Fabio Frizzi & Giorgio Tucci Zombie Theme Zombie OST
Venowl Snowbed Jute Gyte / Venowl split
Buildings and Mountains Before Something Blood Dirt Compilation Volume 1 (v/a)
Giallos Flame Pyromaniac Archivio Giallo Volume One
Ganzfeld Discontinuity Temas Spatiale Volume One
Rodion G.A. Among meteorites / Drift / Attraction Misiunea Spatiala Delta
Gentlemen I Wanna Be A Closer Sex Tape
Wehrhammer Deine Legende wird heut fallen Der Befehl
Wroth ? Force and Wrath
Harassor Glacial Witchery Hater of Man
Monarque Vigor Mortis Lys Noir
Nash The Slash The Chase Dreams and Nightmares
Swamp Horse Subtle Dementia Side A Subtle Dementia
No Neck Blues Band (NNCK) Platinum Willows YTIU
Vaarherre Suffocating Absence of Light Kulden, kjoettet
Spectral Woods Unburied For Centuries Between The Trees demo
Alraune Exordium Alraune
Durazis Guardians of the Gate Demo 2012
Mill of the Stone Women trailer
Burnt Offerings trailer
Annihilatus Storm of Steel Unholy Mass Destruction
Black Aura Her Black Fullmoon Shines Black Aura / Cave Ritual split
Malkuth Latescit Omen Infaustum Jactura, Luctus, Letum Hathir Sakta
Forgotten Spell Opening the Skies of Sulphuric Paradise Opening the Skies of Sulphuric Paradise
Acualli Rites of Mockery Pact of Possession
Justin Marc Lloyd Most of the World Your
Spettro Family Hotel del Salto Nový Svět / Spettro Family split