Smexmec Ashtray Contactdisc 2
David Jacobs Wah Wahs 1 to 4 The Sounds of Sound Sculpture
Carlo Pes Sogni Di Sole Meedley
kijjaz (recordist) Pattaya Beach (excerpt)
Anne Gillis Untitled Dossier Bordeaux 84
Karl Keller Navarak The Sonorous Sounds of Karl Keller
Amancio D'Silva Integration Integration
Liliput Tschik-Mo Liliput
Peppino De Luca Rapimento In Sicilia La Ragazza Con La Pistola
The Unfolding Girl From Nowhere How To Blow Your Mind And Have A Freak-Out Party
Die Welttraumforscher Liederbuch (Ausklang) Liederbuch
Andrew Pekler Bororo Tristes Tropiques
Jack de Mello Night of the Thirteenth Moon Music From the Land of the Rising Sun
Ennio Morricone Faccia a Faccia (Intermezzo) Faccia A Faccia
Billy Massey Ghost Town 7' 45
Buddy Long It's Nothin' To Me 7' 45
Your DJ speaks over CBF studio theme
Club M.C.M. M.C.M. Talk (Ready Riley Mix) Pump It Like This 12' 33
Gang Art Stimmlippen Fiat!
Attilio Mineo Boeing Spacearium Man In Space With Sounds
Bobby Jason 7' 45 7' 45
Carlo Pes Effetti Arpe Meedley
Noor Jehan—Music By – A. Hamid Yeh Wadiyan Yeh Parbaton Ki 7' 45
Nathan Davis—Kaija Saariaho Six Japanese Gardens: Tenju-an Garden Of Nanzen-ji Temple Memory Spaces
Mings (recordist) Bangsar Baru Night Market (excerpt 2)
Kene Star Sikasso Fitriwale Lala
Marc Codsi Invocation I A New World
The Vampires' Sound Incorporation Psycho Contact - Part One Psychedelic Dance Party
Gasoline Powered Clock—uncredited spot Zales ad read w/'Forest Fire On Main St. (Run, Run, Run)'
The Fortels Merry Go Round 7' 45
The Royals 2000 A.D. 7' 45
Your DJ speaks
Arleen Schloss How She Sees It - By Her 3:00 AM June 6 1981 Live To Air - artists sound works
Bruno Nicolai Ansioso I Rebus
Peppino De Luca e I Marc 4 Ruota Rovente L'Uomo Dagli Occhi Di Ghiaccio (Man with icy eyes)
Unknown Chico's Niteclub 7' 45
Johnny Nicholas My Love'll Be There 7' 45
The Star Tones Harlem Nocturne 7' 45
Your DJ speaks over isle of somewhere