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Friday 9 - 11am (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
October 6, 2018
Favoriting October 6, 2018 The Mad Daddy Memorial Special & Norton Records Round-Up!!
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Artist Track Label Comments Approx. start time
Mad Daddy Open         
Mad Daddy Aircheck  Favoriting WHK 10-15-1958       0:07:10 Pop-up)  
Mad Daddy  Favoriting What Is A Fisterris?   Norton  The Mad Daddy Memorial EP Vol !  0:31:23 Pop-up)  
Dion  Favoriting Now   Norton  For Miriam!  0:36:25 Pop-up)  
Mad Daddy  Favoriting Batty Bucks       0:37:51 Pop-up)  
Johnny and the Hurricanes  Favoriting Jambalaya   Norton  Live at the Starclub!!  0:46:14 Pop-up)  
Mad Daddy  Favoriting Duffy's Nose       0:54:41 Pop-up)  
The Choir  Favoriting I'd Rather You Leave Me   Norton    1:11:01 Pop-up)  
Wall Bryson  Favoriting Interview       1:11:46 Pop-up)  
Miriam & Nobody's Babies  Favoriting Get The Message   Norton    1:19:11 Pop-up)  
The Uptones  Favoriting No More   Live    1:20:01 Pop-up)  
The Kinks  Favoriting Little Miss Queen of Darkness       1:32:21 Pop-up)  
Mad Daddy  Favoriting Mad Dad Moments   Norton  The Mad Daddy Memorial EP Vol 1!  1:36:04 Pop-up)  
Pete "Mad Daddy" Myers  Favoriting WZAK Interview w/ Dick Libertore       1:38:31 Pop-up)  
Mad Daddy Obituary        1:53:57 Pop-up)  
Laverne Baker  Favoriting Romance In The Dark   Atlantic    1:57:16 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

Avatar 12:24pm JayPHunt:

Hi Rex. Looking forward to a great show of "rockin' and reelin' and hangin' from the ceilin'". Hang loose Mother Goose.

  1:06pm ironweed:

Leesburg Florida checking in, rock on!!
Avatar 1:08pm purpleknif:

Hey group! Oxnard says, stay sick,turn blue and long live Ghoulardi.
  1:18pm RevPhil:

I Listened to MAD DADDY in 1963 when he was at WINS-AM in N.Y. At that time he used has his opening theme "Twitchy" by The Rene Hall Orch.
  1:24pm davefromtoronto:

was that guy ever considered cool or hip?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26pm Dominick:

Hiya Rex & Matt. Diggin' Mad Daddy
Avatar 1:29pm CTEmpress:

This show is EVERYTHING!!! Thanks for steppin' up and out on the air waves! GO NORTON! GO REX! GO MATT!
  1:30pm Papito:

Good afternoon goon !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm Matt Clarke:

Stir the pot everyone!
  1:38pm SeanG:

  1:39pm SeanG:

Avatar 1:42pm CTEmpress:

That was "spirited" indeed!
  1:44pm Cooh John:

Johnny and the Hurricanes from Toledo. My karate instructor played keys with the band.
  1:47pm Elle Tor's Husband:

"French Inhale" boy that brings back memories!
Avatar 1:48pm JayPHunt:

That was the late Bill Tash and his friend Harry Hinz when they were teenagers. He sent me a copy of the original.
  1:50pm gw:

Being born in 58 , I am well aware that it’s 60 years ago.
  1:50pm Elle Tor's Husband:

"Maddy Bucks" ? Is that Mad Daddy Bitcoin?
  1:51pm crypt digger:

time to get spooky it's not even Halloween yet !
Avatar 2:02pm CTEmpress:

The Choir: that was GAWJUS!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:02pm Matt Clarke:

Wally on-air now!!!
Avatar 2:08pm Sir Richard Slouch:

Did the Mad Daddy have a dump button?
  2:10pm Shawn in Rehoboth:

Getting to the show late - any discussion of the supposed fact that The Mad Daddy, post-DJ career, was a television horror host? I've never seen or heard any proof or detail...
Avatar 2:15pm JayPHunt:

Mad Daddy appeared briefly on WJW-TV Saturdays in the summer of 1958 as the host of the Shock Theater show (long before Ghoulardi). He was dressed in a Dracula cape and did tricks like inverting the picture so it appeared he was hanging upside down and switching to a negative image. Sadly, no kinescopes of the show are known to exist. I saw this show on cable TV in London, Ontario.
  2:15pm Cooh John:

Any Archie and the Bunkers?
Avatar 2:16pm JayPHunt:

On Monday, June 2, 1958, I listened to what was to be Mad Daddy’s last show on WJW, turning it off before his midnight sign off. On Tuesday the Mad Daddy show disappeared and was replaced by a ‘middle of the road’ show with no explanation. I heard later that he had signed off his Monday show with the poem:
Hang loose, Mother Goose
Dipped her rag in tomato juice
Goodbye, Mad Daddy, Goodbye!
It appears that Myers, having signed a new deal with WHK and being told by WJW management that they would enforce the 90 day no compete clause in his contract, decided to get even with the station by angering WJW management and perhaps even getting them in trouble with the FCC. He reappeared on WHK in August.
Avatar 2:19pm CTEmpress:

OOOH YEAH....vocal group paradise....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22pm Matt Clarke:

Check out Marc & Miriam's Radio shows on LuxuriaMusic.com!!

Crashing The Party Thursday 6-8PM EST
Waterloo Underground Fridays 6-8PM EST
  2:23pm Dave Wright:

Great stuff Jay !!
Avatar 2:24pm JayPHunt:

TNX Dave. I've been collecting Mad Daddy memorabilia for many years. Sorry, no Batty Bucks though.
Avatar 🌮 2:26pm Mailman Tom:

I bought many crime fiction paperbacks from Miriam when she used to sell her books at the book show at the Holiday Inn in Manhattan. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Miriam!
  2:28pm egould310:

Yeah Archie and the Bunkers!

Rex, thanks for mentioning the pierogi’s at Sokolowski’s. I’m really hungry now. Get well, Miriam.

Wish I could go the event next week, but alas I’m stuck here in beautiful Long Beach, CA.
  2:29pm Kevin in Doomsville:

Never enough Kinks on the airwaves.
  2:30pm RevPhil:

I was a guest on the late Rich Adcock radio show and I was a guest on The Antique Blues Show at least three times.
Avatar 🌮 2:32pm Mailman Tom:

Bill Nolan still broadcasts his show, Antique Blues, over WPKN on Sunday nights. Commercial free!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm spodiodi:

sounds great!
  2:36pm What gives !?:

Linna has just announced that she’ll move the Norton Records warehouse from Brooklyn, New York, to the Screw Factory (the old Templar auto factory). 

“When I was at that party, I talked to the boys in Archie and the Bunkers and to their father Marty, and he suggested I look at the Screw Factory,” Linna explains.

“We found a great space there for the warehouse that will be ideal for dealing with the nuts and bolts of our business. We can easily move big boxes of records in and out of there.” 

Linna will also keep an office at Franklin Castle and begin hosting regular events at the place. 
  2:37pm RevPhil:

Dick Libertore was once ALAN FREED son in law whom I once met in 1971.
Avatar 2:43pm woim:

Avatar 2:52pm purpleknif:

Meyers Lake Ball room was in my hometown of Canton. Burned down many years ago.
Avatar 2:57pm JayPHunt:

Popular radio hasn't been the same since Mad Daddy has gone. It wasn't video that killed the radio star. It was a combination of the payola scandal, the Drake formula of top 40 songs, and the supression of individual DJ personalities by the networks.

RIP Pete Myers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Drake formula' - interesting...
  2:58pm as from mp:

I missed it - what year did he die? I actually remember hearing about it on the radio, my parents were WNEW listeners in those days
  2:58pm Papito:

That was the most heart breaking sign off I ever heard! Makes me want to cry!
Avatar 2:59pm JayPHunt:

It was in 1968.
Avatar 2:59pm CTEmpress:

Get well Miriam: the Castle needs ya! This cold is a monster!
  2:59pm pottybear:

That’s a Miker!!!
  2:59pm Where is the B side?:

...of the pete norton purple 45 Rex said he would play?
  3:40pm as from mp:

thank you JPHunt
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