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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, February 9, 2013 Favoriting
Gypsy, Pedicabs & Paris + Lunar New Year

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A musical look at the Romani people of France. With Brennan Stultz, director of the forthcoming documentary film Gypsy, Pedicabs & Paris and ethnomusicologist Josh Feintuch.

If you're interested in learning more about the project contact Brennan, brennan DOT stultz AT gmail DOT com

This Week's Playlist:

PK14: Track 8 Favoriting (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Hang On the Box: Koniqiwa Tokoy Favoriting / Various Artists: Rough Guide to China / World Music Network (0:04:34 Pop-up)

Sanullim: It Really Looks Like It Favoriting / The Complete Studio Recordings / Loen (0:06:48 Pop-up)

Hùng Cường & Mai Lệ Huyền: Hờn Anh Giận Em (Jealousy) Favoriting / Various Artists: Saigon Rock & Soul 1968-1974 / Sublime Frequencies (0:12:00 Pop-up)

Hanggai: Dorov Morlaril Favoriting / He Who Travels Far / Four Quarters (0:18:55 Pop-up)

Madame XD: She's in China Favoriting / Black Silk EP / It's Hot Man! (0:22:10 Pop-up)

Second Hand Rose: Picking a Flower Favoriting / Various Artists: Rough Guide to China / World Music Network (0:25:21 Pop-up)

Taraf de Haidouks: Balada Conducatorolui Favoriting / Various Artists: Latcho Drom / Mercator (0:49:23 Pop-up)

Rona Hartner: Disparaitra Favoriting / Various Artists: Gadjo Dilo Soundtrack / Princes Films (0:43:28 Pop-up)

Django Reinhardt: Django's Tiger Favoriting / Intégrale Django Reinhardt, Vol. 13: "Echoes of France" 1946-1947 / Fremeaux & Assoc. (1:00:04 Pop-up)

Dorado and Tchavolo Schmitt: Tchavolo Swing Favoriting / Various Artists: Latcho Drom / Mercator (1:01:53 Pop-up)

Balval: Na Kamav Favoriting / Le Ciel Tout Nu / Whaling City Sound (1:12:52 Pop-up)

Erik Marchand et le Taraf de Caransebes: Pardon Klegereg Favoriting / Dor / BMG (1:15:57 Pop-up)
Breton singer with Romanian Romani (Gypsy) Band

Les Yeux Noirs: Tchaye Favoriting / Balamouk / World Village (1:27:23 Pop-up)

Watcha Clan: Gypsy Dust Favoriting / Radio Babel / Piranha (1:30:31 Pop-up)

Romano Drom: Ando Foro (In the City) Favoriting / Ando Foro / D'aqui (1:43:40 Pop-up)

Gipsy Kings: La Vida de Gipsy Favoriting / Pasajero / Nonesuch (1:44:19 Pop-up)

Beltuner: Tikni Chaj Favoriting / Bonus Disc with Rough Guide to Paris Cafe / World Music Network (1:49:31 Pop-up)

Stephane Wrembel: Barbes-Brooklyn Favoriting / Barbes-Brooklyn / Stephane Wrembel (1:51:14 Pop-up)

Romane: Legende Favoriting / Samois-Sur-Seine / Iris Music (1:53:43 Pop-up)
Featuring Angelo Debarre

Caravan Palace: Jolie Coquine Favoriting / Caravan Palace / Wrasse (1:57:10 Pop-up)

La Caravane Electro: Fanfarelectro Favoriting / Tziganotronic / Compagnie du Tire-Laine (2:00:52 Pop-up)

Babylon Circus: La Caravane Favoriting / Dances of Resistance / Sony (2:06:06 Pop-up)

DJ ClicK: Tzifest Favoriting / Flavor / No Fridge (2:15:05 Pop-up)

Vent D'est: Agamemnon Favoriting / Ballade Pour Une Mer Qui Chante Volume 3 / Orkhêstra (2:19:13 Pop-up)
Michel Montanaro, Vujicsics & Ghymes with vocalist Nena Venetsanou

Violons Barbares: Makedonsko Favoriting / Violons Barbares / Association Violons Barbares (2:23:11 Pop-up)

Hsu-nami: Passport to Taiwan Favoriting / The Four Noble Truths / Hsunami (2:27:23 Pop-up)

Sonagi Project: Baedari Puri Favoriting / Barame Soop (Forest, Wind and Rain) / Dada Media (2:36:47 Pop-up)

Bang Chan: Những Đóm Mắt Hoả Châu (Fireballs) Favoriting / Various Artists: Saigon Rock & Soul 1968-1974 / Sublime Frequencies (2:44:48 Pop-up)

Shanren: Study Favoriting / Shan Ren Band / Zhong Guo Yin Le Jia Yin Xiang Chu Ban She (2:47:25 Pop-up)
From World Music Network:
A rocking crossover track 'Study' is a satire of the education system in China especially dealing with it's oppressive linguistic impact upon Yunnan's ethnic tribal lifestyle.
Shanren, meaning "Mountain People' are one of the first Chinese bands to expose the richness of China's backwater ethnic minority musical culture and are active in promoting awareness of these rapidly disappearing traditions.

Yungchen Lhamo: Om Mani Padme Hung Favoriting / Ama / Real World (2:56:22 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm Rob Weisberg:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm Rob Weisberg:

We're opening with a Lunar New Year rock set, then our guests will join us and we'll shift gears.
  6:19pm Mitten John:

So Rob, who would you say is the Lunar New Year equivalent of Guy Lombardo?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm Terre T:

Hey Rob! Thanx so much for the Chinese/Lunar New Year set! Year of The Snake--should be calmer than the crazy chaotic Dragon year of last year!
Avatar 6:23pm Richard from Venezuela:

Loving this set so far. Great music.
  6:26pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

- Gung Hay Fat Choy everyone - !

...My understanding is Chinese New Year begins (precisely) @ sunset after the New Moon in Aquarius - which will be tomorrow (Sunday).
- It is celebrated from New Moon to Full Moon - two weeks - & is *kinda* like all our Holidays rolled into one...
- It will be The Year of the Water Snake.
- The snake is sleek & wise: A good year to consider Fashion & Philosophy - ??
- The Water Element corresponds to not only Feelings & Intuition as it does in the West, but also to Nervous Energy & Verbal Communication - like Mercury in Western conception.
  6:30pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...In the Chinese Calendar you have two years in a row of the same Element, the first one Yang (or Active) & the second one Yin (or Receptive).
- It was Water Dragon - Yang - & now Water Snake - Snake is Yin.
- Maybe more Chill than Dramatic Dragon, yeah
- but still Emotional & Nervous Energy of Water
- & the Snake could mean Intigues...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm Rob Weisberg:

Thanks RevolutionRabbitNov63 for all the info, and everyone for tuning in and checking in!
  6:33pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...'Intrigues' w/ an 'R', that is...

- Given 12 Animals, & 5 Elements (compared to 4 in the West)
- that's a 60-Year Cycle ( the Stones album...)
- so last Water Snake was 1953.
  6:38pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

Thanx for observing Lunar New Year
- & great Program.
...Isn't *all* Music in fact 'World' Music - ?!? : ) ...
  7:03pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...Put it this way: John Lennon was a Dragon, & Dylan's a Snake...

...Romani vocals sounded a little like Voix Bulgare as influenced Sky Cries Mary & Dead Can Dance for example - & drums kinda like Indian tabla - ???
...Too bad Hendrix isn't here to check this Band of Gypsies - !
(...& if it's considered gauche for me to mention the Stones here - they did record 'Pipes of Pan'!...)
- Django was so great - so Lyrical a Jazz Player - & w/ only two fingers effectively on his fingering hand - ! Wow - !
- No less than Duke Ellington said he was the first European to have something relelvant to say in Jazz (if I paraphrase @ all well)...
  7:18pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...& the Le Ciel Tout Nu track sounds straight-up Middle Eastern (as my points of reference go)
  7:21pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...I'm thinking lovely choice of representative trax...
  7:27pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...I have heard that Middle Eastern people are considered in France as Mexicans are considered in America (received information)...
- WWII followed the Depression: Take the money out - & people retreat into Nationalism. Look @ Golden Dawn in Greece. Frightening.
...& they're protesting against Gay Marriage in France. France - !!!
- It's interesting to Compare & Contrast the situations (Economy, Politix, Immigration) in the USA & Europe...
  7:58pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

'Nationalism is a Disease
- it is the smallpox of the Human Race.'
- Einstein
  8:04pm Esteban:

How exactly are "mexicans considered in America"?
  8:04pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:


'Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.'
  8:07pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

- *all too often*, w/ undue Prejudice
- & singled out as minority Scapegoats for political advantage
- esp. in economicallly challenging times.
  8:13pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...Times are Hard
- so I blame the Jews
- the Mexicans
- the Romani...
- Elect Me & I'll come up w/ some Final Solution (a Giant Wall, maybe...) & get rid of them & all our problems will be magically solved...
  8:25pm Barba:

WTF? lady singing in Greek sounds like Anna from my old group.
  8:25pm Barba Yiorgi:

Something about Agamemnon... who will be the victor...
  8:27pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...Never mind that they often actually personify our Mythical 'American Values' of Piety, Family & Puritanical Hard Work & Industry
- never mind that migrant workers, for example (yes, Sir - respectfully - they are only one group) , actually pay taxes to the exchequor every time they buy anything in the USA - whether they are documented & have Rights as Citizens or not...
- never mind that migrant workers are essential to the Economy of the USA...
- Never mind that Native Americans & Spanish immigrants were here *before* Anglos
... &tc. ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:28pm Rob Weisberg:

@ Barba - I don't have my special glasses to help me read the singers' name right now - all I know is that the cd featured members of Hungarian groups Vujicsics & Ghymes - I think...
  8:29pm Barba Yiorgi:

it's Nena Venetsanou. I'll look into it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm Rob Weisberg:

Thanks Barba Yiorgi! The cd is one of various international collaborative projects that have been orchestrated by the rather idiosyncratic south-of-France musician Michel Montanaro.
Avatar 8:32pm Sigurdur:

A big shout out from Iceland, 5 fellows saying hi
  8:32pm Barba Yiorgi:

OK she was the guest vocalist on this cut, Greek lyrics, don't know who wrote it. She's apparently a Greek singer in the Entechna (art-song-
semi-cassical) genre.
  8:36pm Barba Yiorgi:

NEna is very similar style as better-known Greek singer Maria Farantouri. Both known as interpreters of Mikis Theodorakis. More info you don't ned
Avatar 8:40pm Sigurdur:

Well lets go with the waves
  8:46pm Barba Yiorgi:

TONIGHT- at Jay Street Bar, 69 Jay ST,Dumbo - Que Vlo-ve? Rembetika music with Quince MArcum and Wade Ripka. Good stuff.
  8:47pm Barba Yiorgi:

That's at 10. Quince sings, backed by 2 guitars. Real Rembetika, no half-steppin.
  8:56pm RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...This is both an Entertaining & Educational experience here - !
- I appreciate being schooled - !
- Thanx everybody.
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