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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Sunday, April 25, 2004 Favoriting
New Releases and Mixed Bag

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This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Las Rubias del Norte: Que Nadie Sepa Mi Sufrir Favoriting / Rumba Internationale / Barbes / *

Radio Mundial: Me Voy Favoriting / La Raiz / Palm Pictures

Kokolo: Mr. Sinister Favoriting / More Consideration / Full Cut / *

Bio Ritmo: Para Los Romperos Favoriting / Bio Ritmo / Locutor / *

Sabu: El Cumbanchero Favoriting / Palo Congo / Blue Note

Suzzana Owiyo: Kisumu 100 Favoriting / Various Artists: Rough Guide to Kenya / World Music Network / *

Kekele: Patenge Favoriting / Rumba Congo / Sterns

Kekele: Mandoyi Favoriting / Congo Life / Sterns

Golden Sounds Band: East Africa Favoriting / Swahili Rumba / Naxos / *

Konk: Konk Party Favoriting / Sound of Konk / Soul Jazz / *

Boban Markovic: Balkan Fest Favoriting / Boban I Marko / Piranha

Solomon and Socalled: Pelt Me With Rice Favoriting / Hiphop Khasene / Piranha

Ozomatli: Street Signs Favoriting / Street Signs / Concord / *
Forthcoming release

Roberto Rodriguez: Guahira Favoriting / El Danzon de Moises / Tzadik

Abdelli: Asiram Favoriting / Among Brothers / Real World / *

Yoel Ben-Simon: Yigdal Favoriting / Yoel Ben-Simon and Sultana Ensemble / Sultana / *

Jimmy Sturr: Top of the World Favoriting / Top of the World / Rounder
Vocals by Rhonda Vincent

Dusminguet: La Dansa De L'Imbecil Favoriting / Postrof / Virgin

Asha Bhosle: Ina Mina Dika Favoriting / Rough Guide to Asha Bhosle / World Music Network

Malouma: Welfi Favoriting / Dunya / Marabi

Michel Montanaro and Vents D'Est: Le Moye Favoriting / Ungaresca / Cimo & To

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