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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, June 22, 2013 Favoriting
Invasion of the Italian Roots Bands: Taluna + Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino

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Two compelling acoustic bands from Italy, north and south:

Turin's Taluna explore styles from around Italy, the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. The band has been barnstorming around North America and Mexico; it will return to Mexico later this year to record its next album. After that the band is planning to return to the US and to New York for a big cd release bash at Drom during the fall 2014 NY Gypsy Festival.

Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (CGS) from Salento, "the heel of the boot" of southeast Italy, keeps the focus on its own roots: The cathartic pizzica tarantata - the (literally) trance-inducing tarantella style from the band's home region. CGS is also on tour now: We'll hear the enervating outfit recorded live in concert earlier this year at Pace University's Schimmel Center - a taste of what to expect when CGS returns to New York to rock Joe's Pub on Thursday June 27th. (We heard the first part of the Pace concert tonight; the remainder will be broadcast at a later date.)

Massive thanks to Pace Schimmel Center engineer and radio-remixer extraordinaire Don Wood and to our illustrious WFMU studio engineers Gil Shuster and Glenn Luttman!

Special thanks also to John Seroff of Greenhouse, and Isabel Soffer of LiveSounds. Live Sounds produced the CGS concert at Pace and presents many great world musicky events in New York.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

A Tribe Called Red: Different Heroes Favoriting / Nation II Nation (0:00:00 Pop-up)
Playing free, outdoors, 220 Vesey St Battery Park City (World Financial Center) July 30 @ 5:30 pm

Bíró Eszter Quintet: Eneke Eneke Favoriting / Mikor lesz az már? (0:08:01 Pop-up)

Parno Graszt: Khele le cinisej - Tancol a ciganylany Favoriting / Ravagok a Zongorara - Hit the Piano (0:14:59 Pop-up)
Playing w/ Eszter Biro @ Drom, 85 Ave A on Sun June 30: also w/ Eszter and other Hungarian artists @ Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washngton DC this week.

Ghalia Benali and Timnaa: Tiflatan Arabiyatan Favoriting / Wild Harissa / Network Records (0:17:51 Pop-up)

Appalatin: La Linea Favoriting / Waterside / Poco a Poco / * (0:22:23 Pop-up)
From Louisville KY

Pierre Akendengué: Deux Mocrates Favoriting / Destinee / Lusafrica / * (0:27:29 Pop-up)

Jaojoby: Indosiko Anao Favoriting / Various Artists: Afrique 50 ans de musique, 50 ans d'indépendances : 1960-2010 / RFI, Syllart Productions and Discograph (0:33:52 Pop-up)

Mbida Douglas: Mbembe Edin Favoriting / Mot Mfob (0:37:18 Pop-up)

Abubacar Sani: Arafin So Favoriting / Harafin So: Bollywood Inspired Film Music from Hausa, Nigeria / * (0:42:57 Pop-up)

Khaira Arby: La Liberte Favoriting / Various Artists: Festival au Desert 2012 / Clermont / * (0:48:53 Pop-up)

Taghlamt: Koudede Favoriting / Various Artists: Festival au Desert 2012 / Clermont / * (0:53:28 Pop-up)

Eletfa: A Passage From Szek Favoriting / Amerika Fele / Jumbie (1:02:40 Pop-up)

Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia, Ukraine: Arkan, Men's Dance Favoriting / Winter Songs and Music from the Carpathians / Brama / * (1:09:04 Pop-up)

Zedashe: Lalo Favoriting / Intangible Pearls [Ancient Polyphony from The Republic of Georgia] / Multiflora/Electric Cowbell / * (1:13:53 Pop-up)

Taluna: / Live on WFMU (1:16:52 Pop-up)

Talnua: New Song about Big Waves Favoriting / Live on WFMU (1:27:10 Pop-up)

Taluna: Song from Puglia (in 11/8) Favoriting / Live on WFMU (1:35:37 Pop-up)

Taluna: New Song Favoriting / Live on WFMU (1:40:35 Pop-up)

Taluna: Agarthi Favoriting / Live on WFMU (1:51:05 Pop-up)

Taluna: Black Sheep Favoriting / Live on WFMU (1:58:48 Pop-up)

Taluna: Exper Favoriting / Live on WFMU (2:07:09 Pop-up)

Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino: Pizzica Indiavolata Favoriting / Live at Pace Schimmel Center (2:20:07 Pop-up)

Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino: Cogi La Rosa Favoriting / Live at Pace Schimmel Center (2:27:23 Pop-up)

Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino: Domenica Matina Favoriting / Live at Pace Schimmel Center (2:34:25 Pop-up)

Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino: Itala Favoriting / Live at Pace Schimmel Center (2:38:54 Pop-up)

Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino: Sta Strada Favoriting / Live at Pace Schimmel Center (2:44:55 Pop-up)

Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino: Rirollalla Favoriting / Live at Pace Schimmel Center (2:48:18 Pop-up)

Pedro Cortes: Reyna Favoriting / Los Viejos Estandartes / * (2:51:45 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar 6:08pm doca:

hello rob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...starting w/ a ☆ for TribeCalledRed this week
...Italian flavors will go nicely w/ making pasta this evening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm davex:

Hi Rob and everyone - nice start to the show...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Taluna's fusion is delightful! I thank them for sharing their music.
  7:49pm axlotl:

Thanks for Taluna.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Taluna in Space :
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm Rob Weisberg:

Thanks Axlotl, they're really excellent musicians. Thanks everyone for listening... and thanks RR for the Tulana in Space link!
  8:01pm M. Cristina:

Bravi Taluna!!!
Avatar 8:30pm Dan:

Avatar 8:31pm Dan:

What luck! I just got bitten by a tarantula!
Avatar 8:33pm Dan:

Hey, play that last one again plz! Pizzica Indiavolata
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33pm Rob Weisberg:

Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino, and WFMU, at your service Dan!
Avatar 8:33pm Dan:

  8:35pm Sheffbirder T, Brooklyn:

This band is great. Hope we can make the show on Thursday
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm Rob Weisberg:

Thanks Sheffbirder. I've seen them a couple of times, they are great - and really nice people too. I'll be at the Joe's Pub gig... and I think thanks to a little family-related travel I will also see them at the Concert of Colors in Detroit over July 4th weekend!
Avatar 8:44pm Dan:

Is that a bag-pipe?
Avatar 8:46pm Dan:

oh, sorry, accordion obviously ;-)
  8:47pm ratbone:

this show is gold...
Avatar 8:47pm Dan:

yup, literally!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm Rob Weisberg:

They do have bagpipes too Dan - Rob
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm Rob Weisberg:

Thanks Ratbone!
Avatar 8:49pm Dan:

Oh wow!
Avatar 8:54pm Dan:

Thank you Rob!
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