Scientists Solid Gold Hell Blood Red River: 1982-84
Kinks I'm Not Like Everybody Else Kinkdom
Half Japanese No More Beatle Mania 1/2 Gentlemen / Not Beasts
John Craig III Project The Volcano (Drum Solo) Point of Impact
These Feathers Have Plumes Vortex Corvidae
Death Comes Along Psychedelic Inferno VA - Los Atascos Son Pesados Vol. 2: Brian Turner's 2010 Marathon Premium
Bad Trips End of War Open
Gay Witch Abortion Human Composting VA - Amphetamine Reptile 25th Anniversary Bash
Modey Lemon Recycler Modey Lemon
Lords of Falconry Creeping, The Ether Lords of Falcolnry
Jesu Heart Ache Heart Ache & Dethroned
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma Where I End & You Begin Love is a Stream
Harvey Milk I Did Not Call Out A Small Turn of Human Kindness
Panopticon ..Seeing.. split w/ Skagos
Gog The Opening Heavy Fierce Brightness
Your DJ speaks
Enumclaw Harmonic Convergence VA - Blackout
Smegma Mirage Mirage
Amedeo Tommasi Suspence Magico No.1 VA - Flipper Psychout: Original Italian Library Music from the Vaults of Flipper
Gnod A Very Special Request split w/ Robedoor
Aural Fit Overexposure Mubomuso
Flippin Idiots Grave Cleanin Blues Blues for the Red Planet
Rusted Shut White Death Rusted Shut
Zarach'baal'tharagh Rehearsal 2008 Cellar Rehearsal
Your DJ speaks