Bob Chance It's Broken! It's Broken!
Jim Coleman Summer Heat Trees
Wicked Lady The Axeman Cometh The Axeman Cometh
Dawnbringer IV Into the Lair of the Sun God
Spencey Dude & the Doodles Never Gonna Night Problems
Spacin' Ego-Go Deep Thuds
Shaved Women Choices s/t
Dicks I Hope You Get Drafted These People
Mission For Christ Kick Me The Complete Sessions
Wildildlife Permanent Vacation Give in to Live
Your DJ speaks
Dope Body Lazy Slave Natural History
White Suns Fire Sermon Sinews
Marzidovshek Ultimative B1 Ultimativ
The Clean Inside Out Odditties
Bailter Space Island Strobosphere
Orca Team Night Moves Restraint
Merchandise Time Children of Desire
Plastobeton Scorpion Plastobeton/Glu split lp
Microwaves Ortolan Psionic Impedance
Rat At Rat R Plague Amer$ide Rock & Roll is Dead Long Live Rat At Rat R
Feedtime Girlfriend Today is Friday
Cadaver Eyes BaHoref Karrr What Pleasing the Lord Looks Like - Marriage: Extreme Noise...And Terror from Japqan and Israel (V/A)
Your DJ speaks
Repulse Sweeties 7'
Ruined Fortune Bulls Eyey 7'
Per Purpose Warburton 7'
Holograms Monolith s/t
Coven General's Eye Worship New Gods
Martyrdod Ett Huarta Av Eld Paranoia
Burning Love Hateful Comforts Rotten Things to Say
The Native Hipsters Friends of the Earth Original Copy
The Peridots No Water Strange Passion (V/A)
Foster Care Death on the Installment Plan Bad Vibe City
Your DJ speaks
Prizehog Best in a Vile A Talking To
White Manna Sweet Jesus s/t
Obnox Without a Soul 7'
Running Grigman's Rippper/Everybody's Fucking Everybody Asshole Savant
Catholic Guilt [Side a, track no. 2] Beyond Pleasuredome
Seawhores Opus Magnanimous [excerpt] Opus Magnanimous