Favoriting Frank O'Toole's playlist October 14, 2013  Favoriting email the Program Director
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Track Artist Album / Format Approx. start time
Favoriting Get Happy / MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Mr. Lucky   Jane Horrocks / Henry Mancini  fxo mix (CD-R)   0:00:00 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Brooklyn Navy Yard 1950   Last Town Chorus  cdr (MP3)   0:14:11 Pop-up)  
Favoriting China Doll   David Murray Quartet  Live-San Francisco, 3/6/97 (MP3)   0:17:01 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Future Games   Fleetwood Mac  "Future Games" Lp (Vinyl)   0:35:48 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Lay Myself Down   Mazzy Star  "Seasons Of Your Day" Lp (CD) *   0:38:30 Pop-up)  
Favoriting MUSIC BEHIND DJ: Daly's Tune / FMU Locked Groove   Thom Daly  fxo mix (CD-R)   0:41:57 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Can't Depend   Sebadoh  "Defend Yourself" Lp (CD) *   0:46:27 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Total Annihilation   Elf Power  "Sunlight On The Moon" Lp (CD) *   0:51:08 Pop-up)  
Favoriting The Last Thing On My Mind   The Move  "Live, at the Fillmore- 1969" Lp (CD)   0:54:55 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Ain't   Body/Head  "Coming Apart" Lp (CD) *   1:03:44 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Hare Krishna (King Britt Funke remix)   Tony Scott  "Verve Remixed" compil. Lp (CD)   1:09:33 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Summertime (UFO remix)   Sarah Vaughan  "Verve Remixed" compil. Lp (CD)   1:16:43 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Dream A Little Dream Of Me   Mama Cass  There Was Darkness remix (MP3)   1:23:40 Pop-up)  
Favoriting The Hour   Valerie June  "Pushin' Against A Stone" Lp (CD) *   1:28:33 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Moses   Califone  "Stitches" Lp (CD) *   1:31:28 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Take It Away   Paul McCartney  Soundhog's Rubber Dub mix (MP3)   1:36:44 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Letting Go Of The Weight of the World   My Sweet Patootie  FMU/ Free Music Archive (MP3)   1:43:28 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Lazy Day   Spanky & Our Gang  Extended remix (thanks to Arty) (MP3)   1:46:36 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Sunny Side Of Heaven   Fleetwood Mac  "Bare Trees" Lp (Vinyl)   1:52:14 Pop-up)  
Favoriting A Birth Of A Peaceful Renaissance   Trans Atlantic Rage  FMU/ Free Music Archive (MP3)   1:55:08 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Cleanin' Out My Lonely People   The Beatles Vs. Eminem  Artsnalk mashup (MP3)   2:01:28 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Silver   Bailterspace  "Trinine" Lp (CD) *   2:04:53 Pop-up)  
Favoriting MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Why?... and We Repeat... Why?   Taj Mahal  "Music Keeps Me Together" Lp (Vinyl)   2:09:50 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Neptune Estate   King Krule  "6 Feet Beneath The Moon" Lp (CD) *   2:15:50 Pop-up)  
Favoriting St. Stephen   Grateful Dead Vs. Ghostface Killah  "Who, What, When..." fxo 2013 WFMU marathon piece (CD)   2:21:49 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Australia   The Kinks  "Arthur, or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire" Lp (CD)   2:26:36 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Mistake I Made In L.A.   Arthur Big Boy Crudup  "Sunny Road" reissue Lp (CD) *   2:32:17 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Keep Climbing   Shaheed & DJ Supreme  "Knowledge, Rhythm & Understanding" Lp (CD) *   2:36:04 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Tell Me That You Love Me   Inara George (with Van Dyke Parks)  "Inara George - An Invitation with Van Dyke Parks" (CD)   2:39:42 Pop-up)  
Favoriting MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: King For A Day (I Dub Thee Sir Mix)   XTC  12" Ep (Vinyl)   2:42:54 Pop-up)  
Favoriting The Pink Panther   M'Lumbo  "Popular Science" Lp (CD) *   2:46:26 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Everybody Wants To Rule The World   Tears For Fears (all mashed up with Inara & M'Lumbo, 'n me)  PH-Particular remix   2:51:09 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Dance Macabre   The Westminster Philharmonic Orchestra  "The Bride of Frankenstein (Score by Franz Waxman)" soundtrack Lp (CD)   3:01:31 Pop-up)  
Favoriting end theme(s)   Alfred Vs. Nelson (with his Orchestra)  fxo mix (CD-R)   3:05:33 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

Avatar 6:04am fxo:

morning, or afternoon (good for both...)
Avatar 6:14am fxo:

glitches with the stream. Hopefully it will be worked out (please?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19am David L.B. is RRN63:

Oh! - it's not my computer or connection...kind of a silver lining
...yeah, it just keeps stopping & needing to rebuffer (using iTunes).
  6:24am Matheus:

same problem here. 32k streaming is fine, though.
  6:26am fxo:

We hope, sooner, we'll get that satellite fixed. For what it's worth, I expect the archived webcast will be there, later, in total.

thanks Matheus. Lets work with the 32k stream...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- sounds fixed now...
Avatar 6:30am fxo:

fingers, toes, and legs, all crossed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33am Sem Chumbo:

Hiya, Frank, RevRab, Matheus. Good morning. Always sweet to wake up to pedal steel, and this voice is amazing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- loved Mazzy then, & what I've heard of the new on FMU sounds like not a moment's passed, & very good indeed ! !
Avatar 6:42am fxo:

yeah, I love Hope Sandoval (and her voice), as well as the pedal steel.

hey, David L.B., Rev, Sem, and, of course, YOU!
Avatar 6:51am kat330:

Happy Monday, Frank and all! This is a boffo Paxton cover!! [JT says hi! and likes it muchly, too]
Avatar 6:52am kat330:

ooops, I mean Philo. :,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- yeah, like this 'Last Thing'. I often imagine covers w/ heavier arrangements ! - altho' nothing wrong w/ original ! - & I love good Folk~SingerSongwritery stuffs...
Avatar 6:53am fxo:

kat & Co: glad you can hear it.
Avatar 6:55am kat330:

I got to see Paxton live when at Brown U., a weekend festival of incredible artists: Pentangle, John Sebastian, James Taylor, John Mayall, Delaney & Bonnie, Seatrain, Ray Charles and Judy Collins to cap it off on Sunday.
Avatar 6:56am fxo:

the only American tour, from the original Move lineup. Lucky it was recorded.
Avatar 6:56am kat330:

Where are they from? Not familiar with them or that cover.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...yerknow - when Dylan went Electric, the *intelligent* critique was some intimacy was lost ( - & just the technical aspect of not hearing his voice well w/ the P.A.'s & mixing of the time - not yet developed) - there's a little something to that argument - altho' I can't find a bit of fault w/ recordings like 'Blonde on Blonde' (another matter)...

- Move is proto-E.L.O.(-ish), kat !...
Avatar 7:00am kat330:

Blonde on Blonde is wonderful. I never had any problem at all with his transition, but then my music appreciation was always very eclectRic from the get-go.
Avatar 7:01am kat330:

ELO, eh? Thanks! Hm. The very opening measures of that Move cover reminded of Meat Puppets guitar sort of, and it took a while before I realized it was "Last Thing..."
Avatar 7:08am fxo:

hey, here in Jersey City, the sun's tryin' to crack. It's cloudy, now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Move WigKey :
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11am Sem Chumbo:

Too long since a good dose of Sarah Vaughn. Listening closely for the remix magic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...widgets say only Room Temperature today - & they might be trying to tell me we're out of the 70°sF for good...but they were wrong yesterday & we had the windows open @ the thriftstore job (a most welcome occurrence)...I hate closing windows @ night & turning heat on - but once again in this Life I wasn't consulted about the Changes...
Avatar 7:15am fxo:

Thanks for the Move reference, Rev.
Avatar 7:15am kat330:

So odd how Summertime has insinuated itself into my consciousness the past few days. In autumn no less! Our weather has been, in a word, GLORIOUS for so many days now. My fave, with temps topping out in low or mid-70s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...we've had quite beautiful ♎Libran NorthNewEngland Autumn days - but the angle of that Sun is getting lower & the days shorter - & Winter is here is too damn long, Folx...altho' I don't expect that to impress our NorthEuropean friends!...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...one too many "is's" - altho' it is what it is is...
Avatar 7:20am kat330:

"Depends on what the meaning of "is" is."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...is is...Isis in a Crisis...
Avatar 7:22am kat330:

It was Osiris in that instance. Isis stood by him icily.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I knew I could not hold on to her very long.
Avatar 7:23am kat330:

I'm going to type "blasphemy" right now, so sensitive folks should avert their eyes: While I love her choices and musicianship, I simply do not like the sound of Valerie June's vocals. Too lateral or something like that. A shame because I *want* to like her, but cannot.
Avatar 7:25am kat330:

Frank, did you do that Cass remix? Very nice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- when you have a Stylist - it's gonna fall like that. (I can O.D. on Dinah Washington, but I come back.)
- I think V.J. is very nicely in Erikah Badu~MacyGray territory, but there you are...
...Irwin thinks Ella doesn't have enuff Soul !!...
Avatar 7:28am fxo:

I wish! It's out there in the ether...
Avatar 7:29am kat330:

Speaking of out there in the ether, for those folks who groove on long and complex song titles (like Mr. Drummer himself), here's one I just stumbled across:"If I Had 50p for Every Time You Stabbed Me In The Back, I'd Be Looking At At Least £8.60"
Avatar 7:32am kat330:

I first heard Valerie June on the Letterman show of all places. She led off with some good guitar playing and I was on the edge of my seat. Then she started singing. :,
Avatar 7:32am mauri:

Sunsunsunny afternoon
Avatar 7:33am fxo:

Mauri: the sun is also out, here, and now. I'll take it, and for your sanity, as well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...where can one find SirMacca'a 'Fireman' stuff ?
- 'Free Now' w/ Beatletalk samples by SuperFuryAnimals I like as well...
- you mean kat she's too monotone ('flat') or something?
...Billie Holiday observed she only had seven notes - & I'd never even thot about it! - & *she's* probably my favorite Singer in history...
Avatar 7:35am kat330:

There are also people who sing way too vertically -- some who fancy themselves as "operatic" or church choir members. Something in-between having the mouth in big, tight "O" and a sideways "I". IMHO, of course.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...'cause I never hear that Fireman or 'FreeNow' - much less have them...
Avatar 7:37am kat330:

Rev, I was typing the above before I saw your question, but yeah, I think it's in how the mouth is opened when singing. Some of it's about nasality, but more about the shape of the hole the sound's coming through.
Avatar 7:38am fxo:

The Fireman/Macca piece is available for your consumption. Amazon, perhaps?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...range & power are great
- but it don't make you worth just 30 seconds of what Marvin Gaye did.
Technique is not automatically Great Music. Like shredding guitarists who actually have nothing to say...together they do not add up to a single Hendrix.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...but you seem to be getting more specific maybe kat...
Avatar 7:43am kat330:

I'm not talking technique really. Just a more natural, looser placement of one's instrument, neither tight vertically nor tight horizontally. Naturally changing the hole's shape as one does in speaking instead of never moving it much to shift from a long "e" to a long "i" phrase.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...do you think the comparison of V.J. to Badu or Macy has any merit?...I wonder if what you feel lazy hits me as sultry - the vocal equivalent of bed-head ! - ?...
Avatar 7:48am Jay/London:

Good Morning Frank and all am off today so can listen live
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hullo Jay!
Avatar 7:49am kat330:

But I don't think it's laziness to hold one's mouth in a ventriloquist position -- that takes some effort. Maybe it's nerves or wanting to emulate some personal icon, but I know it when I hear it. I call it "lateral" singing, but never heard anyone else refer to such.
Avatar 7:50am Jay/London:

hiya RRnov63
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- you're probably doing a good job, kat
...I ☆ V.June - is all !...
Avatar 7:51am kat330:

And I *do* like Macy and Billie. Not the same thing as VJ. Someone more like VJ's laterality would be Natalie Merchant.
  7:51am 3d-nyc:

@ Birth of a Peaseful Ren:
great stuff to tune into - Morning all-
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I have heard bel canto microphone-less Opera style singing called 'vertical' & such - so you're prob. not so alone...
Avatar 7:52am fxo:

cool, Jay.
The archive will be there for all of us, completed, in a few hours, with the printed playlist.
wfmu.org, or fxo@wfmu.org.
Great back & forth. I like that...
Avatar 7:53am kat330:

Dolly Parton and many country stars have it, too, but I've come to love Dolly's "Jolene," so maybe the right song for VJ would turn me around.
Avatar 7:53am kat330:

Yes, this piece is sooooooooothing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Music works w/ different parts of the Brain than Verbal articulation - so it's a challenge, but real good exercise to try & explain this sort of thing, I feel !
...Speaking & singing are the kind of things most people do w/out reflecting on what's going on precisely...@ all ! - but the Pros have...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58am Sem Chumbo:

I had forgotten just how cinematic the lyrics to this are, and how just-so the strong arrangement. Lovely choice, fxo.
Avatar 7:59am mauri:

I really like the Rolling Stone Session Valerie June Twined And Twisted on youtube. The album was ok. I think the mix on it is not very good. Sounds flat.
Avatar 7:59am kat330:

But it all boils down to one's personal prefs in the end and vive les differences! Like the heart, the ear wants what it wants. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- one of the very best. Macca depth w/ nothing to do w/ Lennon. (Third Person, whilst Johnny usually First...) See the difference it made that George Martin did *not* arrange 'She's Leaving Home' ...
Avatar 8:01am kat330:

@mauri: You have a link handy?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- yes kat330 - but that's the point - trying to express verbally what & why !
Avatar 8:02am mauri:

Avatar 8:03am kat330:

Thanks and kiitos!
Avatar 8:04am mauri:

Ole hyvä! :D
Avatar 8:06am kat330:

I can even get fancy: Hyvä! Maanentai ? and paljon kiitoksia!
  8:08am 3d-nyc:

FXO ( I believe) did some one doing are freshing cover of Arosmiths "walk this way " which highlighted and put new light on the lyrics- heard it in the archive- 2 3 weeks ago-
Avatar 8:08am mauri:

Hehe its a hard language I guess. Hyvää maanantaita.
Avatar 8:10am kat330:

Yes, it certainly is. Thank goodness Philo knows and speaks English better than many USers. :)
Avatar 8:11am mauri:

Sometimes its fun to talk the rallydriver finnish.
Avatar 8:12am kat330:

OK, gotta get off keyboard now but still listening. Thanks, fxo! And thanks for the lively discussion, Rabbit! Moi moi!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- ah - it *is* Finnish - so beloved of Tolkien...
- likewise kat330 ! Seeya !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am Brian in UK:

Hello boss. What's happenin'
Avatar 8:17am fxo:

afternoon Brian, howzit bayou?
Avatar 8:17am mauri:

everybody lookin wonder whats cooking phiuuuu whats happeniiiin . What was that song?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...now - what exactly makes you think it's in the spirit of the Dead to Experiment - ?! : p
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20am duke:

Good morning fun seekers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21am Sem Chumbo:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Kinks, man.
  8:23am Guido (Germany):

Great and almost forgotten LP by the Kinks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am Sem Chumbo:

A handsome strange woman: and so it begins.
Avatar 8:28am Frank O'Toole:

Guido: the Kinks reissue, with extra tracks.

morning, Duke.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32am maestroso:

G'morning FXO, late arrival this AM. Enjoying the music! Getting ready for a looong plane flight.
  8:32am NB:

Including Mindless Child of Motherhood!
Avatar 8:34am fxo:

there be 'stroso, as well as you, NB.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35am Sem Chumbo:

Tell me that you love me: and so it begins.
  8:36am Marmalade Kitty:

Good morning! ..And Arthur!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

oo're yoo - ?!
- Arthur - King of the Britons!
...oo're the Britons?
- we all are! we're all Britons!
...wull I didn't vote for 'im !!

...ee' mus' be King - he hasn't got sh*t all over 'im...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41am Sem Chumbo:

Just the kind of comments you'd expect from an anarchco-syndaclist collective, RevRab.
  8:42am Marmalade Kitty:

That has to be from a monty python sketch...?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...yoor foolin' yerself...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am Sem Chumbo:

MK: opening scene from the Python's 1975 film "Holy Grail".
Avatar 8:46am fxo:

hey there MK, and 3d-nyc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

This, MK:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46am Sem Chumbo:

Frank: tasty,tasty,tasty. I'm gonna dance now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am Sem Chumbo:

Thanks for this morning's music, fxo. Glad to have been on-board for the discussion about vocal techniques, too: never know what I'm going to hear here.
  8:55am Marmalade Kitty:

Has Nat Roe heard this one?
Avatar 8:57am fxo:

thanks y'all. It's been a gas. The archive will prove it, soon & later; Have a good week, and check me with the archive, and next week, same webcast station.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...that *was* fun...
  8:57am Marmalade Kitty:

"I don't intend to indulge in any post-mortem.."
Avatar 8:57am Jay/London:

thanks frank till the next time
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am duke:

This has been a Filmways presentation
  8:58am Marmalade Kitty:

Great show fxo!
  8:59am 3d-nyc:

til next week-
Avatar 8:59am Frank O'Toole:

Help WFMU take the next steps toward opening our 100-seat radio theater to the public! Make a pledge to our month-long silent fundraiser for the Studio of Tomorrow before the end of October. Here's a Station Manager Ken video and a lot more info. Don't miss out on the new swag, including our Junk Food T-shirt and WFMU Knit Hat! Tune in for a month of specials,
Avatar 9:07am fxo:

I tried to connect with this website: check out the singer and her octaves:
Did She Just Sing Chords!?!?
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