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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, November 8, 2014 Favoriting
HONK NYC! video webcast: 6 insane brass bands storm WFMU's Monty Hall
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Last month Transpacific Sound Paradise and HONK NYC! teamed up to bring an international activist brass band performance spectacle to WFMU's Monty Hall.

Six bands. some 70 musicians total, played hysterical marching band music, adorned in warped band uniforms, cavortting riotously around Monty Hall on-stage and off!

You can watch the video webcast right on this page - just click the play button in the image above.

Featuring performances by (in this order):

Les Muses Tanguent (France)
Chaotic Noise Marching Corps (Seattle)
Radio Kaizman (France)
Pakava It' (Russia)
Kenny Wolleson and Himalayas Marching Band (NYC)
Environmental Encroachment (Chicago)

Massive thanks to co-producer Sara Valentine from HONK NYC!

A little about HONK NYC!, HONK! and the Activist street band phenonemon:

HONK NYC! - - is the after-party to the
Boston-area's unrivaled annual HONK! Festival of Activist Street Bands . HONK NYC! is a multi-day spectacle of
street music and pageantry across the NYC metro area.

Across the country and around the world, a new type of street band is
emerging. Acoustic and mobile, borrowing repertoire and inspiration
from a diverse set of folk music traditions New Orleans second line
brass bands, European Klezmer, Balkan and Romani music, Brazilian Afro
Bloc and Frevo traditions, as well as the passion and spirit of Mardi
Gras and Carnival these "honkers" all share a commitment to several
core principles. Metaphorically speaking, they honk their horns for
the same reasons motorists honk theirs: to arouse fellow travelers, to
warn of danger, to celebrate milestones, and to just plain have fun.

Huge thanks to WFMU's engineering, production and event team!

Ruth Hayduk, Video Producer / Director of Photography
Yvonne Szymczak, Camera
Mark Koch, House Engineer
Serge Zbrizher, Assistant House Audio Engineer
Gil Shuster, Radio Mix
Mario Santana, tech assistant
Matt Marando, tech assistant
Dave Emmert, tech assistant
Katie Gentile, Stage Manager
Kristina Necovska, Door
Tony Bonczkowski, Merch Table
Joe McGasko, Merch Table
Carol McCrossen, Merch Table
Tim Gehan, Security
Jean-Paul Gautreaux, Setup Assistant
Special thanks to Scott Williams, Liz Berg and Ken Freedman at WFMU

This Week's Playlist:

Les Muses Tanguent: Live at WFMU's Monty Hall October 16, 2014 Favoriting (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Chaotic Noise Marching Corps: Live at WFMU's Monty Hall October 16, 2014 Favoriting (0:42:45 Pop-up)

Radio Kaizman: Live at WFMU's Monty Hall October 16, 2014 Favoriting (1:07:15 Pop-up)

Pakava It': Live at WFMU's Monty Hall October 16, 2014 Favoriting (1:38:26 Pop-up)

Kenny Wolleson and the Himalayas Marching Band: Live at WFMU's Monty Hall October 16, 2014 Favoriting

Environmental Encroachment: Live at WFMU's Monty Hall October 16, 2014 Favoriting (2:35:52 Pop-up)

Second Line Social Aid And Pleasure Society Brass Band: African Marketplace Favoriting / Various Artists: Honk - Live at the Dilboy (3:02:21 Pop-up)

Environmental Encroachment during HONK NYC! October 16, 2014 at WFMU’s Monty Hall.

Listener comments!

  6:16pm Robert:

Darn, I was waiting for the tambourinist's strap to slip off entirely.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm katie:

Holy honk! the only thing better than the Honk Festival in Monty Hall is the Honk Festival as enjoyed in my own apt now with visuals!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Honk On Thru to the Other Side ! Flash on this old Mac to watch - but the fun coming thru loud & clear...
  Swag For Life Member 6:20pm andrew:

This is terrific.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm Rob W:

Thanks Andrew, good evening everyone, thanks for checking out the first-ever video webcast of HONK NYC! on WFMU!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:23pm Bas NL:

Great fun this! I love to be able to see it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- nice Stereo !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& - from Monty Hall !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm Guido from Cologne:

Hello Rob!
We know these kind of band s as Guggemusik (originally from Switzerland) ....
... who did (along with the Samba groups) a lot to refresh the street band culture, in particular during Carnival days. We used to have guesting Bands, but it's an spreadiing movement so there are more and more local formations.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm davex:

This is great fun, Rob!
Avatar 6:32pm doca:

They're great, Rob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm Rob W:

Thanks Guido, very interesting, I was not aware of Guggemusik. And thanks davex and doca!
  6:36pm testingwithfire:

why did i move to new england... i could be @ monty hall right now
Avatar 6:36pm doca:

The video will be archived?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm Greg from Bloomfield:

SO glad I'm getting to see this. I was tired after work that night and decided not to attend, and have regretted it every day since.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm Rob W:

Hi doca, yes, the video will be archived although I don't have a URL for that yet. I will add it to this page and to my playlist index page once I have it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm Guido from Cologne:

It's a little bit like this is going on outside my front door. But indeed these are cream of the crop formations. Lotsa fun!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm Rob W:

You know Greg, there's always next year! I'm not sure if we'll do this at Monty Hall again - we'll see - but there are usually a half-dozen or more HONK NYC! events mid-October. The dates are right after the mother ship, the HONK! Festival which is Columbus Day weekend in Boston. Keep an eye on .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm Greg from Bloomfield:

Thanks for the info, Rob!
  6:45pm Robert:

Near as I can figure, Les Muses Tanguent means The Muses Swing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm Rob W:

Or the Swinging Muses maybe? I didn't really ask them!
Avatar 7:10pm doca:

The Muses dancing are awesome too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm davex:

Solid camerawork, too, by the way!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm katie:

Despite this great song, Satan's kingdom seems to have gained traction this week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm Rob W:

Yes, Satan's Kingdom is very apropos I'm afraid!
  7:15pm Robert:

It makes hardly any difference, but "tanguant" would be "swinging", while "tanguent" is "[they] swing". Or rock.
Avatar 7:15pm doca:

That's true, @katie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16pm Ĩkє:

Sounds -- and looks -- great!

BTW, there are interesting posters here in Sunset Park for "El Padre Padrino Del Punk Mexicano / Sindrome Ltd", a show on Nov. 9, "por primera vez en New York" -- but the tix are a bit pricey -- $40!
Avatar 7:17pm doca:

@Rob: You should check the blocos at the Rio carnival. They're like 300+ brass bands throughout the city the whole summer playing everything. I joked with a friend of mine that we should do a prog rock bloco, as it seems to be the only musical genre lacking in the whole thing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm katie:

Ike we had seen similar posters in Brighton earlier for a huge concert in NJ featuring Los Ramones.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm davex:

@doca: Go for it - I'd like to see that!
Avatar 7:20pm doca:

Yeah, first I need to learn how to play a musical instrument, @davex. But maybe it'll be more fun to play prog rock if I don't know how to do it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm davex:

@doca: You might have a point there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26pm Rob W:

Yes, well, just to clarify, Los Ramones de Nuevo Leon aren't really the Mexican Ramones! I think they are more of a pop / ranchera / cumbia type band who played around here recently. There are also a lot of big shows with Mexican brass bands going on in New York and NJ now, often attached to rodeos! The band Ike mentioned is indeed a punk band though, I don't know their background but here's their facebook page:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm katie:

Sorry. I was busy watching the flutes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm Rob W:

Well Katie, how could you not...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm Rob W:

The way Les Muses are dancing with the other bands, and musicians and dancers from all the bands mixing it up in general is very HONK!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm Rob W:

The little girl you just saw being passed overhead was very cute - she asked for every musician's autograph (and mine too!)
  7:43pm Fran:

an amazing concert, thanks Rob, Transpacific Sound Paradise and WFMU .. greetings from Brazll
  7:44pm Fran:

and sure thanks to all bands!! they are great
Avatar 7:58pm cory:

i think i just funked in my pants.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm Rob W:

Thanks Fran, hello Brazil and, well, cory, I think you may have a case of the Dreaded Honk-Lurgi!
  8:04pm Mark:

Lounge Lizards tune?
  8:16pm Robert:

The drawing on the drum looks like a stage of mitosis.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm Rob W:

Robert, yes, perhaps...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm Rob W:

Check out Environmental Encroachment's Musical Saw Array - I've never seen circular musical saws before. It's potentially quite lethal...
  8:33pm Carmichael:

Thst would be a "band" saw ... HA HA, i'm crackin' myself up over here ....
Avatar 8:38pm glenn:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm davex:

Great show - thanks, Rob and everyone who worked on it!
  8:55pm Carmichael:

Thanks, Glenn ...
Avatar 8:55pm cory:

great show! thank you so funkin' much!!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:58pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Nice show tonight, Rob.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm Bas NL:

Thanks Rob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm Rob W:

Huge thanks to WFMU's engineering, production and event team for tonight's show!
Ruth Hayduk, Video Producer / Director of Photography
Yvonne Szymczak, Camera
Mark Koch, House Audio Engineer
Serge Zbrizher, Assistant House Audio Engineer
Gil Shuster, Broadcast Mix Engineer
Mario Santana, Tech Assistant
Matt Marando, Tech Assistant
Dave Emmert, Tech Assistant
Jean-Paul Gautreaux, Setup Assistant
Special thanks to Stage Manager Katie Gentile and event volunteers Kristina Necovska, Tony Bonczkowski, Joe McGasko, Carol McCrossen and Tim Gehan plus Scott Williams, Liz Berg and Ken Freedman at WFMU.
  1:54am no:

> the HONK! Festival which is Columbus Day weekend in Boston.

as most honk bands would say, indigenous people's day.
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