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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, March 10, 2018 Favoriting
WFMU Fundraiser Show With MC Irene
Please Make a Pledge Here, Thanks!

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Greetings dear listeners! I hope you can pledge tonight to support WFMU!

If you pledge to my show right here, as usual I've made a custom conceptual world music cd for everyone who pledges $75 or more.

This year's custom cd is World Covers - inspired by my weekly Friday morning World Covers segments on WFMU’s morning show Wake and Bake with Clay Pigeon.

Of course, if my cd doesn't float your boat you can choose a different DJ's premium (cd or otherwise) instead. You can see the full list of DJ CD premiums at

I’m now in my fourth decade on WFMU! Who’d a thunk it? And if you are in a good place economically, perhaps you’ll consider celebrating my radio longevity by making a $10 per month (or more) sustaining Swag For Life pledge.

If you do, your cup shall runneth over with WFMU swag EVERY year! This year for a $10 per month swag for life pledge (or a $50 or more one-time pledge) you’ll receive the WFMU Sputnik T-Shirt, designed by Jon Langford of the Mekons!

If you can make it up to a $15 per month swag for life pledge, you’ll get our new WFMU Woof Moo logo Cooler,designed by Aaron Taylor-Waldman. And you’ll receive a similar batch of goodies every year as long as you remain a Swag for Lifer.

Higher Swag For Life monthly levels get you to our WFMU Turntable Sweatshirt designed by Nick Dewar ($30/month), the spectacular Secret Society Record Bag, designed by Scott Corkins ($41/month), the WFMU Horn O’ Plenty USB Drive ($81/month), and free admission for you and a guest to WFMU’s Monty Hall for a full year ($416/month). At each level you get everything from the prior levels too - crazy amounts of stuff!

But any amount you can pledge is most fabulous and wonderful. And it just takes a $20 pledge to get our fab new WFMU glow in the dark magnet designed by Mary Blount, discount admission to our Record Fair April 27 - 29 at Brooklyn Expo Center - AND you’ll get in the running for a prize drawing for one of the great LPs and CDs I’m giving away to lucky pledgers this evening!

A premium-cd-level pledge of $75 or more also gets you into the running for our grand prize, Music of Morocco from the Library of Congress, recorded by the author Paul Bowles, 1959: 4 CDs in a silkscreened box with 120-page, leatherette book, featuring extensive liner notes by Philip Schuyler. Field notes by Paul Bowles. Introduction by Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth. Thanks to Dust to Digital records for donating this wonderful grand prize - which we’ll award to one lucky $75+ pledger at the end of the show.

And you can peruse the fabulous swag on offer station-wide at various pledge levels at


Here’s a quick list of the premiums you may request at various pledge levels! (You can see all the premiums on offer at

•$20 gets you the WFMU glow in the dark magnet - and you get in the running for whatever prize is up for grabs
•$50 gets you the new FMU Sputnik t-shirt
•$75 gets you all of that PLUS my premium cd of World Covers (or you can choose a different DJ premium!
•$15 per month (or a $180 one-time pledge or multiple pledges adding up to $180) gets you all of the above PLUS a WFMU cooler! And you can choose three MORE DJ premiums!
•$30 per month (or $365) gets you all of the above PLUS our new WFMU Turntable Sweatshirt, 7 MORE DJ Premiums PLUS you get to pick a CLASSIC WFMU Prize from our Prize Warehouse!
•$41 per month (or $500) gets you all of the above PLUS the Secret Society Record Bag, the most amazing bag WFMU has ever offered, plus 12 MORE DJ Premium and TWO CLASSIC WFMU Prizes from our Prize Warehouse!
•$83 per month (or $1000) gets you all of the above plus a USB drive PACKED with FMU favorites, 18 MORE DJ Premiums and FOUR classic WFMU prizes from our prize warehouse!
•$416 per month gets you EVERYTHING above plus EVERY DJ Premium AND a plus-one for every Monty Hall event through Dec 31 2018! Egads!

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Boogarins: Lucifernandis Favoriting / As Plantas (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Ouzo Bazooka: Look Around Favoriting / Simoom (0:04:29 Pop-up)

Adnan Othman - Bershukor and Revolusi from Bershukor: A Retrospective Of Hits By A Malaysian Pop Yeh Yeh Legend: Get in the running this DOUBLE LP of classic Malaysian 60s pop yeh-yeh rock by Adnan Othman c/o Sublime Frequencies with your pledge of $20 or more now, thanks! Favoriting / Sublime Frequencies (0:14:39 Pop-up)

Sroeng Santi: Kuen Kuen Lueng Lueng (Iron Man) Favoriting (0:29:44 Pop-up)
From the Premium CD World Covers - yours for a pledge of $75 or more

Jonas Andersson: Diana - From the Premium CD World Covers - yours for a pledge of $75 or more Favoriting (0:33:49 Pop-up)

Sidi Mohamed and Friends: Music from Timbuktu Echoes - The album up for grabs now - any pledge of $20 or more gets you in the running! Favoriting (0:44:53 Pop-up)

Almir Guineto: Caxambu from Luaka Bop's O Samba, compiled by David Byrne - the album up for grabs now - any pledge of $20 or more gets you in the running! Favoriting (1:05:59 Pop-up)

Martinho Da Vila: Batuco No Chao from Luaka Bop's O Samba, compiled by David Byrne - the album up for grabs now - any pledge of $20 or more gets you in the running! Favoriting (1:06:55 Pop-up)

Machuca Cumbia: Staying Alive - From the Premium CD World Covers - yours for a pledge of $75 or more Favoriting (1:10:26 Pop-up)

Sr. Coconut: Home Computer - From the Premium CD World Covers - yours for a pledge of $75 or more Favoriting (1:13:46 Pop-up)

Orchestre Super Mazembe: Malaba d'Amour (Words of Love)- From the Premium CD World Covers - yours for a pledge of $75 or more Favoriting (1:17:24 Pop-up)

Zazou Bikaye CY1 (and sometimes, Fred Frith): Eh! Yaye and more from Noir et Blanc - The album up for grabs now - any pledge of $20 or more gets you in the running! Favoriting / Crammed Discs / * (1:31:32 Pop-up)

Ghulam Arshad and others: Music from Ishq Ke Maare - music from Pakistan on Sublime Frequencies - The album up for grabs now - any pledge of $20 or more gets you in the running! Favoriting (1:49:01 Pop-up)

Purna Das Baul and Bapi Das Baul: Mr Tambourine Man - From the Premium CD World Covers - yours for a pledge of $75 or more Favoriting (1:54:46 Pop-up)

Ananda Shankar: Jumping Jack Flash - From the Premium CD World Covers - yours for a pledge of $75 or more Favoriting (2:02:19 Pop-up)

Shang Shang Typhoon: Let it Be - From the Premium CD World Covers - yours for a pledge of $75 or more Favoriting (2:04:08 Pop-up)

Group Doueh & Cheveu: Music from Dhakla Sahara Sessions - The album up for grabs now - any pledge of $20 or more gets you in the running! Favoriting (2:17:14 Pop-up)

Natacha Atlas: I Put a Spell on You - From the Premium CD World Covers - yours for a pledge of $75 or more Favoriting (2:22:04 Pop-up)

Kasai All Stars: Music from Around Felicite - The album up for grabs now - any pledge of $20 or more gets you in the running! Favoriting / Crammed Discs (2:38:04 Pop-up)

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Email here to JOIN the TSP E-MAIL LIST for giveaways, show news!

If you want to be on an email list for special ticket and music giveaways and to hear news about upcoming specials and special events (including our remote broadcasts from Barbes in Park Slope, Brooklyn - send an email to Rob W here and be sure to write "list" in the subject line.

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Organizations supporting the rights of immigrants and refugees:

(For more suggestions see

National Immigration Law Center: Established in 1979, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants.

National Immigration Forum: The National Immigration Forum is one of the leading immigrant advocacy organizations in the country, with a mission to advocate for the value of immigrants and immigration to the nation.

New York Immigration Coalition: The New York Immigration Coalition aims to achieve a fairer and more just society that values the contributions of immigrants and extends opportunity to all. The NYIC promotes immigrants’ full civic participation, fosters their leadership, and provides a unified voice and a vehicle for collective action for New York’s diverse immigrant communities.

Arab American Family Support Center (New York City): The Arab-American Family Support Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-sectarian organization that provides culturally and linguistically sensitive services to immigrant communities throughout New York City.

Action NYC: ActionNYC connects New Yorkers to free, safe immigration legal help. You can make an appointment to learn your immigration legal options and get immigration application assistance. There are ActionNYC sites in all five boroughs. Appointments are required. Your appointment will be in your language.

Immigration Equality is the leading LGBTQ immigrant rights organization in the country. It provide s advice and legal services to thousands of LGBTQ and HIV-positive immigrants seeking refuge, fair treatment, and freedom in the United States. The work is truly lifesaving because there are nearly 80 countries around the world where it is a crime to be LGBTQ, with consequences up to and including the death penalty. For this reason, Immigration Equality fights to obtain asylum in the United States for LGBTQ and HIV-positive refugees - with a remarkable 99% win rate.

International Refugee Assistance Project: The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) organizes law students and lawyers to develop and enforce a set of legal and human rights for refugees and displaced persons. Mobilizing direct legal aid and systemic policy advocacy, IRAP serves the world’s most persecuted individuals and empowers the next generation of human rights leaders.

International Rescue Committee: The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.

Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF): AALDEF is a national organization that protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans by combining litigation, advocacy, education, and community organizing. Issues / focus include immigrant rights, civic participation and voting rights, economic justice for workers, language access to services, educational equity, housing and environmental justice, and the elimination of anti-Asian violence, police misconduct, and human trafficking.

Make the Road New York (MRNY): MRNY builds the power of Latino and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice through organizing, policy innovation, transformative education, and survival services.

Make the Road New Jersey (MRNJ): Make the Road New Jersey builds the power of immigrant and working class communities in New Jersey to achieve dignity and justice through community organizing, legal and support services, transformative education and policy innovation.

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm Rob W:

Good evening everyone! Get in the running for our first prize, a DOUBLE LP of classic Malaysian 60s pop yeh-yeh rock by Adnan Othman c/o Sublime Frequencies with your pledge of $20 or more now, thanks!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:10pm Bas NL:

Hi Rob!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:13pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Hello, Rob and friends. Thanks for your generosity, Bas. You always pitch in.
  6:17pm Readie Righteous:

Hi friends! Pledge for Rob W.! 800-989-9368!!! And!!! Ring my phone!!!!!!
Avatar 6:17pm Third World Man:

what the heck is that crawl space for?
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:18pm Bas NL:

And hi Irene! :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm Tome:

Hey Rob & Irene together == Paradise !!
Avatar 6:21pm el_musgo:

Avatar 6:22pm Third World Man:

Yes keep politics off WFMU!!!!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:41pm Irene Trudel:

Hi everybody!! Nice to be here tonight with Rob. Please show Rob how much you love Transpacific Sound Paradise by pledging at 1-800-989-9368 or online
  6:41pm Karen in Sleepy Hollow:

WooHoo! Happy and successful marathon Rob!
Avatar 6:42pm TDK60:

Evenin' Rob & Irene. Politics? Someone running for office?
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:43pm Bas NL:

I love this Sroeng Santi track!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:43pm Irene Trudel:

Basically it's a politics-free zone tonight, TDK60!
Avatar 6:43pm Philthy woman:

O My Dog you just took me back...thank you so
Avatar 6:47pm TDK60:

But, the list of immigrants' rights & support groups below, that's "political" to me--and I support it strongly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm Rob W:

It's true TDK60, I do get a little political! Actually part of the freeform idea is that subjectivity is OK!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm Irene Trudel:

As do I! About 10 days ago I was at a show in Napa, CA which the father of the mayor of Oakland attended. His daughter got a big round of applause for her efforts resisting ICE.
Avatar 6:59pm TDK60:

I won't bring up the president .... of Iceland.
Avatar 7:05pm TDK60:

Saw Tinariwen a few years back in Central Park. Folks, I survived the show to tell ya: they hypnotized me!
  7:09pm Karen in Sleepy Hollow:

Tinariwen are wonderful live. Saw them years ago at Le Poisson Rouge. Even posted a vid on YouTube.
Avatar 7:19pm βrian:

I missed Tinariwen? Durn. Love 'em.
Good evening, all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm Rob W:

To be honest Brian we only referred to Tinariwen, I didn't actually play them! (Although I played music in a similar vein.)
Avatar 7:22pm TDK60:

Brian we're blessed with The Archives, another incredible aspect here. I hafta go grocery shoppin' now--can Ear later.
Avatar 7:24pm βrian:

Ach, in the past year I've made to the archives only once. Just can't swing it, somehow.

I've never seen Tinariwen live, but I did see Bombino once in a small venue. That was fun.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:25pm Irene Trudel:

I'd seen that Bombino is going to be touring the US soon.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:28pm Irene Trudel:

BY the way, only three people are in the running for that Luaka Bop: O Samba LP, which we will be giving away soon. Pledge now! or 1-800-989-9368.
Avatar 7:33pm βrian:

Secret Society? Is that how the Opus Dei thread got started on the playlists?
  7:41pm Ike:

Phone room is too quiet! Pledge now! Don't put it off! You have a better chance of winning a prize now than if you wait until week 2 when everyone else pledges! Stop putting it off! DO IT NOW! NOW! NOW!
Avatar 7:48pm Third World Man:

@TDK I was simply agreeing with the announcer whom stated something along the lines that we are constantly bombarded with partisanship and that WFMU is a relatively free of that. It’s one of the reasons I listen to WFMU rather than RFB or WBAI.
Avatar 7:51pm βrian:

Heh. Fenton! Far out.
  7:54pm Josh:

Khop khun mak krup for the Thai music!
Avatar 7:55pm βrian:

The Drummer Stream is my salvation, in fact.
Avatar 7:56pm Third World Man:

Why is it called the drummer stream?
Avatar 7:56pm βrian:

That was a fun documentary. I remember hours spent reading those goofy labels.
Avatar 7:57pm βrian:

I think the initial show on the stream was "Give the Drummer Some." And it went from there.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm Irene Trudel:

Third World Man, it's called the Drummer stream in honor of Doug Shulkind's show, Give the Drummer Some. He's the one who started the idea of doing an alternate stream when he moved away to Pittsburgh. Now many WFMU DJs who have moved away are still hosting shows in it from around the country (and the world).
Avatar 8:05pm βrian:

It's a manifestation of the WFMU diaspora.
Avatar 8:09pm EarlyMorningInSeoul:

Good luck guys! Any Korean covers in the mix?
Avatar 8:10pm EarlyMorningInSeoul:

@Irene Trudel, thanks for explanation. I was wondering that too.
Avatar 8:10pm TDK60:

Back w/groceries. This is a gas.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm Rob W:

I don't have a Korean cover on the Premium cd - but I did a segment on Wake and Bake around this wild cover of Pipeline by Luna Lee from Seoul on Kayagum:
Avatar 8:13pm βrian:

I miss Irene's show on ... Tuesday morning, was it? Now it's too late for me, here on the Third Coast.
Avatar 8:15pm EarlyMorningInSeoul:

@Rob W: awesome, she is super talented!
Avatar 8:15pm TDK60:

Understand, T.W.M. Yet sometimes politics, or better: social issues, get discussed here. And it's in *some* music at least too.
  8:15pm Carmichael:

Heya Rob and peoples. Some great shows on the Drummer Stream. I’m a Tony Coulter fan from waaaay back. All the more reason to give.
Avatar 8:17pm βrian:

The Dr. Bronner's analogy is apt. When I want to see what's playing, or what just played, I have no idea where to look.

I'm tempted to just go to the Google.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:18pm Irene Trudel:

Brian, my show is now on Tuesday evenings 9pm to midnight eastern. Not too late for Left-Coasters but bad for European listeners.
  8:18pm Carmichael:

David Byrne was on Colbert last night. Great music, happy oddball personality.
Avatar 8:23pm βrian:

In fact, can you call yourself a professional DJ, it you have to follow a playlist? I think not.
Avatar 8:24pm Third World Man:

If this station played Britney or Taylor I wouldn’t listen...
Avatar 8:28pm Third World Man:

@tdk Discussion is great. Demonization of people who don’t agree isn’t. And unfortunately right now demonization is everywhere. My mother demonizes, my friends demonize, I get sick of it. It’s nice to have an escape from all that.
Avatar 8:30pm TDK60:

Yes TWM...I'm swirling away in the dance.
  8:32pm Carmichael:

I was just doing the math. I have been in my current job 18 years, and about 5 years prior I discovered FMU. I have never looked back.
Avatar 8:35pm TDK60:

And I make a guess that maybe folks into world music are progressive (most likely) in one way or another.
Avatar 8:41pm TDK60:

Do any of the astronauts on the space station play music up there? That wouldn't be world music.
Avatar 8:45pm βrian:

Volvo land.
Avatar 8:47pm TDK60:

Funny thing is, maybe a lot of folks, who sadly miss Rob W's show, know not how much it often really ROCKS!
Avatar 8:49pm βrian:

Has Rob W's show gone missing?? I'm very confused if so.
  8:52pm MD:

Come on people we are so close!!!
  8:53pm Carmichael:

I love hoomei!
  8:54pm Karen in Sleepy Hollow:

This is one of my all time fav covers!
  8:58pm Karen in Sleepy Hollow:

Nice! Thanks for the prize!
Avatar 9:00pm βrian:

Thanks, Rob and Irene.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm Bas NL:

Thanks Rob, Irene!
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