Frank O'Toole's playlist
May 6, 2013 ![]()
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6:04am : Hey fxo! 1st up![]()
6:05am : great day in the morning (or maybe the afternoon?).6:06am : checking in from Beijing...![]()
6:09am : it's in the lunchtime![]()
6:09am : MK: glad you're up!
berlusconi's nose: from Beijing? Wowee!6:10am : It's 6pm![]()
♥ 6:14am :
Morning, Frank, MK, FVH and Mr. Nose. UTC-4 here on the shore of the Bay of Fundy.![]()
6:15am : fred von: take human bites.
berlusconi: 6 PM yesterday? or today?![]()
6:16am : Sem: where's the Bay of Fundy?![]()
6:20am : Morning Frank and all enjoy the bank Holiday![]()
6:21am : Jay: another "bank" holiday? Didn't we have one last week, as well?![]()
6:26am : no not here this is the early may bank holiday we had Easter on the first of April .. sure you have not been useing your time machine again Frank6:26am : 6pm today. We are 12 hrs ahead. Has been a hot day. Enjoying your show.6:29am : The Bay of Fundy is famous for it's fifty foot tides. 50 feet!![]()
6:29am : Jay: been there! We call it a "wayback" machine.
berl: it's a bit chilly here in Jersey City. and overcast. Damn this global warming!![]()
6:35am : there is a site called the wayback machine, frank have you heard of it ?![]()
6:38am : Jay:based on "Rocky & Bullwinkle"?
Jack: morning. Fifty friggin' foot tides?![]()
6:40am : No frank this site![]()
6:43am : Jay: I sit corrected. Not Sherman & Mr. Peabody.![]()
6:48am : you have lost me now frank have not heard of them .. please enlighten me![]()
6:50am : Cartoons, via Jay Ward Productions. From the 60's TV.![]()
6:52am : thanks frank will do a web search6:55am : Jay Ward productions: Crusader Rabbitt, Dudley Do-Right, The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, George of the Jungle, Super Chicken, Tom Slick, Hoppity Hooper...
all great cartoon shows (with adult humor)![]()
6:56am : guess we never got them over here6:58am : You don't remember Rocky & Bullwinkle, Jay? Where you bin?? :)![]()
6:59am : boris: "moose and squirrel are on my shitlist"![]()
♥ 6:59am :
@FXO: Bay of Fundy is part of the Gulf of Maine and that is part of the North Atlantic. 600 sea miles from Jersey City, in Nova Scotia. World's highest tides: 29 feet change where I am, 50 feet at the head of the Bay.7:00am : I used to watch it after school :D Dudley Do-Right sounds familiar..!?7:02am : "Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat...
oops! Wrong hat!"
( some of these shows have been made into movies. )![]()
7:04am : FWIW: the intro is by Ian McShane.
Jay: you've been served. The DVDs are also available.
Great references, gang.![]()
7:08am : guess they just pasted me by kitty they look fun !![]()
7:11am : an OK movie about Rocky & Bullwinkle. Robert DeNiro, as "Fearless Leader".7:12am : I always liked the name "Fearless Leader". Also, "Snidely Whiplash" - great name for a villian.![]()
♥ 7:18am :
...talkin' about maybe 80°F here in Hew Hampshire...we used to be a four seasons kinda place...![]()
♥ 7:21am :
*N*ew Hampshire ...hewing away @ my spelling braincells...![]()
7:24am : RevRabbit: I thought you were thinkin' about a new state. Welcome to Sen. Ayotte.![]()
♥ 7:26am :
...Ayotte...did I say New Hampshire? I meant I'm in Hew Hampshire...![]()
♥ 7:28am :
...Wayback Machine gets us up to speed - ? - on Democracy in Iraq:![]()
7:30am : RevRab: you're on the money.![]()
♥ 7:31am : New Hampshire.... Live, Freeze, and Die.![]()
♥ 7:32am :
That Mr. Peabody cartoon is brilliant.![]()
♥ 7:35am :
...& in between - Schoolhouse Rock ! :![]()
7:37am : Duke: listen to the rabbit.
Mailman Tom: is this on the license plate?![]()
♥ 7:42am : Yes, on the plate, you can read it plain as day.![]()
♥ 7:42am :
...George Carlin: I dunno about a state where they put Death right on the licence plate. Then there's Idaho: 'Famous Potatos'! I figure the truth lies somewhere inbetween - prob. closer to 'Famous Potatos'...![]()
♥ 7:44am :
Nova Scotia has a joke thing on its license plates: "Canada's Ocean Playground." Only for penguins and fish: the ocean is 55 degrees F at its summer best.![]()
7:46am : I read a book, once, called "Famous Potatoes" a while back.
Sem: more proof of global warming?![]()
♥ 7:46am : Then there's the North Carolina and Ohio plates, one says Birthplace of Aviation, the other, First in Flight. Somebody's lying.![]()
♥ 7:48am :
...N.Carolina to Ohio was a very succesful 1st flight...but did they have a license?...![]()
7:48am : Lying in state?![]()
♥ 7:50am :
- heard some audio of Etta James talking @ a show: not impressed w/ Beyonce singing her song for Obama, apparently...![]()
♥ 7:52am :
...seriously Jay when are the Brits gonna get some decent TV
...lame Yank attempt @ Irony...7:55am : Most of the shows here on US TV now have been "borrowed" or at least "based on" British shows. We steal the good ideas, then dumb them down and make them stupid.![]()
7:55am : hey hey we got great tv and the tv you have seems to brit actors in them![]()
♥ 7:57am :
...BBC4Extra is high in my WinAmp Bookmarks for listening for SciFi & Comedy...![]()
♥ 7:58am : thing you now - England will be importing Blues Guitarists to the U.S.! Ha!![]()
♥ 8:00am :
@FXO 7:46: feels like it here more and more.![]()
8:00am : lotsa Brits, Aussies, and Canadians, all playing Americans.
Jay: one of my all time favorite .shows is by "The Mighty Boosh".
Jack: I beg to differ. "The Office" worked well with different casts.![]()
8:00am : @ revolution one of my favs stations
for that8:03am : @Frank - true, there have been a couple of exceptions. We also steal game show formats from Japan.![]()
♥ 8:04am :
...reportedly gonna be another U.S. atttempt @ Godzilla (2014?) - but perhaps more classic Japanese style. Don't mess w/ my big G!8:05am : Curious what years "Pigmy", and the Stones- "Cant you here me knocking" were recorded.![]()
♥ 8:06am :
- yeah - that was Stones w/ Mick Taylor outta John Mayall...![]()
8:06am : Without Godzilla, the battle of Nature against its exploiters loses its best mascot.![]()
♥ 8:07am :
Ron Wood said Clapton told him he coulda had that job - Ron said, 'You'd have to get along w/ 'em!'...8:08am : Gojira! Still the best version.![]()
♥ 8:10am :
Blue Oyster Cult was my favorite version of Godzilla![]()
♥ 8:10am :
First Godzilla ('54) was almost a Noir
- American version featuring Raymond Burr as reporter ( spell things out & help us understand over here...) named - wait for it! - Steve Martin...8:11am : I've been doing that Leon Thomas yodelling thing since you played him last week. Driving the wife crazy.![]()
8:12am : I'm overwhelmed by the comments. Keep 'em comin'.![]()
8:13am : Most of those were in the yardbirds first Revolution![]()
♥ 8:13am :
...Kurt Elling is...white - ?!?...8:14am : @RRN63 - the first/original "Gojira" (without Perry Mason) is a great movie, very noir, anti-nuclear message. I love the music soundtrack.![]()
♥ 8:14am : Haven't heard this Leon Thomas track, great stuff!![]()
8:15am : Oh no! THERE GOES TOKYO!![]()
8:15am : Greetings FxO and all! gorgeous rainy morning here in Cincinnati.![]()
♥ 8:15am :
...In the Dictionary under 'Kewl'
- one numbered defintion is definitely: 'Yardbirds'.![]()
♥ 8:16am : @Jack - my wife has a strong aversion to the Leon Thomas yodel as well!![]()
8:19am : I wouldn't want Leon Thomas called "Yodeling".![]()
8:21am : morning Ms. Pi. don't want you to get your feet wet.![]()
♥ 8:26am :
...say, rather?, one effect Mr. Thomas employs is a sortof yodel...![]()
8:26am : SF HELLZ YEAH!!![]()
8:27am : I could have worn more sensible shoes today truth be told but I'm so ready to say goodbye to the bondage of winter footwear!!![]()
8:28am : "sort of yodel"? He's an original jazz singer. But not to quibble.![]()
♥ 8:29am :
- yes, more Pretty Things...
- did C.Pi say something about bondage footwear?
...gotta take morning shower now...![]()
♥ 8:30am :
Leon sang with Count Basie, Pharoh Sanders, and Santana. He got around.![]()
♥ 8:31am :
...a sortof yodel *but one effect* employed...I think we all like him.8:31am : He's got an amazing voice, would you have preferred "the undulating vocal stylings of Leon Thomas" ?![]()
♥ 8:32am :
neat-o trax Frank!8:35am : Viva 1967!!!![]()
8:35am : Gong, great band - who are they? Never heard this before. Great.![]()
♥ 8:36am :
...Chris Cornell does a thing where he sortof karate chops his throat while changing notes - kindof a Live autotune effect's like saying a Rock Guitarist uses a Country twang on a note or two - just part of the ordinary vocabulary or technique of playing...![]()
♥ 8:37am :
Hullo Alan Watts!8:38am : Gee, I miss the Alan Watts show on FMU, it was a nice change of pace from music, and Watts is quite a character.8:38am : WFMU used to have an Alan Watts hour.. perhaps again sometime?![]()
♥ 8:40am :
Is the Watts Archived?
- There is a Watts Site I've seen...KPFK plays him & his kind - or has - but I don't know when...![]()
♥ 8:41am :
@3d-nyc: I have an Alan Watts hour whenever I like, there must be days of recorded material on YouHooTube.![]()
8:41am : 3d-nyc: it's always time for Alan Watts, somewhere.8:41am : Now with the ARCHIVE ability, he need not be played during peak hours,
yet still acessable..![]()
♥ 8:42am :
- 'Psychedelic Salon' might interest you lot :![]()
8:46am : good god, y'all!8:46am : Watts had gems of stuff...scattered amongest the "non-gem"stuff :),
and agreed, a good break...![]()
♥ 8:48am :
...still listening but gotta get goin'
- Thx Frank for making Mon.A.M. so much more worth it - !
- & Thx for the company y'all...![]()
8:51am : man, I have a lot of stuff to own for. Before I leave, thanks for the comments, I'm blown away. I'll be back next week. Enjoy the upcoming archive.8:51am : just realized, this track sounds alot like a LedZep3 or 4?![]()
♥ 8:53am :
Never a lack of surprises and interesting talk here, FXO. Thanks for the show and catch you again next week!![]()
8:53am : I'd cop to Zep 3. But I'm enjoying the Floyd.![]()
8:53am : woke up in time to hear the pretty things! fxo, great playlist!8:54am : The Kop!![]()
♥ 8:54am :
I'm late, what did I miss?8:55am : have a good week!![]()
8:55am : thanks frank and all great get up show![]()
♥ 8:56am :
Great show Frank9:00am : Great show indeed!
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