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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Sunday, May 9, 2004 Favoriting
Yoel Ben-Simhon

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Guest: Moroccan / Israeli composer / multi-instrumentalist / Jewish/Arabic music researcher Yoel Ben-Simhon, leader of the New York-based Sultana Ensemble.

Yoel introduces the group’s new cd and some of his other music as well as music that has influenced his work, and demonstrates a bit with his oud.

Yoel and Sultana Ensemble will appear at Summernights at the Jewish Museum on Thurs. June 24 and the Celebrate Brooklyn Unity Sessions concert at Prospect Park Bandshell on Thurs. July 1.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Yoel Ben-Simhon: Fantasia Favoriting / Yoel Ben-Simhon and Sultana Ensemble / Sultana / *

Yoel Ben-Simhon: Berber Blues Favoriting / Yoel Ben-Simhon and Sultana Ensemble / Sultana / *

Yoel Ben-Simhon: Yigdal Favoriting / Yoel Ben-Simhon and Sultana Ensemble / Sultana / *

Yoel Ben-Simhon: Qasidat Essaouira Favoriting / Yoel Ben-Simhon and Sultana Ensemble / Sultana / *

Yoel Ben-Simhon: Sultana Favoriting / Yoel Ben-Simhon and Sultana Ensemble / Sultana / *

Rabbi David Bouzaglo: El Barukh Gedol Dea Favoriting / Chants Hebreux de la Tradition des Juifs Marocains / FJMC

Riyad Al Sunbati: Taquaseem Oud Favoriting / Taquaseem Oud / Sidi

Simon Shaheen: Longa Farahfaza Favoriting / Turath Turath / CMP

Singers and congregation of the Ben Amara synagogue of Meknes: Petihah or Mawwal [Overture] in Moroccan Judeo-Arabic Favoriting / Various Artists: Sacred Music of the Moroccan Jews / Rounder

Callen Clarke: Malikatu Saba Favoriting / Verse / Hesed Studio

Sarah Aroeste: Hija Mia Favoriting / A La Una / Aroeste Music

Yoel Ben-Simhon: The Internationale Favoriting / A Job to Win
Documentary soundtrack

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