Frank O'Toole's playlist
December 23, 2013 ![]()
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Listener comments!
♥ 6:03am :
Hiya, Frank. Good morning from ice storm central. Pass the road salt.![]()
6:03am : hallo, hallo. Startin' on this good foot.![]()
6:07am : Afternoon Frank. I'm tired and it seems there wont be snow this christmas.![]()
♥ 6:08am :
♥ 6:10am :
Hi Frank and hi all others. Cologne is sunny and relatively warm.
(Snow in Cologne is always ugly. Climate developement looks like we'd rather have white sping instead of White Christmas.)
The streets are overcrowded and the people are NOT really friendly.
(predestrians swearing at car owners and back.)
I'm working as usual. I prefer holidays in summer.![]()
6:15am : right off the bat, nice to be here, wit' you.
Morning Sem, mauri(afternoon), and you, as well, Guido.
make hollandaize bright.![]()
♥ 6:21am :
Good morningnoon Frank and everyone - here are hundreds of translations of Silent Night/Stille Nacht...![]()
♥ 6:22am :
Good morning Frank and others.
It's unseasonably warm in Paris, and rainy too. I don't think it rains right now. I work underground, but I can usually tell by the leaks![]()
♥ 6:26am :
Sunny and unseasonably warm in Leipzig - and I'm not complaining.![]()
6:28am : thanks davex, Liepsig calling
Fred, plug the leaks, go with the flow, you might catch sumpthin'.![]()
6:30am : mis- spelling cities, is my forte (Leipzig, eh?)![]()
♥ 6:35am :
Ask a German if Leipzig is spelled with a "p" or a "b" in the middle.
Nice blast of modern psychedelia this Midsummer Dream.![]()
6:35am : enjoying this![]()
6:38am : Guido, I sit corrected.
Glad you're enjoying all of this mish-mosh, listen machen.![]()
6:39am : Hey Frank, nice show this AM.![]()
♥ 6:39am :
Leipzig is the place - which I will soon be trawling in a last pre-holiday panic attack.![]()
6:44am : Hi, Frank. Thanks for the TMBG holiday mix! For whatever reason, I could barely hear it through either of two Internet radios, even cranking it up.
Ah, my man Van Ronk! :)![]()
6:45am : thanks Windy City.
kat330: nice to oblige...6:49am : Morning to all-61 degrees and humid in Brooklyn.
BTW- saw the Coen Bro-movie last nite-There was a shot of Alan Lomax in there too-![]()
6:53am : 3d: hope your presentation went well. Can't wait for "Llewyn Davis".![]()
♥ 7:01am :
Good morning Frank and fred and and the rest music friends
Rotterdam is gray I do not know whether it is hot ore not and I have not been outside. gisterden was the sun as well as a lot of rain but it was fun, I had to work out. bad weather like you felt expe you a life![]()
♥ 7:04am :
Interesting late Move track.
I was first about to say it's a West-Coast group doing Tennessee Waltz.7:06am : @ L. Davis-Its chock full of music and impeccably recorded-
(as a 1-sentence revu :-)
And the 3D show at the Holocenter went extremely well-great turnout, etc..tks for asking-
BTW any trick to installing an avatar- cant find the procedure-
@ J. Kuster-dark and grey here in brooklyn too-![]()
♥ 7:06am :
Wow, have never heard this Lightfoot tune handled like this. Thanks, Frank.![]()
♥ 7:07am :
Oops, Paxton, I mean.![]()
7:09am : Jeroen, here in Jersey City, it's a bit muggy, and, yes, it's gray.
duly noted Sem.
Thanks for the feedback,3d![]()
♥ 7:12am :
♥ 7:15am :
@3d-nyc: You have to register to be able to use an avatar. There's a link for that at the top of the playlist![]()
♥ 7:17am :
Jeffrey Davison has been celebrating Dave Van Ronk recently on his Sat. A.M. 'Folk' Show here - which is highly recommended.
3d-nyc: Are you Borged into the Friendship Society, or still answering math questions to comment? Ya gotta get jumped in the gang 'fore ye kin upload a 'tar (...As hive mind-control goes, Victor Borge is not so bad)...Once you Submit thusly, on your Profile Settings page you can Upload a Photo, & then choose it for a 'Tar...![]()
7:23am : thanks for the tip(s), RevRab, and Fred.
!X Key !: wasn't sure you used capital I, or exclaiming yourself. But thanks.![]()
7:24am : Hullo Frank and Interweb-land. Guten Morgen. Wide awake and dreaming in the Midwest.![]()
♥ 7:25am :
...just above Freezing here in NewHampshuh just now - expected high around 42°F. The situation is Freezing Rain though - especially North of here in upstate NH & Vermont - which is hazardous travel & falling tree limbs & power outages & such...Was more like deep January temps earlier, & now record highs around...Okay...![]()
7:25am : Friendship Society def ignition: A many Kentacled Octopi WFMU cult.![]()
♥ 7:27am :
...Defined In Dig Nation
...back to 20°s & 30°sF after today...![]()
7:29am : wherever you are, blame the weather.
kat: what she said.![]()
♥ 7:29am : sucks up all my time, exerts powerful peer pressure, requests my money...just add Ian Astbury & Dan Bodah's Hubbard 'tar & you gotta Cult awlright...![]()
7:30am : Yeah, safer to discuss the weather all right.7:30am : @ LLewynn Davis;
There is a suprising B&W clip of Alan Lomax-
( suprizing to me anyway)
Tks for the Avatar tips!-will attempt again with tips in hand-![]()
♥ 7:31am :
MarkTwain: Climate is what you expect, Weather is what you get.![]()
7:33am : thanks Polk Biggins. Where's yer "Ring"?![]()
7:34am : @3d-nyc: And like with Scientology, you'll get shunned if you don't toe the party line.
Oh, goodie, Philo just climbed out of bed. Warmth now.![]()
♥ 7:37am : is, however, a Party w/ very nice balloons & occasional Live performers...![]()
7:40am : @fxo Gollum? Crept 'up and slipped away with it (apologies to Robert Plant)...7:40am : @ L. Davis Movie:
Numerous NYC location shots.. it is a period-piece to some degree-
one odd continunity note- a lamp post base was clearly 1980's or later- apparent to native NYers only tho-![]()
7:42am : Nice watery mix in this part of the set.![]()
♥ 7:43am :
- wonder how it'll compare/contrast to Todd Haynes' 'I'm Not There' impression of Dylan - which I thot was great. Coen Brothers seem basically infallible ??![]()
7:44am : apparently they recreated the cover of "Freewheeling". Just don't tell about the spectacular ending (JK).7:49am : @ FXO's new pledge CD track
#11-Come together Good (DJ LK Mashup)
turns heads if you play it with the car windows open![]()
7:51am : Morning all! For once able to stay around, if -- of course -- not getting up early enough to start from the beginning.![]()
♥ 7:57am :
- still never heard this Crosby album. Supposed to be the stuff.![]()
7:58am : It is, Rev Rabbit...7:59am : Bonjour FxO![]()
♥ 8:00am :
RevRab: scrounge up a copy. Worth the trouble.![]()
8:01am : Saw Barry Gibb on SNL this weekend, thought he was the lost brother of David Crosby. Kat'll be back when breakfast is served.![]()
8:02am : Pierre: bonjour back atcha.
Philo: remember the archive will represent the entire 3 hour webcast, should you need it...
the only Crosby album that I need...![]()
♥ 8:02am :
G'day fxo. Well, wet, windy 'n wretched here. Good afternoon Europe. Any Albanians out there!!!![]()
8:02am : Huomenta philo.![]()
♥ 8:04am :
David Crosby "If I Could Remember My Name" is great!
Shoud be a cheapo. I found it for € 1,-![]()
8:04am : @fxo Nice to see Harvey Bainbridge there, for an old Hawkwind fan...
@Mauri Iltapaivaa!![]()
♥ 8:06am :
Brian in UK: Po, çfarë ishte ajo që keni kërkuar?![]()
8:07am : I don't think the Crosby album is a cheapo. One extra track + DVD remastered.
good afternoon, Brian in UK.
we have a new friend, from Albania. Cool.![]()
8:07am : "Montclair, NJ, band formed by Myrna Marcarian and Geoff Feinberg" -- locavore music.![]()
8:10am : @Sem Albanian: Philo and I are New Albanians (for the moment and until we blow this burg anyway).![]()
♥ 8:11am :
You Canadians. Hope you avoided the ice plague earlier.![]()
♥ 8:13am :
Ahhh ... David Crosby Luxury Edition!
Mine is a cheesy late 80ies CD.
Good enough for the price.![]()
♥ 8:14am :
Anyone got a copy of 'Take Me back to Tirana, Before my Mother's Ankles Swell to the Size of a Melon'. It was very popular in Hoxha's time.![]()
8:15am : Wonderful Guaraldi shines through no matter how mixed up it gets.![]()
8:15am :
Loving this 'Nuts groove.![]()
♥ 8:17am :
good morn everyone!![]()
♥ 8:17am :
as always a super show![]()
♥ 8:18am :
- can't beat it. & Grinch soundtrack w/ Boris & great songs too...This Oswalt a favorite...![]()
♥ 8:19am :
...I was just right age for Beatle Juvenalia such as Chipmunks...![]()
8:19am : thanks for the feedback, Parq, common, & Jeroen.8:22am : @ Brian in UK:
Quite a title--what year (s) was that?![]()
♥ 8:24am :
50s though to late 70s. Beatles took over after that.![]()
8:26am :
Billy May and Cheech and Chong? AND the Temps? Oh man, that was something else.![]()
♥ 8:28am :
Brian in UK @ 8:14: that tune and many more, lyrics rendered phonetically and w/ sheet music in "The Cursed Mountain", in which Albania compares favourably with the 7th circle of Hell.![]()
♥ 8:31am :
- McCoy Tyner ?![]()
8:32am : Had to step away from the machine to make some green tea + coconut oil.![]()
♥ 8:34am :
...if you think about it, surprising they've never done an oh-ficial quality master release of the Beatle FanClub Xmas records...![]()
♥ 8:35am :
Hello Freda Kelly.![]()
8:37am : Anyone here ever listen to that unreleased Beatles track, 'Carnival of Light' (I think it was called)? I wasn't able to track it down.![]()
8:38am : Glad you're in your cups and enjoying holiday cheer, Brian in UK.8:40am : Oh Wait a min...;That message was from 69.That one John is freakin' hilarious on.![]()
♥ 8:40am :
...looks like *this* is still up for a minute ! :
...'Carnival of Light' is legendary...I think I heard a moment of it?? There was that radio show 'The Lost Lennon Tapes' - which in retrospect I wish I'd taped all of...altho' 'Carnival' leaning SirMacca I believe?...![]()
♥ 8:40am : Ah, the Beatle Xmas messages never get old...8:40am : Heading out- into the Brooklyn rain-
Great show Fxo- will catch up in the archives-
Thanks for the Avatar tips-
And a good week for all and to all a good week :)![]()
8:41am : Be of good cheer, 3d-nyc!![]()
♥ 8:42am :
@kat Just finished work, so slightly frazzled.
Freda was the Beatles fan club secretary ofcourse.![]()
♥ 8:43am : Hmmm... that iTunes thing is odd. It can't be official?!![]()
8:43am : SB: I sit corrected.
Brian: there's a documentary about Freda.![]()
8:43am : Bocoors. Work just finished? Well, then, time to start getting into your cups.![]()
♥ 8:45am :
Jeezy: They had to because the Copyright was expiring! Dylan did this recently too - & they wonder if we'll get stuff like this every year (if Copyright law doesn't change some more).![]()
♥ 8:46am :
Chambers Bothers!!!8:47am : It's the 68' one that John is very,very angry on;And is bashing all his bandmates via some crazy poetry.Anyhoo...Happy Christmas all.![]()
♥ 8:48am :
'Good 'Ol Freda'
Nice one fxo. Happy Festivities everyone.![]()
8:49am : insert here: time's running out, thank y'all for the cool comments. Merry Krimble. I'll be back next week, same time zone.
and kat: it might be too early for our cups, unless you can get away with it.![]()
8:49am : Yep, signing off, too. The bestest of festiveness to everyone!
@fxo: Brian's on UK time. Wasn't suggesting it for EDT.![]()
♥ 8:50am :
- the Bros. bring it - huh?!
Jeezy: It's also expected it won't be up long - so to $40 or not to ??...
...'including some of their Beast Friends...the outdated busloady'...Honestly, I love John's harsh genius wordplay as part of the deal along w/ the peace & love - granted never had it aimed directly @ me...![]()
♥ 8:50am : Hmmm... And they say: The copyright in these sound recordings is owned by Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group).
So Apple doesn't own these?![]()
♥ 8:51am : Well I've heard most of it already through the years... I'd never heard "I'm in Love" though!![]()
8:52am : peace on all of us.
peace in the valley...![]()
♥ 8:54am :
❦ ✌ ☮ ✌ ❦![]()
♥ 8:55am :
Lovely morning, Frank. Safe and happy holidays to everyone. See ya next week, if the creeks don't rise.![]()
8:55am : Happy Festivus, all!![]()
8:56am : Thanks Frank. Beautiful set!![]()
♥ 8:57am :
Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas
Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas
Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas
Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas Xmas![]()
♥ 8:58am :
NJoyed! CU ... next week ... nex year ... anyway CU, hear you.
thanX for the nice show.
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