel Santa Came On A Nuclear Missile V/A - The American Song Poem Christmas: Daddy, Is Santa Really Six Foot Four?
Rodd Rogers & The Librettos Santa Claus Goes Modern V/A - The American Song Poem Christmas: Daddy, Is Santa Really Six Foot Four?
The Sisterhood Little Ragged Boy Christmas Is Love With 'The Sisterhood'
Gene Marshall Evelyn Christmas V/A - M.S.R. Madness, Vol. 5: I Like Yellow Things
Rodd & Judy Santa Fix My Toys for Christmas V/A - The American Song Poem Christmas: Daddy, Is Santa Really Six Foot Four?
The Sisterhood The Pencil Man Christmas Songs With 'The Sisterhood'
Norris the Troubadour Seaboard Coastliners Christmas Time Philosophy V/A - The American Song Poem Christmas: Daddy, Is Santa Really Six Foot Four?
The Sisterhood Under Our Christmas Tree Christmas Is Love With 'The Sisterhood'
Randall Reed with the Forerunners The Peppermint Stick Man V/A - The American Song Poem Christmas: Daddy, Is Santa Really Six Foot Four?
The Sisterhood An Ode To Music Joyous Songs For Christmas With The Sisterhood
Kay Brown Daddy, Is Santa Really Six Foot Four V/A - The American Song Poem Christmas: Daddy, Is Santa Really Six Foot Four?
The Sisterhood Daddy, Please Tell Me Christmas Is Love With 'The Sisterhood'
Bobby Boyle With The Singers Santa Claus Goes Modern V/A - The American Song Poem Christmas: Daddy, Is Santa Really Six Foot Four?
Little Cindy Happy Birthday Jesus Happy Birthday Jesus / He's Around When Everybody Turns You Down
Little Marcy C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S Marcy Favorites 20 Songs From Her Best Selling Albums
Ferrante & Teicher Your DJ speaks over Jingle Bells
Cassetteboy Festive Christmas Festive Christmas
Sparks Thank God It's Not Christmas Kimono My House
Your DJ speaks