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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, June 1, 2013 Favoriting
Dmitri Zisl Slepovitch of Litvakus

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Dmitri Zisl Slepovitch (clarinet) with Sam Weisenberg and Craig Judelman in Greenville, South Carolina
©2012 Brenda Ernst, of Love & Cake Wedding Photography

Dmitri Slepovitch is an ethnomusicologist, author, educator, composer and musician - leader of the klezmer bands Litvakus and Minsker Kapelye. If anyone knows about Litvak musical traditions - klezmer and Yiddish music from Lithuania and Belarus and the vicinity - it's Dmitri. In fact he wrote the book on it - Traditional Jewish Music in Eastern Europe. The book is in Russian though... So, we've invited Dmitri to FMU tonight to translate the story into English, illustrating with lots of recorded examples from his extensive collection.

Litvakus has three gigs coming up this summer:

Tuesday June 11th at The Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, 30 West 68th St., Manhattan (part of their ongoing klezmer concert series)

Friday June 14th at Temple B'Nai Abraham, 300 East Northfield Road Livingston, NJ

Tuesday July 2nd at the The Way Station, 683 Washington Ave., Prospect Heights, Brooklyn

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Matuto: Matuto Chant Favoriting / The Devil and the Diamond / Motema Music / * (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Beausoleil: Two-Step de Port Arthur Favoriting / From Bamako to Carencro / Compass / * (0:04:19 Pop-up)

Camper Van Beethoven: La Costa Perdida Favoriting / La Costa Perdida / 429 Records / * (0:07:09 Pop-up)

Calexico: Corona Favoriting / Convict Pool / Quarter Stick (0:12:10 Pop-up)

Los Mascarones: Corrido del Braceo Favoriting / Various Artists: Rolas de Aztlan: Songs of the Chicano Movement / Smithsonian Folkways (0:14:30 Pop-up)
I failed to mention the important point that this track is from a collection of songs from the Chicano protest movement.

Parno Graszt: Muro Kiki Favoriting / Reggelig Mulatok, Don't Stop Till The Break of Dawn / Fono (0:17:28 Pop-up)

Janusz Prusinowski Trio: Wiwat Halina Favoriting / Serce (Heart) / Sluchaj Uchem (0:25:42 Pop-up)

Litvakus: Dobranotch and Karahods Favoriting / Litvakus EP / Litvakus (0:39:58 Pop-up)

Simcha Jewish Music Theater: Oy Mama Schlag Favoriting / Private Recording / No Label (0:53:47 Pop-up)

Simcha Jewish Music Theater: Esquisses Hebraiques Favoriting / Private Recording (Live Concert) / No Label (1:06:20 Pop-up)

Belarus Musicians: Kazak Zhydorachka Favoriting / Field Recxording / No Label (1:16:17 Pop-up)

Hoda and Bella: Folk Song Favoriting / Field Recording / No Label (1:22:05 Pop-up)

Minsker Kapelye: Khupe Marsch Favoriting / A Fayerl Far Dem Hartsn (A Sparkle for the Heart) / Minsker Kapelye (1:24:00 Pop-up)
A klezmer take on the Verdi's Aida march

Minsker Kapelye: Polka Suite (excerpt) Favoriting / The Locals / Di Ortike / Tutejsi / College of Eastern Europe (1:27:28 Pop-up)
This cd is accompanied by a 46 page book designed and created by Ivan 'Muertos' Dribas, a talented computer and video game artist. "The Locals" is the result of more than a decade of research undertaken by Dmitri Slepovitch and Nina Stepanskaya, In fact, this is the first ever album based specifically on the musical tradition of the Litvaks.

Adam Orinsky: Hustki Favoriting / Private Recording / No Label (1:37:48 Pop-up)

Minsker Kapelye: Viglid Favoriting / Various Artists: Kalyhanki (Lullabies) / Unicef (1:43:02 Pop-up)

Litvakus: Drinking Song Favoriting / Litvakus EP / Litvakus (1:53:58 Pop-up)

Litvakus: Khaterma Favoriting / Litvakus EP / Litvakus (2:01:02 Pop-up)

King Ayisoba: I Want To See You My Father Favoriting / Modern Ghanaians / Makkum / * (2:08:17 Pop-up)

King Ayisoba: Don't do the Bad Thing Favoriting / Modern Ghanaians / Makkum / * (2:12:00 Pop-up)

Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou: Adjro Mi Favoriting / Volume 3: The Skeletal Essences of Voodoo Funk / Analog Africa / * (2:16:24 Pop-up)
New anthology

Antoine Dougbé: Honton Soukpo Gnon Favoriting / Legends of Benin: Afro-funk, Gavacha, Agbadja, Afro-beat / Analog Africa (2:23:13 Pop-up)

Bebe Manga: Ami O Favoriting / Various Artists: Afrique 50 ans de musique, 50 ans d'indépendances : 1960-2010 / RFI, Syllart Productions and Discograph (2:30:57 Pop-up)

Hector Lavoe: Che Che Colé Favoriting / Anthology / Fania / * (2:35:56 Pop-up)
New Anthology

Lukas Ligeti: Balafon Dance System Favoriting / Afrikan Machinery / Tzadik (2:43:07 Pop-up)

Kenny Endo and Kaoru Watanabe: Chakuto Tobisari Favoriting / Convergence / Kenny Endo and Kaoru Watanabe (2:53:36 Pop-up)

A Tribe Called Red: Red Skin Girl (Northern Cree Remix) Favoriting / A Tribe Called Red / Masalacism Records (2:54:54 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:06pm Bas NL:

Hi Rob! He, he.. finally.. an evening of listening 'live' to TSP again! ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm Rob Weisberg:

Hi Bas, nice to have you live and in person! Good evening everyone (or good morning to those of you across the international time zone!)
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:25pm Bas NL:

It was a great track by Los Mascarones!
Avatar 🌍 6:30pm slugluv1313:

hi Rob! and Bas NL too -- i have not been able to listen for awhile myself :(
happy to be listening LIVE!!!!!!
and happy to hear about all the upcoming HUNGARIAN stuff!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Listening & grateful for another TpSP Sat. Eve!
...For the moment though - in water trying to stay cool, & away from a keyboard...
- One last belated five-oh B-Day to you Rob; interesting to learn you are a 1963 Chinese Year of the Hare native like myself!...
Avatar 🌍 6:42pm slugluv1313:

omg! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!! and BEWARE of those AARP envelopes; i got mine literally six days after i turned 50!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm davex:

Good evening/morning from me Rob and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- pretty incredible interview!
  7:40pm Anita:

@TranpacificParadise Hello from Poland :)it's great to hear that Polish cultural heritage gets such wonderful coverage on WFMU.
  7:45pm Anita:

come to Cracow (Poland) for Jewish cultural festival in June
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47pm davex:

Anita: Thanks that looks very interesting. If I had time then, I would definitely consider it. Greetings to you from Leipzig...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- on the subject of the great Paul Robeson; a digression, but since he & his politics were mentioned :–%C2%A0the-death-of-paul-robeson/
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:02pm Bas NL:

Thanks Dmitri! Very interesting background information and great songs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- historian, musicologist, performer - whew!
- informative & enriching.

...I'm back here in small-town North New England (New Hampshire) where I'm from
- & I'm not sure it's always generally acknowledged how many Poles & other ethnicities settled up here w/ the French & English & such! (If you go to some cemeteries, there is the evidence.)
...I know that growing up here - I would sometimes hear Polka - somewhere! - must have been a local radio station!
- & when & where does one hear Polka *now* - ?!? Perhaps it is different in NYC...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm davex:

La Haute-Volta, that dates it.
Avatar 8:28pm Sigurdur:

dang Rev
Avatar 🌍 8:39pm slugluv1313:

hi Rev Rabbit! i grew up listening to "The Hungarian Hour" and then "Happy Bernie's Polka Party" on Sunday afternoons (i think) on WCTC in central New Jersey :)
i recently discovered Polka music on Sunday afternoons on WSOU, 89.5 FM from Seton Hall University -- usually a metal head station! you should be able to tune in here:
Avatar 🌍 8:39pm slugluv1313:

HECTOR LAVOE!!!!!! *love*
Avatar 8:44pm Sigurdur:

kick it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47pm davex:

Sigurdur: Are you located in Iceland?
Avatar 8:48pm Sigurdur:

yes dave
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm davex:

Then you live in a very beautiful place, Sigurdur!
Avatar 8:51pm Sigurdur:

I belive i do yes
Avatar 8:53pm Sigurdur:

where do you live dave
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm davex:

I'm in Eastern Germany. I spent a few days in Iceland - years ago. We've wanted to go back ever since.
Avatar 8:55pm Sigurdur:

prost brother, prost
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm davex:

Skál! Takk feryr!
Avatar 8:59pm Sigurdur:

hehe þer að goðu
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm Rob Weisberg:

Thanks everyone and have a lovely evening!
  9:00pm Steve-O:

Hey Rob. Great show tonight.

Enjoy the rest of the first day of summer, everybody! =)
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm Bas NL:

Thanks Rob! Great three hours!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00pm davex:

Thanks to you Rob --Great interview and show!
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