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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, August 31, 2013 Favoriting
Labor of Love - Ping Pong Planetary Rock with Katie Gentile

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Twelfth edition of an annual holiday tradition: Rob Weisberg and Katie Gentile (Rob's longtime sidekick, academic, author, open-water swimmer and violinist in the band The Special Pillow and formerly The Mad Scene and Run On) play "radio ping-pong", alternating tracks. Rob bounces rock-tinged world music off Katie's classic indie rock.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Barış Manço and Moğollar: Binboğanın Kızı Favoriting / Various Artists: Istanbul 70 / NuBlu (0:00:00 Pop-up)
GIG: Moğollar is playing at Drom, 85 Ave A on Sept 20. No Baris Manco of course, but a couple of members do go back to the early 1970s lineup.

Love: a house is not a motel Favoriting / Forever Changes / electra (0:06:59 Pop-up)

Chicha Libre: Alone Again Or Favoriting / Cuatro Tigres / Barbes (0:10:04 Pop-up)

Richard Davies: Transcontinental Favoriting (0:14:54 Pop-up)

Kristi Stassinopoulou & Stathis Kalyviotis: Neratzoula Fountomeni Favoriting / Greekadelia (0:16:48 Pop-up)

Bill Fox: Lonesome Pine Favoriting (0:23:45 Pop-up)

Shin Jung Hyun and Yup Juns: Track 8 Favoriting / Volume 2 (0:27:54 Pop-up)

PG Six: Come In / The Winter It Is Past Favoriting / The Well Of Memory (0:31:41 Pop-up)

Martha Mavroidi: Turtle Favoriting / The Garden of Rita (0:36:35 Pop-up)

Anne Briggs: Willie O'Winsbury Favoriting / Anne Briggs / Water (0:42:34 Pop-up)

Tremor: Huacal Favoriting / Proa / Wonderwheel / * (0:48:14 Pop-up)

Brian Eno: Back In Judy's Jungle Favoriting / Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) / EG (0:51:35 Pop-up)

17 Hippies: Valse a Cadet Favoriting / Berlin-Style (0:56:08 Pop-up)

Verlaines: Slow Sad Love Song Favoriting / Bird Dog / Homestead (1:03:24 Pop-up)

Ruta: Jak to Dawni Dobrze Belo Favoriting / Sore (1:07:03 Pop-up)

Garmarna: Min Man (My Husband) Favoriting / God's Musicians (1:09:10 Pop-up)

Mavrika: Clapping Song Favoriting / Mavrika (1:13:32 Pop-up)

David Kilgour & Sam Hunt: River Plateau Favoriting / Falling Debris (1:18:43 Pop-up)

Pesnyary: Жили-были (Once Upon a Time) Favoriting / Беловежская пуща (Bialowieza Forest) (1:23:30 Pop-up)
From Belarus

Broadcast: Poem of Dead Song Favoriting (1:23:51 Pop-up)

Roksonaki: Ainalain Favoriting / Evolution (1:26:55 Pop-up)
From Kazakhstan

The Cudgels: Driftwood Sands Favoriting / God's Children (1:29:40 Pop-up)

Soul Flower Union: Satsujinkyo Roulette Favoriting / Screwball Comedy (1:32:48 Pop-up)

Flaming Groovies: Shake Some Action Favoriting / Shake Some Action / Aim (1:36:23 Pop-up)

Mohsen Namjoo: Biyaid Favoriting / 13/8 (Live) (1:46:59 Pop-up)
GIG: Asia Society, 725 Park Ave, Sat Sept 7, 8 pm. He's also doing a talk about the Iranian musical underground at Asia Society on Thurs Sept 12 at 6:30 pm.

Look Blue Go Purple: Safety in Crosswords Favoriting / Bewitched (1:55:56 Pop-up)

Dva: Fin Favoriting / Fonok / Indies (1:59:21 Pop-up)
From Czech Republic

The Minders: Hooray For Tuesday Favoriting / Hooray For Tuesday (2:02:57 Pop-up)

The Cedars: For You Information / Hide if You Want To Favoriting / Single / Decca / 1968 (2:05:48 Pop-up)
From Lebanon

Meic Stevens: Carangarw Favoriting / Gwymon (2:10:25 Pop-up)

Africa Melody: Emma Rega Kuchema Favoriting (2:14:12 Pop-up)
Sungura guitar music from Zimbabwe

Camera Obscura: Every Weekday Favoriting / Desire Lines / * (2:19:07 Pop-up)

Orchestra Super Mazembe: South View Favoriting / Mazembe @ 45 RPM Vol. 1 / Stern's (2:23:08 Pop-up)

Deveykus: Wordless Ecstasy Favoriting / Pillar Without Mercy / Tzadik / * (2:30:59 Pop-up)

Ed Kuepper: Car Headlights Favoriting / Electrical Storm (2:44:11 Pop-up)

The Neats: Another Broken Dream Favoriting / Neats / Ace Of Hearts (2:47:34 Pop-up)

Stephen: Loved By You Favoriting / Dumb (2:52:59 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:08pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Zats....I must go outside for a little exercise. Will you be playing any Kyrgyz sounds tonight, Rob & Katie?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm ! I X Key !:

I hope there will be Kyrgyz sounds
Avatar 6:11pm Fredericks:

Love sounds wonderful.
  6:15pm julian:

ha ha! talk about unrecognisable covers! cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm Rob & Katie:

Good evening everyone! Er... decent chance of Kazakh but not sure about Kyrgyz tonight...
Avatar 6:38pm doca:

hello rob, it's been a while i was listening to your show from the archives, i'm glad to be able to listen to it live.
and hello katie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm Ike:

Hi from Maryland! I ate Kyrgyz food recently here:
Good stuff. It was similar to Uzbek.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Comcast was out here - presumably due to weather
- so esp. delightful to be here now, starting w/ this great 'Turtle' track...
  6:46pm Marmalade Kitty:

Evening Rob & Katie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- the legendary Anne Briggs !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Anne B wiki :
  6:49pm Marmalade Kitty:

Kyrgyzstan.. a spelling you could never guess
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm Ike:

in the lost depths of Maryland
Comcast, the evil ones, lurk,
relishing their sinister monopoly,
cackling, their tentacles
clutching vast coins they have sucked
Oh, Comcrap,
how I'd rather gnaw bricks,
breaking all my teeth, slowly,
than ever move back somewhere
that YOU have a monopoly.
And my parents stick to the lamest DSL
in the universe
just to avoid thee,
oh, Comcrap.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- well - they usually keep me well-connected
...& their service people on the phone in India are exemplary
- but tech-savvy people tell me paying for Internet in the 1st place is a bit of a scam...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm Ike:

I enjoy the co. of many Indians, and love their food, but often dislike talking to them on the phone. You can say lots of terrible things about Cablevision (Optimum), the NJ-dominant cabler, which I've had in the past -- but interestingly, they have real Noo Yawk accents, none of this impenetrably-accented India stuff. I think their call center must be on Lawn Guyland or Yonkers or some other richly-accented place. Of course, if an Indian in India had to talk to a call center full of NYers, they might say much the same thing. And perhaps will, 100 years from now.
  7:05pm Marmalade Kitty:

I have a wonderful recording of a beautiful Greek singer, lute player I must send to you..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm Rob Weisberg:

Oh gee thanks Marmalade Kitty, I would love to hear that!
  7:12pm Marmalade Kitty:

Her name is, Maria Kai Filoi. (oops, my translation of the greek alphabet isn't the greatest)
  7:13pm SM Ken:

Loving the Ruta, Rob. Listening lakeside.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...out - & back again !...
- another rich & beautiful show...
  8:02pm Steve-O:

Hey, I remember this band! They played on Terre's June 30, 2000 show(got it on a RealPlayer file). =)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm Rob Weisberg:

Yep, Look Blue Go Purple is a fine New Zealand band...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& again !...pretty big rainstorm here
...some TpSP is much better than none !...
Avatar 8:29pm Jeezy:

I was confused to hear what was happening on Trans SP whilst in my car but NOW I understand... AMAZING show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Mr. Krinsky played a little Tuareg this morning filling in for Jeffrey Davidson - btw.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Davison - one 'D'...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Deveykus were on Dan Bodah's July 22nd :
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm Rob Weisberg:

Thanks very much RR for the link to Deveykus on Dan's show.
Avatar 8:57pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

The Neats remind me of the Bevis Frond.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm Rob & Katie:

The Neats were indeed a (great) Boston Band. Hey, thanks everyone for listening, have a great holiday (if you're somewhere where there's a holiday - !)
Avatar 9:00pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Listening from up the street from WMFO!
  9:00pm julian:

huh? it's over? but where was Nikki Sudden?
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm Ken From Hyde Park:

I enjoyed the show tonight. See you laters.
  9:00pm Steve-O:

Great show, Rob......have a great week. =)
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