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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, January 19, 2008 Favoriting
New Music, Mixed Bag

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This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Guignol: Bad Day at the UN Favoriting / Guignol / Third Story

Slavic Soul Party: Djelem, Djelem Favoriting / Teknochek Collision / Barbes
Vocals: Eva Primack

Romashka: Loli Phabay Favoriting / Romashka

Souren Baronian: Khorodig Favoriting / Hye Inspiration / Carlee

Yale Strom and Hot Pstromi: Svalava Kozatshok Favoriting / Borsht with Bread, Brothers / Arc Music / *

Electro Banda: Tractor Amarillo Favoriting / Con Exitos de Hoy 2 / Rodven

Baucom, Bibey & BlueRidge: Prayer Bells of Heaven Favoriting / Come Along With Me / Sugar Hill

Young Calypso: Idau Kara Favoriting / Various Artists: Idau Kara / Viking

Camilla Granlien Band: Dode Blomar Favoriting / Jarnnetter / Talik / *

Brian Dewan: Abalone Favoriting / Words of Widsom / Eschatone / *

Paulina Lerche: Jo Mie Viikon Favoriting / Malanja / Ruote

Garmarna: Sir Holger Favoriting / God's Musicians / Westpark

Kristi Stassinopoulou: Jaffa Favoriting / Taxidoscopio / Heaven and Earth

Karl Seglem: Digeldans Favoriting / Urbs / NORCD

Mariem Hassan: El Chouhada Favoriting / Deseos / Nubenegra

Izenzaren: Immi Hannna Favoriting / Sawt Noujoum Al Jadida

Kakande: Kakande Favoriting / Dununya / Jumbie Records / *

Mory Kante: Diananko Favoriting / Sabou / Riverboat

Rabasa: Tintol Favoriting / Pertu di Bo / Coast to Coast

Andy Palacio: Roots Favoriting / Keimoun / Stonetree Records

The Funmasters: Soe Soe Favoriting / Soe Soe / GE

Baku: Desde Cuba Hasta Afghanistan Favoriting / Various Artists: Rough Guide to Salsa Clandestina / World Music Network / *
compiled by Pablo Yglesias

George Guzman: Really Bad Scene Favoriting / In Line / Fania

Joe Bataan: Coco-E Favoriting / St. Latin's Day Massacre / Fania

Ocho: La Cosa Se Pone Fuerte Favoriting / Numero Tres / Universal Sound

Masters at Work: MAW Expensive - A Tribute to Fela Favoriting / Our Time Is Coming / Susu
Featuring Wumni

Godwin Ezike and the Ambassadors: Torri Wowo Favoriting / Various Artists: Nigeria Special / Soundway

Biodun: E To Ju Omo Yin Favoriting / Various Artists: Miliki Music / Mulatta / *

Afrologic: The Skin I'm In Favoriting / Various Artists: Miliki Music / Mulatta / *

Cercavins: A Vilafranca (des de Ponent) Favoriting / El Mon Sona / DiscMedi
Catalan folk rock band

Fermin Muguruza: In-Komunikazioa Favoriting / In-Komunikazioa / Metak

La Carrau: Virolet Zydeco Favoriting / Una Dotzena / Propaganda Pel Fet
Catalan world roots / rock band

Ragnhild Furholt: Grev Guncelin Favoriting / Lan Meg Vengjene / Talik / *

Shoghaken Ensemble: Priceless Love and Tamzara Favoriting / Shoghaken Ensemble / Traditional Crossroads / *

Sigurd Brokke: Rammeslatt 1 Favoriting / Rammeslatt / Etnisk Musikklubb / *

Listener comments!

  6:42pm slugluv1313:

this "Idau Kara" song for some reason reminds me of The Deighton Family -- ??!!??
  6:48pm Zach in Philly:

"Idau Kara" was a powerful track, yo! Now ya got me curious about the The Deighton Family ...
  7:16pm alan thomson:

Hello there Rob,I,m enjoying the mix of music,especially this segment from Paulina Lerche on,Great fat sound from Garmarna.
  7:28pm Willard Scotts Bassline:

  7:30pm Rob W:

Sorry, can't go there with you, I'm a socialist...
  7:40pm Willard Scotts Bassline:

great show.
  7:49pm Rob W:

Music - transcends politics! Corny but true...
  7:50pm slugluv1313:

i have read that Ron Paul would abolish the Department of Education -- ??!!??

do not know how valid that claim is, and while i am sure that the Dept. of Ed. is massively screwed up, there is sooooo much "aggressive stupidity" in this country (you know, the kind of "mentality" that makes huge hits out of songs that boast "I don't know the difference between Iran and Iraq") . . . the mere thought of doing away with ANYTHING educationally-oriented TOTALLY scares the Hell out of me!

by the way: DENNIS KUCINICH 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7:52pm slugluv1313:

yes, THANKFULLY true!!!!!

(about music-transcending-politics)
  8:14pm slugluv1313:

re: Deighton Family -- i found their CD that i have, "Rolling Home" (maybe i was recalling their version of "I can See Clearly Now"?)

anyway, here is a link:

  8:36pm lipwak:

Hi all,

Happy Mardi Gras (I'm watching it on the net.)

The Deighton family was popular on WFUV back in the 80s or 90s. Didn't hear the track, just came in now.


  8:37pm lipwak:

Hi Zach!
  8:57pm lipwak:

Jeez, I thought that La Carrau sounded a little cajun but thought to myself, no, that's just me imposing that on a genre that probably has nothing to do with it.
  8:57pm alan thomson:

check out the La Carrau: Virolet Zydeco video on youtube!
  9:00pm lipwak:

Thanks alan
  2:22pm 9jaa funkster:

Trailing all things post-Fela on-line, thats the mission!
Afrologic-The Skin I'm In.....Afrofunk for the Aquarian Age....Massive!!!
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