A new set begins: Initial words
A new set begins: Gunz
A new set begins: Nicolas and Ben from France!
Comment: I probably shouldn't mention this but, (does the comma come before or after the but?) I had a lot of micro-cassette issues on this show, hence, a lot of editing and enough-garble-that-it-bothers-me moments that it approached issuehood. Accepting the state of it, and not wanting to lose the interviews I had done, I decided to press on. I was hoping the evident sound-fatigue and flutterations weren't the fault of my (secret brand) micro-cassette recorder. They are discontinued now and are hard to find. I think it is the specific micro-cassette I was using. I have three of them and they are very old. They've worked in Paris, LA, Milwaukee, New York, Dubuque ... and I still use them. Sentimental, I suppose. I have taped-over so many interviews and moments, all on these three little crappy tapes. Sadly the specific one I employed for this Dusty may have finally acquired some final internal failures in there in the gears and pinions. Two mostly-functional left, though. That's good news. I could buy new micro-cassette tapes, but I'll bet the quality has gone further out the window, and the treble response of the new ones is worse than ever. In truth it's the treble response of my old ears which has worsened, from listening to all these hiss-riddled endeavors.
A new set begins: What do we need to do about guns?
A new set begins: Part of America
Jimmy Hendrix Machine Gun Band of Gypsys
A new set begins: Frank Reynolds of ABC reports on the shooting of President Reagan.
A new set begins: Do You Like America?
A new set begins: Everybody's Free in New York
A new set begins: Nic and Ben's Farewell Message
A new set begins: French-Speaking!
The Doors Riders on the Storm Weird Scenes Inside The Goldmine
A new set begins: President Clinton Speaks About the Columbine Shootings (1999) in a White House Press Conference.
A new set begins: An Interview with Sharon
A new set begins: Metal-Detectors ... Everywhere
Judas Priest Breaking The Law British Steel
A new set begins: Are We Crazier Than We Used To Be?
Cheech and Chong Earache my Eye Wedding Album
A new set begins: Baring Their Arms
Mahavishnu Orchestra Resolution Birds Of Fire
A new set begins: Walter Cronkite Reporting on the Shooting of Rev. Martin Luther King (CBS)
Dion Abraham, Martin and John WFIL-FM - The Nicest Music, Vol. 1
The Mercury Storytellers Excerpt The Life Story of George Washington / The Life Story of Abraham Lincoln
A new set begins: John Kennedy addresses a crow at Rice University in Houston, 1962. We choose to go to the moon and do the other thing.
A new set begins: Rev, Martin Luther King Excerpt from his I have a Dream Speech- 1963
Unknown Calling Instructions With Actual Rabbit Squeals Fox, Coyote, Cat
A new set begins: Woman Speaks About Hunting Rights
A new set begins: NRA VP Wayne LaPierre - Post-Connecticut Shootings (PBS)
A new set begins: 1776! Radio Host Alex Jones on Piers Morgan - CNN - Jan '12
Hank Williams, Jr. A Country Boy Can Survive Greatest Hits
A new set begins: An Interview with Sevario outside of MSG
A new set begins: Deer Tommy-Gun
A new set begins: Weird Slippery Slope
A new set begins: Random Stuff
A new set begins: Mattel Thunderburp TV Ad - '60's
John Lennon Nobody Told Me Milk and Honey
A new set begins: Ringo speaks to Barbara Walters in 1981 - ABC
A new set begins: Yoko Speaks about John at an Exposition: John Lennon: The New York Years - 2009 - AP
A new set begins: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_de_Tocqueville
A new set begins: A .22 Will Do
A new set begins: What's Making Us So Violent These Days?
Cypress Hill We Ain't Goin' Out Like That (Radio Edit)
A new set begins: MTV News Reports on the Death of Tupac Shakur - 9/13/96
A new set begins: An Interview with Charlie Shaw . Area Musician
A new set begins: A Southern Liberal
A new set begins: Make Sure It's Going
Yes The Wurm The Yes Album
A new set begins: Former Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords Recites the Pledge of Allegiance at the 2012 Democratic National Convention
A new set begins: More
A new set begins: Sen. Rand Paul (TP-KY) Speaks on Obama and Gun Rights (CBN)
A new set begins: Still More
A new set begins: Rush Limbaugh from his Popular Radio Program
Iggy Pop Neighborhood Threat Lust For Life
A new set begins: An Optimist
Lynryd Skynyrd Saturday Night Special Nuthin' Fancy
A new set begins: Charlie's Gigs
A new set begins: Brett Favre (Ex-Green Bay Packer QB) Remington Rifle TV Ad (2009)
The Realistics Eighteen With a Bullet Eighteen With a Bullet
A new set begins: Sevario and Unidentified Woman Discussing Gun Stuff Outside MSG
Comment: Often, about this point in a show, the production gimmicks lessen and the interviews stretch-out. It's usually because I've run out of time and I have to finish the last twenty minutes of an episode in like, an hour. It's always frustrating, as I enjoy editing the heck out of things.
A new set begins: Man Is Lost
A new set begins: The Hardest Gambino
Gown Taylor's Jam For The Maples
Alice Cooper Desperado Killer
A new set begins: The Tape Turn
Cy Coleman Reverie In Topaz The Ages of Rock
A new set begins: Welcome Back.
A new set begins: Thoughts on Guns
A new set begins: Eat That Thing
A new set begins: Terrible
A new set begins: Good People
Kiss Love Gun Love Gun
A new set begins: An Interview with Deli-Owner, Muhammed from my Block.
The Carpenters Bless the Beasts and The Children
Not Listed Side Two - Track Four Classic Beats and Breaks Volume Four
A new set begins: Freestyle Thing
Comment: Thanks for listening to this episode of The Dusty Show. I hope you found it worthwhile. Of course, gun violence is a heavy topic and, if ever I seemed flippant or insensitive in my words or in the music, it was not intended. We're working our way through lots of issues right now, but we'll see it through. Enjoyed getting out and interviewing people this past week. It had been a while. I was a little rusty. A little ... Dusty. Starting to assemble CC5 and other good things for marathon. Should be fun.Well, that's it. These playlists take a long time to do. Time to go play old Applejack. Night. Always remember.dusty@wfmu.org