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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, November 28, 2015 Favoriting
A Show for the Holiday

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This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Sikumiut: Sikumiut Favoriting / Various Artists: Native North America, Vol. 1: Aboriginal Folk, Rock, and Country 1966-1985 (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Sugluk: Fall Away Favoriting / Various Artists: Native North America, Vol. 1: Aboriginal Folk, Rock, and Country 1966-1985 (0:04:15 Pop-up)

A Tribe Called Red: Electric Pow Wow Drum Favoriting / A Tribe Called Red (0:06:21 Pop-up)

A Tribe Called Red: Suplex (featuring Northern Voice) Favoriting / Suplex (0:09:56 Pop-up)

Balvina Ramos and Gaby Kerpel: Coplas Filosóficas Favoriting / Tira Torito (0:13:16 Pop-up)

Lautaro Manquilef Lemuñir: Canto a la Machi Favoriting / Canto Mapuche (0:15:51 Pop-up)

Domingo Chompi and Louisa Sera Chompi: Music and Song for Sheep Favoriting / Various Artists: Mountain Music Of Peru, Vol.1 / Smithsonian Folkways (0:17:57 Pop-up)

Village musicians recorded by David Lewiston: Mauca Zapotoyke Favoriting / Various Artists: Kingdom of the Sun: Peru's Inca Heritage / Nonesuch Explorer (0:19:18 Pop-up)

Illiaque: Kena Kena Favoriting / Peruvian & Bolivian Music / Playa Sound (0:22:02 Pop-up)

Julio Torres, Modesto Toto and Feleciano Caseres: Party Time in a Bamboo Hut (excerpt - track 12) Favoriting / Various Artists: Pipe and Drum Music of Bolivia / PsuedoArcana (0:24:34 Pop-up)
Sorata in the High Andes

Randall Paskermin: Teenage Love Favoriting / Emotions (0:27:16 Pop-up)
Cree dance style

Jim Pepper: Ya Na Ho Favoriting / Comin' and Goin' / Europa (0:30:11 Pop-up)

Laura Wallace: Potter's Bull Favoriting / Various Artists: Heartbeat 2: More Voices of First Nation Women / Smithsonian Folkways (0:38:26 Pop-up)

Bernice Torrez: Feather Dance Song Favoriting / Various Artists: Heartbeat 2: More Voices of First Nation Women / Smithsonian Folkways (0:39:38 Pop-up)

Jani Lauzon: Wabakii Bezhig Favoriting / Various Artists: Heartbeat 2: More Voices of First Nation Women / Smithsonian Folkways (0:40:44 Pop-up)

Judy Trejo: Tuhvanga Favoriting / Various Artists: Heartbeat 2: More Voices of First Nation Women / Smithsonian Folkways (0:43:29 Pop-up)

Shebaba Group: Old Time Zuni Squaw Dance Favoriting / Zuni (split LP - Shebaba Group and Quetawki Group) / Canyon Records (0:45:04 Pop-up)

W. Horncloud, Ben Sitting Up, Frank Afraid of Horses: Fast Sioux War Dance Favoriting / Various Artists: Sioux Favorites / Canyon Records (0:47:28 Pop-up)

Two Young Q'ero Girls: Two Girls in Wayuna Pampa sing Favoriting / Various Artists: Mountain Music Of Peru, Vol.1 / Smithsonian Folkways (0:49:33 Pop-up)

Buffy Sainte-Marie: Isketayo Sewow (Cree Call) Favoriting / Native American Child: An Odyssey (0:51:58 Pop-up)

Morley Loon: N'Doheeno Favoriting / Various Artists: Native North America, Vol. 1: Aboriginal Folk, Rock, and Country 1966-1985 (0:53:50 Pop-up)

Tumasi Quissa: Irngutapiga Qiayuapeomat (Tears Are For Joy) Favoriting / Better Times (0:56:14 Pop-up)

Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner (Cast): Party Sequence - Throat Singing Games Favoriting / Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner - Audio from Film (1:06:47 Pop-up)

Pamyua: Inngerneq Favoriting / Caught in the Act (1:09:50 Pop-up)
From Anchorage

Women of of Povungituk (Canadian Arctic): Throat Singing Contest Favoriting / Various Artists: Inuit Throat and Harp Songs / Canadian Music Heritage Collection (1:12:23 Pop-up)

Tudjaat: Ah Hum Mum Ma Favoriting / Various Artists: Heartbeat 2: More Voices of First Nation Women / Smithsonian Folkways (1:13:51 Pop-up)

Derek Charke, Tanya Tagaq, Kronos String Quartet: Tundra Songs (Excerpt) Favoriting / Tundra Songs / Centrediscs (1:14:34 Pop-up)

Women of of Povungituk (Canadian Arctic): Song About a Thumb Favoriting / Various Artists: Inuit Throat and Harp Songs / Canadian Music Heritage Collection (1:28:43 Pop-up)

Luzmila Carpio: Amaotayku Avelino Sinani (El Remolon Remix) Favoriting / Luzmila Carpio Meets ZZK / ZZK Records (1:28:55 Pop-up)

Luzmila Carpio: Kawsay Jap'isunchik. Favoriting / Yuyay Jap'ina Tapes / Omnian (1:31:21 Pop-up)

Ñanda Mañachi: Carabuela Favoriting / Various Artists: Generacion Andino (1:35:28 Pop-up)

Inti-Illimani: Samba Lando Favoriting / Grandes Exitos (1:38:46 Pop-up)

Kalamarka: Ama Sua, Ama Quella, Ama Llulla Favoriting (1:44:06 Pop-up)

Armadura de Dios: Ama Sua, Ama Quella, Ama Llulla Favoriting / Various Artists: MetalMarka 2013 (1:47:22 Pop-up)

DisanHellium: Ama Amazonas Favoriting / Various Artists: MetalMarka 2013 (1:52:50 Pop-up)

Capricho Huanca: Huancayo Cotupchacka Favoriting / Various Artists: Huayno Music of Peru Volume 2 / Arhoolie (2:00:06 Pop-up)

Violeta Parra: En la Cumbre de los Andes Favoriting / La Cueca Presentada por Violeta Parra (2:02:31 Pop-up)

Kattita Vilaroel: Aswan Sinchi Munakunki Y Se Va Favoriting / Various Artists: Ulqutushuy (2:04:24 Pop-up)
In WFMU's Free Music Archive

Orquesta Folklorica Nueva Generacion: Barrio Cruz del Triunfo Limaylla Paca Favoriting / Orquesta Folklorica Nueva Generacion (2:07:21 Pop-up)

La Huarancita: Mi Delirio Favoriting / Collecion de Oro (2:10:51 Pop-up)

Ccoyllorcita y Huaytapara De Salcahuasi: Altunta Jamuni Favoriting / Various Artists: Ulqutushuy (2:12:39 Pop-up)
In WFMU's Free Music Archive

Martina de los Andes: Nadie es Dueño de Este Favoriting (2:16:15 Pop-up)

Illapu: Paso de Mulata Favoriting / Multitudes (2:23:06 Pop-up)

Dizu Plaatjes and Friends: Xoliswa Sthandwa Sentiziyo Favoriting / Ubuntu - The Common String / * (2:27:20 Pop-up)
Pron. "Cho LEE swah"

Brian Chilala & Ngoma Zasu: Duka Favoriting / Vangaza! / SWP / * (2:31:12 Pop-up)

Rolando Bruno: Tortuguita Marina Favoriting / Bailazo / * (2:37:17 Pop-up)

Sergent Garcia: C'est la Vie Favoriting / Contre Vents et Marées / Verycord / * (2:40:05 Pop-up)

The Blue Infinity: What to Do Favoriting (2:46:24 Pop-up)

Tara Fuki: Kapka Favoriting / The Best of Tara Fuki / Indies (2:54:49 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  6:07pm Gaylord Fields:

Great to hear the new intro! Now all the other WFMU shows will want jingles sung by the Single Swingers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm Rob W:

Gaylord, I owe it all to you, thanks for letting me borrow the Single Swingers!
  6:18pm Gaylord Fields:

The pleasure is mine, Rob! I appreciate your having them expand their range.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm coelacanth:

greetings Rob,Gaylord,others

i like that pow wow chanting. 'brings me back to a bittersweet time in my life (more sweet than bitter!) when i was being steeped in native culture & esp. music.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:25pm Ken From Hyde Park:

I attended a pow-wow of the Blackfeet in Montana about twenty years ago. It was pretty cool, but I didn't understand anything that was happening.
  6:29pm ?:

This one of the best WFMU shows. I love how you bring us the world every week.
  6:30pm Steve-O:

Hi Rob. Loved to see that you started out with Sikumiut! One of my favorite folk songs from Canada. =)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm coelacanth:

i didn't understand a lot of it,though i had someone to guide me through it. it would've been moving either way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm Layet Johnson:

What a great song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- a different kind of Soul Music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm Rob W:

Hi everyone, thanks for listening!
  6:35pm IFisher:

This whole set is astonishing!
  6:48pm Ned Wiki:

This is too real.
  7:06pm moontana:

Just tuned in. Can't wait to listen from the beginning. We know so little about this music. It is living history. Thanks, Gaylord!
  7:08pm moontana:

Whoops, I mean Rob. Who's "Gaylord?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm coelacanth:

i LOVE Tanya Tagaq, but that Derek Charke track just blew me away.
  7:41pm LInda Lee:

amazing human sounds. just amazing. thanks again, Rob!
  7:49pm JakeGould:

Hey there! How is everyone this holiday-ish weekend?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm coelacanth:

Rob,you been trading music with Bill Zebub?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm Rob W:

Hi Jake! We had a pretty good one! Actually my favorite activity was going to the Metropolitan Museum with my better half Katie on Friday - they're having live music in the Asian Galleries on Fridays for a few weeks - we checked out some Korean P'ansori (traditional vocal performance) and a performance by Kaoru Watanabe and an accompanist on traditional Japanese flute and drum.
  7:58pm JakeGould:

More “Muppet” singing on this track.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm coelacanth:

there are at least a few excellent psych-rock bands in south america and mexico as well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

There is after all the whole legacy of Tropicalia in Brazil
- & if the real history of the Mexican-American involvement in / influence on Garage Rock has been presented - I haven't seen it yet...
  8:14pm Martin vW:

Thanks for providing the awesome soundtrack for our Sunday afternoon BBQ, Rob. All the best to you and the professor from Melbourne.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm Rob W:

Martin - good afternoon! All the best to you too, we'll catch you over there one of these years...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm katie:

spectacular music ride we're on this evening Rob.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33pm katie:

Hi Martin. I wondered who could be having a BBQ in this chilly, wet weather. I see, it's you from the other side and end of the globe.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:40pm Ken From Hyde Park:

That Duka number was sweet!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm ! I X Key !:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm ! I X Key !:

! Loved this show so much (o:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm Rob W:

Thanks ! I X Key !: and everyone for listening and stay tuned for Prove it All Night live from WFMU's Monty Hall...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm coelacanth:

Brilliant show Rob Thanks!

later on people.
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