My Dying Bride L'Amour Detruit A Line of Deathless Kings
Mercyful Fate Return of the Vampire Return of the Vampire
Draconian It Grieves My Heart Where Lovers Mourn
Thalarian Icon of Hopelessness Four Elements Mysterium
Therion Notung! Notung! The Miskolc Experience
Penumbra Turn them Off Emanate
Immolation The Comfort of Cowards Majesty and Decay
Parzival Libanon Und Syrien Blut Und Jordan
After Forever Inimical Chimera Prison of Desire
Aggressor Wandering Soul Medieval Rites
Trouble The Skull The Skull
Atrox Translunaria Terrestrials
Primordial The Black Hundred Redemption at the Puritan's Hand
Arcana Love Eternal The Last Embrace
Funeral Yearning For Heaven Tristesse
Battlesouls Signal the Storm Lay Down Thy Burdens
Axegressor The Only Reward Next
Mercyful Fate Satan's Fall Live
Elend The Luciferian Revolution Les Tenebres du Dehors
Within Temptation Grace Enter
Verdi Cortigani, Il razza donata Son of OPERA GOES TO THE MOVIES
As Divine Grace In Low Spirits Lumo