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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, June 30, 2018 Favoriting
Jon Madof of Chant Records:
An Adventurous New Artist-Run Indie Label

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Jon Madof and Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz are two brilliant musicians who've made big waves while steering utterly clear of the mainstream. They've played together in various edgy / experimental / improvisational bands. And now they've launched a label together: Chant Records is a label whose aim - in Jon and Shanir's words - is to "create a sonic temple for adventurous music".

Chant Records releases run the gamut from rootsy stuff like klezmer to not-so-rootsy things like experimental doom metal! Jon Madof joins us this week to introduce us to some of the music on this exciting new label. And you can get a big taste of what Chant Records is up to with their free 101 song introductory digital compilation, Strength In Numbers - get it at

Big thanks to today's board op at WFMU, Darren Mabee!

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings: Stranded in Your Love (feat. Lee Fields) Favoriting / Naturally / Daptone (0:00:00 Pop-up)

The Funkees: Breakthrough Favoriting / Slipping Into Darkness / EMI (0:34:33 Pop-up)

Songhoy Blues: Mali Nord Favoriting / Resistance (0:35:36 Pop-up)
GIG: Sat July 7 w/ Braineaters 2 pm @ Union Pool - FREE

Delgres: Respecte Nou Favoriting / Mo Jodi / Jazz Village / * (0:37:34 Pop-up)
GIGs: Thurs July 5 - noon @ BAM Metrotech (FREE) and 7:30 pm @ Lincoln Center Rubenstein Atrium w/ Melissa Laveaux (FREE)

Orch el Macabeo: Supermercado Favoriting / Salsa Macabra (0:40:09 Pop-up)
GIG: Wed July 11 @ WFMU's Monty Hall (w/ United States of Boogaloo / also Tues July 10 @ Lincoln Center Midsummer Night Swing but we hope you can come to the Monty Hall show!

Orquesta Akokán: Mambo Rapidito Favoriting / Orquesta Akokán / Daptone / * (0:42:57 Pop-up)
GIGs; Tues July 10 @ National Sawdust; Thurs July 12 @ Lincoln Center Midsummer Night Swing

RAM: Seyiko Evida Favoriting / RAM 7 - August 1791 / * (0:44:20 Pop-up)
GIG: RAM + Paul Beaubrun @ Springfield Park (City Parks Summerstage Concert / FREE) Thurs July 5, 7 pm

Zexie Manatsa and the Green Arrows: Tambayi Makachenjera Favoriting / Chivaraidze / Farayi Farayi (0:45:42 Pop-up)

Thomas Knowles: Mo Gagne Lenvie Favoriting / Various Artists - Compilation des Iles (0:48:12 Pop-up)

Mestre Ambrosio: Povo Favoriting / Terceiro Samba / Sony (0:48:53 Pop-up)

Melissa Laveaux: Jolibwa Favoriting / Radyo Siwel (0:50:00 Pop-up)
GIG: Thurs July 5 - 7:30 pm @ Lincoln Center Rubenstein Atrium w/ Delgres (FREE)

Rossy: Aza Maika Favoriting / Madagascar / Lazer Production (0:53:45 Pop-up)

Hermeto Pascoal: Forró na toca Favoriting / Hermeto Pascoal E sua visão do forró / Scubidu Music / * (0:55:27 Pop-up)
First-ever release of recordings from 1999

Alon Yavnai & Joca Perpignan With NDR Bigband*: Jogo do Viver Favoriting / Dança Das Águas / Chant Records / * (1:15:16 Pop-up)

Midwood: Isaac Favoriting / Out of the Narrows / Chant Records / * (1:16:20 Pop-up)

Bret Higgins' Atlas Revolt: Shadowboxing Favoriting / Illusion Machine / Chant Records / * (1:17:20 Pop-up)

Curha: Madgit Favoriting / Curha I / Chant Records / * (1:18:29 Pop-up)

Matt Mottel: Resona Moan Favoriting / Slid City / Chant Records (1:19:51 Pop-up)

Sonata Islands Kommandoh: Terza Lamentazione Favoriting / Zeuhl Jazz / Chant Records (1:30:06 Pop-up)

Meg Okura, Sam Newsome, Jean-Michel Pilc: Yiddish Mama No Tsuki (excerpt) Favoriting / NPO Trio Live At The Stone / Chant Records (1:31:30 Pop-up)

John Lee: The Glib Favoriting / Chu Boogaloo / Chant Records (1:31:59 Pop-up)

Koby Israelite: Riqqoud Favoriting / The Rest of Now / Chant Records (1:32:50 Pop-up)

Yemen Blues: Eli Favoriting / Yemen Blues Live / Chant Records (1:33:21 Pop-up)

Eyal Talmudi: Fela On My Find Favoriting / Even If / Chant Records (2:02:50 Pop-up)

Jessica Lurie: Rare Flares Favoriting / Long Haul / Chant Records (2:03:34 Pop-up)

Sandcatchers: Sky Stirs Favoriting / What We Found Along the Way / Chant Records (2:04:25 Pop-up)

Zion 80: Pardes Favoriting / Warriors / Chant Records (2:04:44 Pop-up)

Darshan: Let There Be Light Favoriting / Raza / Chant Records (2:05:38 Pop-up)

The Fugu Plan: Mukashibanashi Favoriting / Holy Mountain / Chant Records (2:06:37 Pop-up)

Yossi Fine and Ben Aylon: Organ Doner Kebab Favoriting / Blue Desert (2:07:39 Pop-up)
Music bed under event announcements

Very Be Careful: Dos Corazones Favoriting / Daisy's Beauty Salon / Downtown Pijao / * (2:09:36 Pop-up)
Last song of tonight's show!

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If you want to be on an email list for special ticket and music giveaways and to hear news about upcoming specials and special events (including our upcoming Sat May 26th holiday weekend live remote from the amazing Issyra African Art Gallery in Hoboken) - send an email to Rob W here and be sure to write "list" in the subject line.

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Organizations supporting the rights of immigrants and refugees:

(For more suggestions see

National Immigration Law Center: Established in 1979, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants.

National Immigration Forum: The National Immigration Forum is one of the leading immigrant advocacy organizations in the country, with a mission to advocate for the value of immigrants and immigration to the nation.

New York Immigration Coalition: The New York Immigration Coalition aims to achieve a fairer and more just society that values the contributions of immigrants and extends opportunity to all. The NYIC promotes immigrants’ full civic participation, fosters their leadership, and provides a unified voice and a vehicle for collective action for New York’s diverse immigrant communities.

Arab American Family Support Center (New York City): The Arab-American Family Support Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-sectarian organization that provides culturally and linguistically sensitive services to immigrant communities throughout New York City.

Action NYC: ActionNYC connects New Yorkers to free, safe immigration legal help. You can make an appointment to learn your immigration legal options and get immigration application assistance. There are ActionNYC sites in all five boroughs. Appointments are required. Your appointment will be in your language.

Immigration Equality is the leading LGBTQ immigrant rights organization in the country. It provide s advice and legal services to thousands of LGBTQ and HIV-positive immigrants seeking refuge, fair treatment, and freedom in the United States. The work is truly lifesaving because there are nearly 80 countries around the world where it is a crime to be LGBTQ, with consequences up to and including the death penalty. For this reason, Immigration Equality fights to obtain asylum in the United States for LGBTQ and HIV-positive refugees - with a remarkable 99% win rate.

International Refugee Assistance Project: The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) organizes law students and lawyers to develop and enforce a set of legal and human rights for refugees and displaced persons. Mobilizing direct legal aid and systemic policy advocacy, IRAP serves the world’s most persecuted individuals and empowers the next generation of human rights leaders.

International Rescue Committee: The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.

Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF): AALDEF is a national organization that protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans by combining litigation, advocacy, education, and community organizing. Issues / focus include immigrant rights, civic participation and voting rights, economic justice for workers, language access to services, educational equity, housing and environmental justice, and the elimination of anti-Asian violence, police misconduct, and human trafficking.

Make the Road New York (MRNY): MRNY builds the power of Latino and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice through organizing, policy innovation, transformative education, and survival services.

Make the Road New Jersey (MRNJ): Make the Road New Jersey builds the power of immigrant and working class communities in New Jersey to achieve dignity and justice through community organizing, legal and support services, transformative education and policy innovation.

Listener comments!

Avatar 6:01pm geezerette:

!!! :D
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:02pm Bas NL:

Hi Rob! Hi geezerette!
Avatar 6:06pm geezerette:

Hiya Bas! :)
  6:08pm Carmichael:

Heya Rob and Paradisios.
Avatar 6:10pm geezerette:

  6:19pm e:

Hi everybody !
Avatar 6:48pm TDK60:

Back after week away from WFMU: Nice to tune in.
  6:49pm Carmichael:

Heya geez!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Rob W:

Hi everyone, thanks for listening! I must confess that tonight's show is pre-recorded so the playlist will appear in bulk over the next few minutes - the songs are not being listed in real time. Thanks for bearing with us and big thanks to our illustrious board op Darren Mabee!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:52pm Bas NL:

Great show so far Rob!
Avatar 6:54pm TDK60:

Prerecorded? No prob. hope you getaway RW!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Sounds as good as live, which is to say "great."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16pm Rob W:

Thanks Ken and TDK, Bas and everyone!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:25pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Matt Mottel is on the Gig Talk program on Thursdays, but it may or may not be his track that's playing now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm Rob W:

Yes - we're not really in sync musically but that's correct, Matt and his partner in Talibam Kevin Shea co-host Gig Talk on Thursday eves on FMU.
  7:37pm Carmichael:

Sounds a little Zappa to me.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:34pm Smilty69:

Awesome show, Rob & Jon! Thank you!
Avatar 8:39pm TDK60:

Just cut a walk outside short -so hot, saw a newspaper said "real feel" 110F, actual 99F.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:56pm Bas NL:

Thanks Rob!And thanks Jon for all the interesting music and backgrounds!
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