Eno The True Wheel Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy)
Chrome Looking For Your Door Half Machine From the Sun: The Lost Chrome Tracks 1979-80
Moira Scar Organ Grinder Scarred for Life
Coil Sicktone V/A: The Fight Is On
Dva Vampira Nipomo
Einstürzende Neubauten Stella Maris Ende Neu
Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble (?) Coast Artillery N/A
The Necks Your DJ speaks over Silverwater Silverwater
Various Artists Bedouin Sparklers V/A: Radio Palestine: Sounds of the Eastern Mediterranean
Chicago Underground Duo Yaa Yaa Kole Locus
Lou Giansante Balloon Man V/A: Tellus #11: The Sound of Radio
Sun Ra Twin Stars of Thence Lanquidity
Raymond Scott Quintet Tobacco Auctioneer Microphone Music
Go Home Productions The Sleepwalking Tobacco Auctioneer Raymond Scott Rewired
Potpie Your DJ speaks over Cold Mountain Breakdown Appalachia
Arnold Dreyblatt & Megafaun Home Hat Placement Appalachian Excitation
Rochelle Owens Wild Woman and the Second Moment of Science Reading at Studio 111 / UPenn
Amps for Christ Enid's March (AE Remix) Amps for Christ
Hallock Hill Villages of the Black Earth Kosloff Mansion
Pulse Emitter Your DJ speaks over Photosynthesis Split 2xLP with Date Palms, Expo 70, Faceplanter
Samuel Beckett Rule Number Two The Whole Thing's Coming Out of the Dark
Various Artists The PSE Machine & Analysis of the Walton Case Factual Eyewitness Testimony of UFO Encounters
Kratzke Etwass Muss Sein Mit Mir Bäume ragen in die Fahrbahn
Angst Hase Pfeffer Nase Cpl. Rhomboid, Tantalizing V/A: X-Plural-US
Blank Realm Spider Revolting Classics: Early Works Compiled and Reviled
Amalgamated Musst Spark II
The Necks Your DJ speaks over Silverwater Silverwater
Nicolas Roussakis Night Speech (perf. Macalester Concert Choir, Dale Warland, conductor) V/A: American Contemporary New Sounds
The Clean In the Dream Life U Need a Rubber Soul Mister Pop
Palace of Swords Echoes From A Distant Star Palace of Swords II
PSI/Pee-ess-eye Whiplash Artificially Retarded Soul Care Operators
Hey Colossus How To Tell Time With Jesus Cuckoo Live Life Like Cuckoo
Emerald Web Flight of the Raven The Stargate Tapes 1979-82