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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, January 10, 2009 Favoriting
Watcha Clan

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A visit with Watcha Clan, the multi-culti, multi-lingual band from Marseille in the south of France that reflects the diversity of its home city in its roots / electronica blends. They’ll do a couple of songs acoustic, chat and show-and-tell cd tracks particularly from their latest release Diaspora Hi-Fi (Piranha).

Watcha Clan is one of 12 bands that played Globalfest at Webster Hall, the annual world music winter festival Sunday night January 11.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Alta Kai: Oino, Oino Komuzym Favoriting

Tanya Tagaq: Quimirulapak Favoriting

Huun Huur Tu Feat Sainkho:

Watcha Clan: Tchiribim Favoriting / Diaspora Hi-Fi: A Mediterranean Caravan / Piranha

Watcha Clan: Balkan Qoulou (Live at WFMU) Favoriting

Watcha Clan: Goumari Favoriting / Diaspora Hi-Fi: A Mediterranean Caravan / Piranha

Watcha Clan: Spanish Civil War Tribute (live at WFMU) Favoriting

Watcha Clan: Call of Hagar Favoriting / Diaspora Hi-Fi: A Mediterranean Caravan / Piranha

Nahawa Doumbia: Yankaw Favoriting / Various Artists: Frikyiwa / Six Degrees

Rokia Traore: Tounka Favoriting / Tchamantche / Nonesuch / *

Horoya Band: Zoumana Favoriting

Novalima: Concheperla Favoriting / Coba Coba / Cumbancha / *

Estrella Morente: Bulerias - La Perla de Cadiz Favoriting / Mujeres / EMI

La Troba Kung-Fu: La Canco de Lladre Favoriting / Clavell Morenet / K-Industria

Calypso Rose: Rum and Coca Cola Favoriting / Various Artists: Rough Guide to Calypso Gold / World Music Network / *

Mbilia Bel: Nakei Nairobi Favoriting / Bel Canto: The Best of the Genidia Years / Syllart / *
New anthology

Manze Daylia: Change (The Barack Obama Song) Favoriting

Garifuna Musicians of Livingston, Guatemala: Vinu Niguirayali Favoriting / Ibimeni: Garifuna Traditional Music from Guatemala / Sub Rosa / *
"I'll Quit Liquor"

Los Recopilidores de Apante: Cumbia Cafetalera Favoriting / Various Artists: Musicians, Farmers & Poets / FairGrounds Recordings

Seprewa Kasa: Adowa (Otanfo) Favoriting / Seprewa Kasa / Riverboat

Pierre Akendengue: Poe Favoriting / Nandipo / Saravah

Asad Qizilbash: Raga Bihag Favoriting / Live in Peshawar / Sub Rosa / *

Zuco 103: Beija a Mim (Saudade) Favoriting / After the Carnaval / Six Degrees / *

MC Yogi: Elephant Power Favoriting / Elephant Power / White Swan / *

Markscheider Kunst: The Dance Favoriting / Various Artists: Russendisko (Reel tape) / Trikont

なんくるないさ~平和の願い~: Track 3 / Various Artists: Okinawa Champloo Paradise

Kasba: Salama Favoriting / ZigZag / SalhiSound

Listener comments!

  7:34pm Julian:

After more than 3 weeks without an internet connection, finally back online and get to hear TSP again! I missed you!

Happy New Year Rob! It's sounding pretty good so far....
  7:39pm Your DJ:

Hi Julian - I missed you too! Happy New Year...
  7:42pm Julian:

It was tough, not getting my weekly TSP fix, but moving house kept me fairly occupied.
  9:02pm alan t:

Hello there Rob,I`m enjoying the music,plan to hear the first hour of the webcast from Globalfest tomorrow night before sleep calls.Also came across David Garland`s radio archive on WNYC,Lots of interesting things there too.Enjoy yourself tomorrow night!
  10:26am Ken Hottmann:

Excellent show last night...!
  9:29am iconograf:

Really fresh and shinny !... a pleasure to hear them from Nantes FR ... life ...
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