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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, March 16, 2019 Favoriting
WFMU Fundraiser Show With MC Trouble
Please Make a Pledge Here, Thanks!

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Greetings dear listeners! I hope you can pledge tonight to support WFMU!

If you pledge to my show right here, as usual I've made a custom conceptual world music cd for everyone who pledges $75 or more.

This year's custom cd is Transpacific Sound Paradise with Rob Weisberg presents No Borders! Unbounded Sounds From Around the World: A GPS-defying collection of fabulous tracks that can’t be walled in by genre or geography!.

Of course, if my cd doesn't float your boat you can choose a different DJ's premium (cd or otherwise) instead. You can see the full list of DJ CD premiums at

I’m now in my fourth decade on WFMU! Who’d a thunk it? And if you are in a good place economically, perhaps you’ll consider celebrating my radio longevity by making a $10 per month (or more) sustaining Swag For Life pledge.

If you do, your cup shall runneth over with WFMU swag EVERY year!

This year for a pledge of $50 or more you get our Japanese Funhouse T-shirt (designed by Yu Maeda)

And for a $10 per month swag for life pledge you’ll receive the WFMU | Radio T-shirt, designed by Greg Harrison!

We love dollar a day Swag For Life Pledgers - we call that a "Mouse of Today" pledge and if you "drop a Mouse" on our show (a $365 one-time pledge also does the trick) you'll receive tons of swag including the new Pulaski Zip Hoodie, designed by the late great Burt Schlatter!

But any amount you can pledge is most fabulous and wonderful. And it just takes a $20 pledge to get our fab new WFMU Minotaur Bumper Sticker, designed by Kirsten Ulve, discount admission to our Record Fair April 26 - 28 at Brooklyn Expo Center - AND you’ll get in the running for a prize drawing for one of the great LPs and CDs I’m giving away to lucky pledgers this evening!

A premium-cd-level pledge of $75 or more made during tonight's show also gets you into the running for our grand prize, Paris to Calcutta: Men and Music on the Desert Road: A four CD set plus 160 page book with cloth bound cover featuring 45 pages of photographs and 50 pages of detailed recording notes, published by Sublime Frequencies.

Paris to Calcutta is Deben Bhattacharya’s impressionistic account of a 1955 journey overland, in a converted milk delivery van, from France to India collecting and exploring music. Bhattacharya (1921–2001) was a field recordist, poet, filmmaker, musicologist and amateur ethnomusicologist. Highly influential, it would not be too bold a stretch to say that his work shaped how we listen to the world.

SEE THE SWAG (what you get at various pledge levels - new sticker, new t-shirts, and lots of other brand new goodies at higher levels) including the new WFMU winter knit hat designed by Akira Yonekawa (one of many gifts you get at the $15 per month level) at

SWAG FOR LIFE: WFMU's sustaining donor program - commit to a small monthly donation and you receive LOTS of swag. Sustaining pledgers are critical to the station's financial health and we are hoping many of you decide to become "Swag For Lifers" this month! It's all explained at

SPECIAL THIS YEAR: A WFMU LIVE MUSIC COMPILATION LP Transmissions From the Love Room - a dozen superb WFMU live performances on vinyl, including a live track by Khaira Arby performed on Transpacific Sound Paradise: Pledge $41 a month or more and it's yours. Info:

SPECIAL WFMU GRAND PRIZE TRIP CONTEST FOR ELIGIBLE GENEROUS PLEDGERS: The Boaty Weekender - Cruise from Barcelona to Sardinia with on-board performances by indie rock icons Bell and Sebastian, Yo La Tengo, Teenage Fanclub and many more. Pledge $83 a month or more and you'll be entered in the drawing. (Two winners will be chosen; includes airfare; each winner can bring one guest.) Info:

But whatever you can pledge to support our very special radio station is so very much appreciated. Thanks soooooo much!

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Mavi Işıklar: Helvacı Favoriting (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Selcuk Alagoz: Kaleden İndir Beni Favoriting (0:11:04 Pop-up)

The Hykkers: I Want a Break Through - from our prize up for grabs NOW - Wake Up You! The Rise And Fall Of Nigerian Rock, Vol. 2 (1972-1977) - pledge to get in the running, your odds are good that you could win it! Favoriting / Various Artists: Wake Up You! The Rise And Fall Of Nigerian Rock, Vol. 2 (1972-1977) (0:12:14 Pop-up)

Action 13: Set Me Free - from our prize up for grabs NOW - Wake Up You! The Rise And Fall Of Nigerian Rock, Vol. 2 (1972-1977) - pledge to get in the running, your odds are good that you could win it! Favoriting (0:14:27 Pop-up)

Theon Cross: Candace of Meroe Favoriting / Fyah / * (0:17:32 Pop-up)

The Funkees: Slipping into Darkness - from our prize up for grabs NOW - Wake Up You! The Rise And Fall Of Nigerian Rock, Vol. 2 (1972-1977) - pledge to get in the running, your odds are good that you could win it! Favoriting / Now-Again (0:32:40 Pop-up)

Khaira Arby: Dja Cheickna (Live on WFMU) from Transmissions to the Love Room - Live Music From WFMU on Blue Vinyl - Pledgee $41/month or more to get it and lots more! Favoriting (0:32:56 Pop-up)
Thanks to our illustrious engineer Ernie Indradat!

Andre Sampain: Alagbe Favoriting / Alagbe / * (0:36:21 Pop-up)

Markscheider Kunst: Mokili - from our premium cd "No Borders" - pledge $75 or more and it's yours! Plus you get in the running for our grand prize! Favoriting (0:40:14 Pop-up)

Shechunat Hatikvah Workshop feat Ofra Haza: Yallah Yallah - from our premium cd "No Borders" - pledge $75 or more and it's yours! Plus you get in the running for our grand prize! Favoriting (0:44:12 Pop-up)

A Sakelarou: My Chicken - from our prize up for grabs NOW - a DOUBLE album - Why the Mountains are Black: Primeval Greek Village Music 1907-1960 - a double album! Get in the running with your pledge now, thanks! Favoriting (0:47:54 Pop-up)

A Karavitis: Sousta fr Crete - from our prize up for grabs NOW - a DOUBLE album - Why the Mountains are Black: Primeval Greek Village Music 1907-1960 - a double album! Get in the running with a pledge now, thx! Favoriting (0:56:21 Pop-up)

Hrdza: Z Dublinu Favoriting / Neskrotony (0:58:42 Pop-up)

Saor Patrol: Rebels Rising Favoriting / Battle of Kings / ARC Music / * (1:02:01 Pop-up)

Omar Souleyman: Mendel (I Don't Know) - from our prize up for grabs now, Haflat Gharbia - his 2011 US tour double album - get in the running with a pledge! Favoriting / Sublime Frequencies (1:20:10 Pop-up)

Ziad Rahbani: Sayidi Aatina - from our premium cd - pledge $75 or more and it's yours! Plus you get in the running for our grand prize! Favoriting (1:26:11 Pop-up)

Bappi Lahiri: Everybody Dance With Me - from our premium cd - pledge $75 or more and it's yours! Plus you get in the running for our grand prize! Favoriting (1:29:32 Pop-up)

Afous d'Afous: Nak Amarah - from their album Tenere, our prize up for grabs now - get in the running with your pledge! Favoriting (1:50:32 Pop-up)

Hama Sankare: Solan Favoriting / Niafunke / Clermont / * (1:54:25 Pop-up)

Yara Family: Go Go Chinbora from our premium cd - pledge $75 or more and it's yours! Plus you get in the running for our grand prize! Favoriting (1:57:57 Pop-up)

Unknown: Bedouin Dance From Katana - from our Grand Price 4 CD set + lavishly photo-illustrated book Deben Bhattacharya’s Paris to Calcutta (Sublime Frequencies) Favoriting (1:59:35 Pop-up)

Unknown Sikh Musicians: From our Grand Price 4 CD set + lavishly photo-illustrated book Deben Bhattacharya’s Paris to Calcutta (Sublime Frequencies) Favoriting (2:03:22 Pop-up)

Red Baraat: Kela Mukhra from our prize up for grabs now - their new album Sound the People - get in the running with your pledge NOW! Favoriting (2:13:33 Pop-up)

Red Baraat: Punjaub March featuring John Hodgman from our prize up for grabs now - their new album Sound the People - get in the running with your pledge NOW! Favoriting (2:16:03 Pop-up)

Abelardo Carbonó: La Negra Kulenque from our premium cd - pledge $75 or more and it's yours! Plus you get in the running for our grand prize! Favoriting (2:18:33 Pop-up)

Red Baraat: from our prize up for grabs now - their new album Sound the People - get in the running with your pledge NOW! Favoriting (2:22:19 Pop-up)

Tony Allen: Push and Pull from our prize up for grabs now - The Source - get in the running with your pledge NOW! Favoriting (2:34:25 Pop-up)

Two Gun Man: Amatlawu - from our No Borders premium world music comp CD - pledge 75 bucks and it's yours! Favoriting (2:40:01 Pop-up)

Tony Allen: from our prize up for grabs now - The Source - get in the running with your pledge NOW! Favoriting (2:43:56 Pop-up)

Dur Dur Band: from a double CD great Somali 70s music - our prize up for grabs now - pledge to get in the running - time is running ouit! Favoriting (2:54:54 Pop-up)

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Email here to JOIN the TSP E-MAIL LIST for giveaways, show news!

If you want to be on an email list for special ticket and music giveaways and to hear news about upcoming specials and special events send an email to Rob W here and be sure to write "list" in the subject line.

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Organizations supporting the rights of immigrants and refugees:

(For more suggestions see

National Immigration Law Center: Established in 1979, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants.

National Immigration Forum: The National Immigration Forum is one of the leading immigrant advocacy organizations in the country, with a mission to advocate for the value of immigrants and immigration to the nation.

New York Immigration Coalition: The New York Immigration Coalition aims to achieve a fairer and more just society that values the contributions of immigrants and extends opportunity to all. The NYIC promotes immigrants’ full civic participation, fosters their leadership, and provides a unified voice and a vehicle for collective action for New York’s diverse immigrant communities.

Arab American Family Support Center (New York City): The Arab-American Family Support Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-sectarian organization that provides culturally and linguistically sensitive services to immigrant communities throughout New York City.

Action NYC: ActionNYC connects New Yorkers to free, safe immigration legal help. You can make an appointment to learn your immigration legal options and get immigration application assistance. There are ActionNYC sites in all five boroughs. Appointments are required. Your appointment will be in your language.

Immigration Equality is the leading LGBTQ immigrant rights organization in the country. It provide s advice and legal services to thousands of LGBTQ and HIV-positive immigrants seeking refuge, fair treatment, and freedom in the United States. The work is truly lifesaving because there are nearly 80 countries around the world where it is a crime to be LGBTQ, with consequences up to and including the death penalty. For this reason, Immigration Equality fights to obtain asylum in the United States for LGBTQ and HIV-positive refugees - with a remarkable 99% win rate.

International Refugee Assistance Project: The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) organizes law students and lawyers to develop and enforce a set of legal and human rights for refugees and displaced persons. Mobilizing direct legal aid and systemic policy advocacy, IRAP serves the world’s most persecuted individuals and empowers the next generation of human rights leaders.

International Rescue Committee: The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.

Kids in Need of Defense (KIND): KIND serves as the leading organization for the protection of children who enter the US immigration system alone and strives to ensure that no such child appears in immigration court without representation. We achieve fundamental fairness through high-quality legal representation and by advancing the child's best interests, safety and well-being.

Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF): AALDEF is a national organization that protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans by combining litigation, advocacy, education, and community organizing. Issues / focus include immigrant rights, civic participation and voting rights, economic justice for workers, language access to services, educational equity, housing and environmental justice, and the elimination of anti-Asian violence, police misconduct, and human trafficking.

Make the Road New York (MRNY): MRNY builds the power of Latino and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice through organizing, policy innovation, transformative education, and survival services.

Make the Road New Jersey (MRNJ): Make the Road New Jersey builds the power of immigrant and working class communities in New Jersey to achieve dignity and justice through community organizing, legal and support services, transformative education and policy innovation.

Listener comments!

  6:02pm hendrix wolfbat:

Wow me? I won the baby shakes? Cool!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:03pm Bas NL:

Rob! Trouble!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm Rob W:

Bas! And congratulations hendrix wolfbat!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm Santos L. Halper:

Super groovy stuff tonight!
Avatar 6:26pm northguineahills:

hallos! please get the pledges in there! (wife and I can't do so this year, odd situation).
Avatar 6:28pm northguineahills:

is that Trouble, on the weekend? yaye!!!!
Avatar 6:33pm northguineahills:

WFMU, independent^n!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm Trouble:

welcome aboard yee transpacific sailors!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm Rob W:

New prize up for grabs: Why the Mountains are Black: Primeval Greek Village Music 1907-1960 - a double album! Get in the running with your pledge now, thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm Buffalo's Tom:

Hello, all! Enjoying the show today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm Rob W:

Thanks Buffalo's Tom!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:47pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Swab the deck for pledges for wfmW!
  6:49pm yippie:

Find Moby Dick
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:49pm Ken From Hyde Park:

(I think autocorrect is having issues here.)
  6:52pm Carmichael:

Heya Rob and Trouble. Good luck tonight!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm Rob W:

Thanks Carmichael!
  7:06pm John from Florham Park:

I can never get enough bagpipes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm Dave in Vermont:

Yay, Burlington!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm dale:

i switch back and forth from fmu to vkr and back again.
  7:16pm HuskLife:

I once drove over the Pulaski skyway and on it was a wheel barrow that was on fire
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm Dave in Vermont:

wow, HuskLife, great image- thanks for that
Avatar 7:19pm northguineahills:

I don't tithe, as I don't believe in a church, but I will give 2-5% to WFMU every year I can. (unfortunately, x*0=0, right now.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm Dave in Vermont:

@ngh, Trouble and Daniel Blumin on the same day even.
  7:20pm hendrix wolfbat:

HuskLife, on my way to work the other morning around 525 am there was a fully blazing sedan on 285 e near the king and queen bldgs, with my hands free call to 911 they said somethinike "911 what is your emergency?" I said "car on fire, etc " they said we heard,
Avatar 7:24pm northguineahills:

dabke jam!, please see Omar Souleyman live, it's a life changing experience, and he's a happy guy (seen him twice).
  7:26pm HuskLife:

Wolfbat wow, That should be the NJ driving test. Get across in one piece, you deserve a license
Avatar 7:28pm TDK60:

Hello Rob & Trouble, making the world go round...
  7:32pm hendrix wolfbat:

HL yeah? That's so often here it's not on the news anymore, 285 is the zombie apocalypse
Avatar 🌍 7:33pm slugluv1313:

oh gosh In A Gadda Da Vida??? with some Wild Thing thrown in for good measure??!!
  7:34pm John from Florham Park:

@Rob and @trouble I was on my way home listening to you two and the one thing I love about this station is that you are not afraid to try new things and the other DJS are pretty damn good too been swing a station like yours ever since I hit 50 because I have become tired if hearing the same old crap day after day and the people I have become friendly with on the chat boards are really great people so my hat is of to you and the rest of the station, I may not have the money to give this year but I am going to volunteer at this station by the next marathon
  7:34pm hendrix wolfbat:

ATLs fury road..
Avatar 7:35pm TDK60:

slugluv1313: You seem to be correct.
  7:36pm John from Florham Park:

The land of Oz strikes again
  7:37pm Carl:

Hey- Just pledged, We're in Melbourne (northcote is the 'suburb'/neighbourhood)! Thanks for the great music!!
  7:38pm HuskLife:

Wolfbat, damn
  7:38pm Carmichael:

Way to go Carl! And hello to Bas!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:39pm Bas NL:

Hi Carmichael!
Avatar 7:40pm TDK60:

Rob, here's an imaginary pat on the back..
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:41pm Ken From Hyde Park:

The world music calendar on the playlist is pretty neat, and a fairly new addition. I'm not close enough to attend the events, but it's interesting to know they're going on.
  7:43pm John from Florham Park:

@carl welcome love listening to triple r from your neck of the woods
  7:48pm Carl:

@john that's great! you should check out pbs 106.7 for more great freeform radio music!'
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:49pm chresti:

Hello sound paradise
Avatar 7:49pm TDK60:

Watch out...sometimes this show starts a-rockin' the airwaves..
  7:49pm John from Florham Park:

@carl will look for it as an app on my iPhone
  7:50pm John from Florham Park:

Hi chresti
  7:51pm Carmichael:

Heya chresti.
Avatar 7:53pm TDK60:

..and the interwebs wires.
  7:55pm John from Florham Park:

@TDK60 can’t keep my feet still
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:56pm chresti:

Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm chresti:

This show will rock your socks off!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm Michael 98145:

hola, @chresti et al ...
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:58pm chresti:

So many great premiums in this marathon-go-round
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:00pm chresti:

Hola, @Michael 98145
  8:00pm John from Florham Park:

@chersti still wearing my socks
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:02pm Bas NL:

Again.. I neeeed your Premium Rob! Love this Yara Family track!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:04pm chresti:

John, the shoes fly off first, then the socks, then your boat starts floating...
  8:05pm John from Florham Park:

@chersti the shoes are about ready too got to find a chair
Avatar 8:09pm fleep:

Goodness, I forgot about TSP! Golly gosh howdy.
  8:11pm John from Florham Park:

Fleep your here that’s all that counts
Avatar 8:13pm northguineahills:

Tony Coulter is on 12pm-3pm EDT (16:00-19:00 UTC), Tuesdays on the Give the Drummer Stream!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:13pm chresti:

@John- a chair can make a good anchor
Hi to fleep on a warm Saturday
Avatar 8:14pm βrian:

WCBN also plays endless "events listings" many times per day. Very annoying and pointless, though I still love WCBN.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm Michael 98145:

yes. warmest day in the upper left wilderness since October.
Avatar 8:14pm fleep:

chresti hey we are still seeing hundreds of butterflies, and the hummingbird migration is in full swing, it's a beautiful day to pledge
  8:16pm John from Florham Park:

@NGH I really have to give the other streams I listen to
@Chresti my chair is going to need a seat belt
  8:17pm John from Florham Park:

@brian have noticed that, every college station does that crap
Avatar 8:17pm northguineahills:

@John you should, but be forewarned, you'll be spoiled for choice, and can't decide which stream to choose.

It's a nice mild 63F/17C down here in FL...
  8:19pm John from Florham Park:

@NGH I know and I will go nuts on it
And I used to tell people that and for some unknown reason people would tell me to shit the fuck up(G)
Avatar 🌍 8:23pm slugluv1313:

thank-you so much for the Afous d'Afous! (getting your premium too!)
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:24pm chresti:

I missed Mayuko today, the itunes was removed from the computer at work-streaming is strictly forbidden
  8:25pm John from Florham Park:

@chersti there is that pesky four letter word work
  8:26pm John from Florham Park:

@chersti seriously you can’t listen to this wonderful station at work
Avatar 8:26pm northguineahills:

(found La negra kulenque on Spotify and, rather surprised. Part of the reason I got rid of Shazam was the fact that any song I didn't know wouldn't show up...)
Avatar 8:28pm northguineahills:

@chresti: Use your phone app (I refuse to work anywhere that doesn't allow listening to music, as I would never get any work done [can't focus otherwise])
  8:28pm John from Florham Park:

@NGH there is a lot of music that I hear on this station that I can’t find on Spotify
  8:29pm John from Florham Park:

@cheesti I second what NGH said about using your phone at work
  8:30pm John from Florham Park:

I meant chresti sorry for messing up your name
Avatar 8:35pm northguineahills:

@John: Pretty much nearly 40% + or more here, that's why I was surprised.

Vicki: (aka People Like Us), broadcasts from the UK and sometimes comes to the mothership!.
  8:40pm John from Florham Park:

@NGH I take it Vicki is on the drummer stream
  8:40pm Carmichael:

I listen all day at work via the phone app. I plug into my computer as a big boombox.
Avatar 8:43pm northguineahills:

@John: She doesn't have a regular show right now, but she does fill-ins on both the WFMU mothership and Give the Drummer some lately. Check out her People like Us records (her recording name), good sound collage dadaesque goofiness....
  8:45pm John from Florham Park:

@NGH no problem will do
Avatar 8:47pm northguineahills:

Can't pledge this year, doing what I can to promote, keep the art and empathy!
  8:48pm John from Florham Park:

@NGH me too with the promoting
Avatar 8:55pm TDK60:

..great show tonight, best for our 'Thon..
  8:57pm John from Florham Park:

@TDK60 hear hear
  8:59pm Carmichael:

Thumbs up, you two. Great show!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm Bas NL:

Thanks Rob, Trouble and phone room!
Avatar 9:00pm fleep:

Congrats Bas!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm Bas NL:

Oh wow!! Happy dance!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm chresti:

no wireless or cellular service, it's in a canyon@ngh and John
Avatar 🌍 9:01pm slugluv1313:

Yay Bas!!!
thanks Rob and Trouble and everyone!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 9:10pm Bas NL:

And big thanks to the good people of Sublime Frequencies... they publish just the best stuff.
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