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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, May 26, 2007 Favoriting
Roberto Rodriguez

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The Cuban-born drummer / percussionist / bandleader Roberto Rodriguez drops by to share some of his music and his musical influences.  In particular he'll focus on the mix of Cuban and Jewish elements in his music.

Roberto Rodriguez played in his father's band as well as with the legendary

Israel "Cachao" Lopez during his formative years in Miami.  As a grownup he's

released a couple of beautiful ensemble cds of Cuban-Jewish music - not really

a genre but more his own imagined hybrid - on John Zorn's Tzadik label.  Two

recent collaborative projects have extended his Jewish music explorations:  Oy

Vey.... Ole!!! (Tzadik) with Irving Fields of Bagels and Bongos fame; and

Descarga Oriental - The New York Sessions (Piranha) with Maurice el Medioni,
the brilliant Judeo-Algerian pianist.


Rodriguez has also played with a range of folks including Marc Ribot's Cubanos

Postizos and his companion avant-percussionist Susie Ibarra as well as Joe



His next local gig is with his Quinteto Roberto Rodriguez at Joe's Pub, 425 Lafayette St. on Saturday, June 23 at 9:30pm. 

Roberto is also participating in Frank London's "Yiddish Music Carnival" at

Celebrate Brooklyn at the Prospect Park Bandshell, 9th Street and Prospect Park West in Park Slope, Sunday afternoon July 15 at 4pm.


Roberto Rodriguez home:


Roberto Rodriguez on Tzadik:


Roberto Rodriguez and Maurice el Medioni on Piranha:


Electric Kulintang project with Suzie Ibarra on myspace:

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Roberto Rodriguez: Wolfie's Corner Favoriting / Baila Gitano Baila / Tzadik

Roberto Rodriguez: Hadida Favoriting / Baila Gitano Baila / Tzadik

Roberto Rodriguez: The Shvitz Favoriting / El Danson de Moises / Tzadik

Roberto Rodriguez: El Danzon el Moises Favoriting / Oy Vey.... Ole!!! / Tzadik
With Irving Fields

Maurice el Medioni: Oran Oran Favoriting / Descarga Oriental - The New York Sessions / Piranha
With Roberto Rodriguez

Maurice el Medioni: Je N'Aime Que Toi Favoriting / Descarga Oriental - The New York Sessions / Piranha

Roberto Faz: Si los rumberos me llaman Favoriting / Sabrosona

Barbarito Diez: Flor de Yumuri Favoriting / El Rey del Danzon / Spartacus

Mongo Santamaria: Manila Favoriting / Our Man in Havana / Fantasy

Irving Fields: Mazeltov Merengue Favoriting / Bagels and Bongos / Reboot Stereophonic

Roberto Rodriguez: El Polaco Favoriting / Oy Vey.... Ole!!! / Tzadik
With Irving Fields

Roberto Rodriguez: Baila Gitano Baila Favoriting / Baila GItano Baila / Tzadik

Electric Kulintang: Golden Dream Favoriting / Dialects / Plastic

Electric Kulintang: Dialects 1 Favoriting / Dialects / Plastic

Krakauer and Socalled: Bubbemeises Favoriting / Bubbemeises / Label Bleu

Ojos de Brujo: Todo Tiende Favoriting / Techari / Six Degrees

Sussan Deyhim: Meykahneh Favoriting / Madman of God / Crammed Discs

Toumani DIabate: Boulevard De L'Independance Favoriting / Boulevard De L'Independance / World Circuit
With the Symmetric Orchestra

Andy Palacio: Miami Favoriting / Watina / Cumbancha
With the Garifuna Collective

Metropolitan Klezmer: C Minor Bulgar + Ken O'Hara Freylekhs Favoriting / Traveling Show / Rhythm Media / *

Dengue Fever: Both Sides Now Favoriting / Various Artists: City of Ghosts / Lakeshore
Motion Picture Soundtrack

Listener comments!

  9:04pm John L:

Hearing the Krakauer and Socalled: Bubbemeises whetted my appetite to hear Steinski, who'll be coming up on FMU soon.

That sacred music festival in Fez (ok, they probably call it Fes) sounds great. I look forward to hearing all about it and the music heard there!


John L
  9:09pm John L:

PLUS, your amazing collection of upcoming world music gigs around here (and elsewhere) deserves notice and applause from everyone.



John L
  9:58pm kathy z.:

hi Rob!

SO THRILLED to hear that you are going to Fes (Fez?!?) !!!!!!! and WOMAD too, woo hoo! like everyone else here, looking forward to hearing more about it all

blessings! love! light! peace!

-- kathy z.

p. s. -- WOW did NOT know about the Dengue Fever gig! THANKS SO MUCH for, well, letting us all know about this stuff!!!!!
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