Frank O'Toole's playlist
September 1, 2014 ![]()
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6:05am : hello, friends. Here I be. Ready?![]()
6:08am : Hey Frank. ready. get casting o'toole![]()
6:10am : hey mauri. Cast of play, is "in play".![]()
6:13am : Happy LD morning, Frank and mauri!
Hm, "Iced water, con lemon" -- my favorite restaurant beverage to order.![]()
6:14am : Nice. I'm in ears mode.
I built a wooden support fence for redcurrant bush today. tomorrow I will do another.
Moi kat!![]()
6:15am : Philo's getting a well-deserved, unlabored sleep-in this am, but will join us after 7:30 EDT (if not before).![]()
6:18am : @mauri: You bushes are growing out-of-control? That's a good thing I think.
Oh, hey, Philo's brother, Kari, will be coming over from Finland and staying with us 8 days in October. I'll be hearing a lot of Finnish over my head at that time -- well, it's always over my head. :)
6:18am : un-labored day? I should've played "The Un-l'internationale"![]()
6:20am : @fxo: :) Don't I even get an unlabored "yo!" from youse?![]()
♥ 6:22am :
rabbit, rabbit, rabbit![]()
6:23am : Yeh old bushes that have been growing toward the lake for years. Now we are fixing them. cutting dead branches away and straightening them. 8 days of phonetic flow oujee. I think its probably Karri. :D![]()
6:23am : Right: cabbit, cabbit, cabbit![]()
6:23am : what the hell am I thinking ofcourse it's kari... damn my brain.![]()
6:24am : wabbit wabbit wabbit![]()
6:24am : Hello! It's been way too long since I've been able to tune in live. Delighted :) Of course, I've still been catching up during the week.![]()
6:24am : my bad, "yo".
Ribbit, ribbit duke.![]()
6:24am : @mauri: Ha! You had me second-guessing myself for a moment there, and I was going to look up Kari vs Karri.![]()
6:26am : Jeah dont know what happened there. I was thinking oh there's no such name as kari in finnish altho its very common.![]()
6:27am : Yes, I see it all over the credits of any Kaurismaki film. And Juha, too, which I still find the strangest Finn name I've encountered.![]()
6:27am : "left", right?![]()
♥ 6:28am :
Don't suppose Neil Diamond's *September Morn* is on the playlist? Good morning, Frank, and hello workers of the world.![]()
6:31am : A bit of Roseanne Cash in Debby's voice. Hi, Sem!![]()
6:31am : "left", often wrong!![]()
6:32am : sorry, Sem. No time for Neil. THAT'S laborious.6:34am : That is a loud lead guitar.6:35am : Sounded like a Stringbender![]()
6:38am : not a Fender-bender?6:39am : V good though. Whole track. Emotional voice![]()
6:41am : Ive often heard ppl drinking onionmilk to flu. I tried it today cause I was feeling little weak. Never gonna drink that again.![]()
6:43am : whose cellphone?... the same persons shoes by the side of the highway?![]()
♥ 6:47am :
I'm laboring on labor day. Doesn't seem fair, but it beats drinking onion juice.6:49am : The New Order is to like sleepyhead![]()
6:50am : @mauri: Was away making coffee and muffins and return to "onionjuice"? Eww. I'd think some red currant juice would work better. Walking Dead is trying out Elderberry Tea for their deadly swine flu (yeah, just got Season 4 on Friday).![]()
6:51am : true dat. My cell phone was lost....6:53am : mornin' Frank and all![]()
6:53am : @kat oh do you make your own muffins? if so can I have the recipe.![]()
6:54am : @fxo: Always thought Bob Brainerd was the weekend persona of Frank O'Toole -- or vice versa, fxo is the Monday persona of Bob Brainerd. ;)![]()
6:54am : Morning all,![]()
6:55am : @mauri: Daggit, you called me out. Ei, a mix in a pouch. I'm a cook, not a baker.![]()
♥ 6:56am :
Is it muffin morning, or what? Just made bran/wild blueberry/ wild honey ones for breakfast guests.![]()
♥ 6:56am :
Thank you for playing Arthur Russell![]()
6:58am : I once tried to make a good muffin but failed so many times that I gave up.![]()
6:59am : @kat330:we are always confused.
hello to PP, doofus, and, of course, duke.
mornin', 3d-nyc.![]()
7:00am : Just turned the muffin tin around in the oven -- looking good (banana nut). Baking's just never intrigued me. We don't even keep sugar or flour in the house (I usually use cornstarch for thickening a sauce).![]()
7:02am : Oh, I take that back. Philo recently bought a bag of rye flour to make his fave Finnish rye bread. So far, not great success (at least I don't care for it).![]()
7:03am : for a good ryebread one should have a sourdough in storage.![]()
7:07am : @mauri: Yes, he does. In a few, he can explain himself. It's just never a good texture in the end (for me). He eats it though, and claims he likes it.![]()
7:12am : true finnish attitude that![]()
7:15am : Hey Frank and gang!
Mauri -- Kat likes 'hapankorppu,' which is (if I correctly recall) made by Oulainen and marketed in the US as "Finncrisp." What I made was an old 'ruislimppu' made from just salt, water and rye, after making my own sourdough. Good flavor, crusty on the outside, but a tad soggy and soft on the inside.![]()
♥ 7:16am :
Blowing my mind up real good that last set. Thanks, Frank!![]()
♥ 7:18am :
@Philo: I bake my bread in a cast iron roasting pan, top on, pre-heated to 450 F. It's a little tricky getting the dough in but I never have soggy centres in my loaves,![]()
7:18am : Hahahaha!![]()
7:19am : [laughter was for Frank's "unless it's thoughtful [hate]"![]()
7:20am : loaves, sans the fishes![]()
7:21am : Oh Sem. Do you have a good muffin recipe ? :D
Hey Philo. hapankorppus are good. addictive.
I never tried making ryebread. Whitebread I made came out fine.![]()
7:23am : @Sem That sounds like a great idea, though we're trying to move and do not want to add anything heavy until we do! I think it would all turn out better if I yielded to yeast and added some white flour to the mix. But I'm stubborn. 10th time the charm!![]()
7:23am : hi all, any band called 'soggy centres' yet ?![]()
7:23am : you can do it philo!![]()
7:24am : get on it, bibi. Haste makes waste.![]()
7:24am : @fxo Another famed Finnish dish is baking a bread with raw fish inside it. You do it slow enough and even the bones turn into mush.
@Mauri Yeah, I was having withdrawals and my parents shipped a big box every Christmas for the first decade. A bit over a year ago the local supermarket started carrying the import version.![]()
♥ 7:25am :
@Mauri: recipes are pretty much what you'd read anywhere. I use a basic one, add what I like and remember to NOT overmix the batter. Baking is a lot about time, temperature and technique rather than recipes, I think.![]()
7:27am : @Sem allright. I'll try again. I just always tried to make something I've had at an airport. Cant get the dough similar to that. Sort of airy bread like.![]()
7:28am : @Philo: You ever try that "kalakukko" (raw fish in a loaf) number in our home, I'll divorce you. ;)![]()
7:28am : and now live on wfmufxo, please welcome 'sem chumbo and the soggy centres' !![]()
♥ 7:28am :
Centres Détrempés Shawinigan: it trips off the tongue, @bibi.![]()
7:29am : Awwwwww, sweeeeet of you, Frank! [I told Philo it was probably coming after that Beach Boys clip]![]()
7:29am : hehe.. The Savo Divorce by Pekka Bacharach![]()
7:29am : Thanks Frank for playing some kat330!![]()
7:31am : This was one of Philo's birthday presents. :)![]()
♥ 7:32am :
Sweet,sweet,sweet, kat.![]()
7:32am : this is a nice mashed present fxo/kat.![]()
7:33am : cool going!![]()
7:34am : philo, may we clickstar yr present as well ? or is it exclusive ?![]()
7:34am : Sandwiched between Beach Boys and Joni -- whooo-hooo!
@Sem: Thank you, sir.
@Bibi: Thanks -- actually it was presented to him on SoundCloud on July 1st.
@mauri: :)![]()
7:35am : Go for it, bibi! I'm all about sharing. :)![]()
7:35am : @bibi: So sure, have at as you please. :)![]()
7:37am : ha, never heard an english version of this one. fun.
and of course it is jarvis cocker...![]()
7:38am : Here's a direct link to Kat's tune:
This Jarvis cover is lovely...![]()
7:39am : I only knew this from the version Stereo Total did with Alex Chilton, which is great.![]()
7:41am : thx philo.
btw just checked cocker's wiki page and, guess what, he directed aphex's 'on' video !
is it just me or this is quite astonishing.![]()
7:44am : Pleased to hear that; Jarvis always seemed like a very smart guy.![]()
7:46am : And returning to more unsavory topics by way of Cocker -- here's the wiki page for the savory finnish fish-cock lunch:![]()
7:51am : Now in here its time to catch crayfish. I've never had one but soon probably will.![]()
♥ 7:52am :
@Philo: thanks for the link. Wonder if I could substitute lobster?:-P![]()
7:53am : @Sem Don't see why not!! Sounds better than vendance to me. ;) Or crayfish, since it is in season.![]()
7:53am : @Sem: plentiful where you are and a whole different kettle of fish. Now I could certainly go for that "kalakukku" as a lobster roll.![]()
7:53am : philo, that is a big loaf ! (i dont know in english but in french it is a clearly ambiguous sentence).
hopefully they added the kalakukko cross section picture below...![]()
7:55am : everything might be kalakukkable...![]()
7:55am : @bibi: Ha! :)![]()
7:56am : "After being baked for several hours, traditionally in a masonry oven".
it makes sense, it is obviously a piece of masonry ;)![]()
7:56am : There's something fishy about that sentence... :)![]()
7:56am : Can you just imagine the number of "k"s in a Finnish Scrabble game ...![]()
7:58am : great set, fxo.
@kat, there s just one in french, so you cant even manage 'kayak' (which would be 32 pts without bonuses) !![]()
♥ 7:58am :
@kat: I wonder if the Scrabble company has ever thought of contextualizing tile frquency based on language? .![]()
7:59am : @Sem: Oh, I'm certain they do. Would not be any fun if half your words could not even be formed because of tile shortage.![]()
7:59am : seriously, fxo, 4tet & the beach boys in the same set, this is what i want for mondays.
@sem : of course, it is always language specific.![]()
♥ 8:00am :
I rarely play Scrabble in foreign countries. Excuse me while I brush the straw out of my hair...![]()
8:01am : I'm capable, right?![]()
8:01am : what are highest letters in english ? you kind of use all of them...![]()
8:01am : "e"![]()
8:01am : Indeed, Frank! Digging this Four Tet, too, which might not usually be in my wheelhouse.![]()
8:02am : you are kalakukkable fxo ;)
@kat, seriously ? e ?![]()
8:03am : this kalakukko makes me feel like photoshopping for the whole day.![]()
8:03am : Scrabble letter distributions:![]()
8:04am : an inspiring set and an inspiring dish![]()
8:04am : Hunaja, you're becoming Caryn of the early morn. ;)![]()
8:07am : @fxo: Yes, echoing others, a *super* set to be sandwiched in -- rather, a tasty loaf to be kalakukku'ed into!![]()
8:08am : q is not an easy one in english.
there are just 3 of them in the comment board...![]()
♥ 8:09am :
...agua frio con limón for me as well please...& a cookie...I mean NOW !
...GutenTZAG Laborers...![]()
8:11am : thanks RevRab. Guten TZAG, y'all.![]()
8:11am : I see the French have 3 extra "e"s over English -- wonder if they have different accent marks?![]()
8:12am : just checked, there are million ways to slice a kalakukko. some even manage to slice it on the long side.
@kat: no, freestyle. but good idea, could make it spicier.![]()
8:14am : @bibi: Lengthwise maybe so some aren't shorted with fish-less end bits?![]()
8:16am : i dont know, the guy sure knows how to slice, but edge slices are mere bread carbonite.![]()
8:21am : There was an interesting show in npr on Saturday afternoon about a guy who was digitizing old tape loops. As he was letting these 20 year old tapes play, they slowly disintegrated and the sound mutated as elements started falling off them... forget the show, maybe Radio Lab?![]()
♥ 8:26am :
..the opening 12String Fadd9 chord ( ) of HardDay'sNight - as convenient a marker of 'the 60s' 'really beginning' as others...too convenient, but a great sound...![]()
8:27am : yeh thats something I wanna use with tracks of a song after mixing them. In mastering tape works well too. You can drive it trhough louder and get soft distortion kind of sound.
Should get a tapedeck and old c-casettes. someday....![]()
8:27am : Love the Rainbow Guitars, Frank! When there's nothing new under the ☼ , it's time to be dragged over the rainbow! :)![]()
8:31am : Have you played the whole "Rainbow Guitars" on the show Frank? If not, please do. Sounded terrific.
And here's that Radio Lap deteriorating loops segment:![]()
8:31am : And this Kottke is a nice tidbit to have given Irene's absence today.![]()
8:31am : thanks for enjoying my loopy-loops.![]()
8:33am : I always like to cuddle in the lap of a radio.![]()
♥ 8:34am :
Thx Philo ! Satriani said about 'ElectricLadyland' album ; people made effects 'by hand' then - & on tape - & it's much more satisfying & interesting for the brain then the same digital effects everyone just punches in now.
- I think LoFi experiments share this w/ the great 60s Classics : Sgt. Pepper was 4-track tape, after all (if best studio & Engineers & all)...
- Love acoustic musicians who can deliver w/ minimal setup like this...a taste of Kottke is pehaps more my speed than other 'K' baked goods : ) ...![]()
8:34am : Apparently I was lapping it all up. This set, too.![]()
8:36am : compliments, all!![]()
8:37am : With you on all that Rabbit. I do love early electronic music, too, especially when properly integrated to rock sounds.8:37am : @ tape decompositions:
Yes, his name is Billy Bizinski, and he and his partner ran the ARCADIA on north 11th st in the early 1990's. A freind and I documented a number of concerts there- (on metal particle hi8 tape, the cutting edge at the time:-)![]()
♥ 8:39am :
Hello Fraank and everyone!![]()
♥ 8:40am :
Yeah Philo - electronix - reprising the convo when Mandl had AlMargolis on:
...I think you could justifiably assert that the average FMU listener has done more than a few laps w/ the radio...![]()
8:40am : Oh no, my nemesis, slightly tamed by Smokey. Un-click. De-click. Kalakukko'ed. Sorry Frank. :)![]()
8:41am : Just poured myself a glass of iced coffee, con lemon (peel twist). Soon I'll be fully awake.![]()
♥ 8:42am :
Moment after moment of excitement this morning, fxo. Much appreciated. Good music and good talk make a good morning. See you, and all, later.![]()
8:42am : Sting covered this, yes?
Moi moi, Mauri!![]()
8:43am : Soooorrreeee Moi moi SEM!!! :) STILL not fully awake obvously...![]()
8:43am : @3d I suppose deteriorating audio beats deteriorating video, though there is a certain amount of nostalgia for all that dead media. Sometimes watching all these pristine blurays gives me a hankerin' for some good old pan-and-scan vhs.![]()
8:44am : See ya Sem!![]()
8:44am : to each, their own. Things might work together, some maybe, well, it's free-form. Wait till you hear the next piece. Who knows? The Shadow do...![]()
♥ 8:45am :
...some Hank Marvin ??...![]()
8:46am : KAt hehee I thought what? I was just writing that I'm going to make coffee and give a shot with muffins. and you already said moi moi :D so maybe you are ahead of time already!
Bye frank and everyone. lovely morning.![]()
8:46am : @fxo Yeah, absolutely with you. A great show on radio is usually over 75% greatness, the rest so-so. I just happen to hate Oasis for mostly irrational reasons (you have to have at least one band you hate!).![]()
8:47am : The Sting cover is called "Fields of Gold" not glory.![]()
8:47am : @RR My first concert was seeing Hank Marvin & the Shadows.![]()
8:47am : OK, NOW cue the moi moi, mauri! Have a muffin-tastic Monday!![]()
8:48am : Moro Mauri! Tasty chat.![]()
8:48am : @BEAVO: Ahh, right. Didn't think the title sounded right. Thanks!![]()
8:48am : thanks for clearing up my faux pas, BEAVO.![]()
8:49am : Guess they issued this first take on blind faith.![]()
8:50am : hi rrn63, just to come back on analog/digital discussion, these 'lofi' experiments were usually very expensive. as you said, best engineers, best material, etc. im being reductive but somehow digital is for the people, analog for the elite. even today, i want good old synths but they are so expensive... and you can go very 'lofi' with digital and get fleshy sounds just by détourning cheesy effects etc.![]()
8:52am : Tks, Frank, and always re-visit your shows during the week-
Have a good week all!![]()
8:53am : I wonder if using things like google doodles and android apps for making music is the new lo-fi:![]()
8:53am : missing Winwood's vocal, but it's All Right.
Thanks for the plethora of great compliments. I'm blown away. Everyone, have a good week. This webcast will be available, in a few hours, 24/7.
New webcast, next Monday. It's been a labor of lurve.
Peace in the valley.![]()
8:55am : Fantastic show, Frank, great playlist folks!8:56am : Yeah man, let's get happy like right now!![]()
8:58am : Loved the Steely Dan Backing track music minus 2
Where did Bob get hold of that?![]()
♥ 8:58am :
Are we there yet?![]()
8:58am : Thank YOU, Frank, for kicking off a day of leisure with such great pleasure! You've made this kat happy ☼ :) You're the mensch! ♥
Bye everyone. It's been a blast!![]()
♥ 9:00am :
...distracted from digital life by analog call of nature
...yeah - analog synths & circuit-benders might be inbetween in the digital vs. analog thing
- I'll cop out w/ my favorite Jackson Pollack quote: 'Technique is just a way of arriving @ a statement'...![]()
♥ 9:01am :
- Thx Frank & All.
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