A new set begins: Introduction and Excuses
A new set begins: Perfection's Hand - Clay Pigeon
A new set begins: I suppose this story is loosely based on a recent hospice experience I had with my mom. Although she certainly wasn't like the woman in this story in ANY way. Actually, it was a humbling and life-changing thing, being in that place. I think hopice does magnificent things for families and those at the end of life. Maybe this story was a way of dealing with that experience now that some time has passed.
Comment: I feel bad that I didn't get to do an interview-based show. A real Halloween Special, as it were. And I realize that as a writer, I leave a LOT to be desired. Thanks to those of you actually make it through this episode.
Jordan De La Sierra Gymnosphere - Song of the Rose Gymnosphere - Song of the Rose - Music for the Well-Tuned Piano
Kris Kristofferson For the Good Times Me and Bobby McGee
A new set begins: 18:40 - The Fancher House
Comment: This story was written the night before the show. It is full of loopholes and errors, like the time I call Reverend Swan, Reverend Snow. I changed his name but evidently missed it one time. Anyway ... hope you enjoy it.
Gordon Lightfoot Is There Anyone Home Sundown
Flash Psychosync Out Of Our Hands
Starcastle Nova Starcastle
A new set begins: Goodnight from Clay
Flash Farewell Number One Out Of Our Hands
Comment: Thanks for listening everyone. Again, sorry for no interviews. Maybe next week. In the meantime ... HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEEN!!!! Remember to drop me an email:dusty@wfmu.orgalways remember ...