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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, May 11, 2019 Favoriting
Mari Kalkun: New Music From Estonia, Rooted in Tradition

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Mari Kalkun is a gifted singer and composer from Estonia. She plays (among other things) the kannel, a traditional box zither. Her original songs, both solo (as on her recent album Ilmamõtsan) and with her band Runorun, are inspired by nature, Estonian poetry and traditional music.

She's coming our way for two free concerts: At Scandinavia House, 58 Park Ave between 37th & 38th Streets in midtown Manhattan this Tuesday night (May 14th, 7 pm), RSVP here for free tickets; and as one of several performers at the weekly Roots and Ruckus night at Jalopy, 315 Columbia Street in Red Hook, Brooklyn on Wednesday night (May 15th, 9 pm). Before all that she joins us live on WFMU!

Mari Kalkun home:

Mari Kalkun's latest solo album Ilmamõtsan:

Like Mari Kalkun on facebook:

Scandinavia House:


Photo above by Matti Komulainen. Massive thanks to listener David Sassian, Mari's manager Marili Jõgi, Jaanika Peerna at the Estonian Consulate in NY and our illustrious engineer, Mark Koch!

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Les Abranis: Atheggaeledh Favoriting / 7" / Oasis (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Luther Allison: Low Down and Dirty Favoriting / Reckless / Alligator Records (0:04:54 Pop-up)

uKanDanZ: Ashkaru Favoriting / Yeketelale / Buda Musique / * (0:07:59 Pop-up)
I believe this is a cover of a Walias Band song

Gili Yalo: Sew Lesew Favoriting / Made in Amharica EP / Dead Sea Recordings / * (0:12:22 Pop-up)
GIG: Tonight, 9:15 pm, Rockwood Music Hall Stage 2

Mulatu Astatqé: Yèkatit (February) Favoriting / Éthiopiques Volume 4 - Ethio Jazz & Musique Instrumentale 1969-1974 / Buda Musique (0:16:49 Pop-up)
GIGs: Friday and Saturday night May 17-18 @ Le Poisson Rouge

Áššu: Vulle Mihkku Favoriting / Áššu / Bafe's Factory / * (0:25:11 Pop-up)

Vassvik: Dudinka Favoriting / Gákti / Heilo / * (0:29:03 Pop-up)

Nine Treasures: Wisdom Eyes Favoriting / Wisdom Eyes / Pilot Music & Tech (0:34:02 Pop-up)

Mdou Moctar: Kamane Tarhanin Favoriting / Ilana: The Creator / Sahel Sounds / * (0:37:25 Pop-up)
GIG: WFMU's Monty Hall Wed June 26!

Mary Ann Kennedy: Margadh an tSalainn Favoriting / Glaschu - Songs Of The Glasgow Gàidhealtachd / ARC Music / * (0:45:11 Pop-up)

David Munnelly: Corizon Favoriting / Aonair / Appel Rekords / * (0:49:48 Pop-up)
From Utrecht, Netherlands home of Listener Bas!

Väsen: Typhoon Nozaki Favoriting / Rule of 3 / Northside / * (0:54:06 Pop-up)

Mara Aranda: Las Bodas de la Pulga i el Piojo Favoriting / Sefarad en el Corazón de Turquía / Mara Aranda / * (0:59:50 Pop-up)
The title means something along the lines of "The Wedding of the Flea and the Louse"

Gaiteiros de Lisboa: Roncos do Diabo Favoriting / Bestiário / Uguru / * (1:03:58 Pop-up)

Projekt Iljada: Teshkoto Favoriting / Eksperiment / Slushaj Records / * (1:08:35 Pop-up)

Chitinskaya Sloboda Ensemble: Away from Wattle Fence Favoriting / Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs) / Sketis Music (1:13:34 Pop-up)

ZeMe: Bumbulēt Favoriting / Various Artists: Folk And Great Tunes From Latvia / CPL-Music (1:16:26 Pop-up)

Söndörgő: Parsley Bride Favoriting / Nyolc 8 Nyolc / SNDRG / * (1:19:12 Pop-up)

Čendeš: Bandurist Favoriting / Cossack Attack / Môlča / * (1:21:20 Pop-up)

Jabklon: Mountain Favoriting / Machalaj / Indies (1:25:40 Pop-up)

Džambo Aguševi Orchestra: Boom Favoriting / Brass Like It Hot / ARC Music / * (1:31:14 Pop-up)
GIG: Tomorrow night (Sunday May 12) starting with a discussion at 6 pm, dance lesson at 7, show at 7:30 at Hungarian House

Sezen Aksu with Goran Bregovic: Kalašnjikov Favoriting / Düğün Ve Cenaze (The Wedding and the Funeral) / Sezen Aksu with Goran Bregovic (1:34:13 Pop-up)

Mari Kalkun: Keelega-Meelega / With Tongue And Heart Favoriting / Live on WFMU / N/A (1:45:53 Pop-up)

Mari Kalkun: Mõtsvele Mäng / The Forest Brother Game Favoriting / Live on WFMU / N/A (2:02:07 Pop-up)

Mari Kalkun: Linda Linda Favoriting / Ilmamõtsan / Nordic Notes (2:08:33 Pop-up)

Mari Kalkun: Laul Kahele / A Song For Two Favoriting / Live on WFMU / N/A (2:17:57 Pop-up)

Mari Kalkun: Läbi Katsa Kalamere / Across The Seven Seas Favoriting / Live on WFMU / N/A (2:24:05 Pop-up)

Runorun: Unetu Favoriting / Til Ilo / Rockadillo (2:33:52 Pop-up)

Mari Kalkun: Sula / Thaw Favoriting / Live on WFMU / N/A (2:37:52 Pop-up)

Andy Statman: Old East River Road Favoriting / Monroe Bus / Shefa / * (2:43:04 Pop-up)

Che Apalache: Maria Favoriting / Latin Grass / Che Apalache (2:45:43 Pop-up)

SVER: Batch 15 Favoriting / Reverie / Folkhall Records / * (2:51:02 Pop-up)

Yale Strom's Broken Consort: Ma'oz Tzur Favoriting / Shimmering Lights / ARC Music / * (2:56:55 Pop-up)

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If you want to be on an email list for special ticket and music giveaways and to hear news about upcoming specials and special events send an email to Rob W here and be sure to write "list" in the subject line.

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Organizations supporting the rights of immigrants and refugees:

(For more suggestions see

National Immigration Law Center: Established in 1979, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants.

National Immigration Forum: The National Immigration Forum is one of the leading immigrant advocacy organizations in the country, with a mission to advocate for the value of immigrants and immigration to the nation.

New York Immigration Coalition: The New York Immigration Coalition aims to achieve a fairer and more just society that values the contributions of immigrants and extends opportunity to all. The NYIC promotes immigrants’ full civic participation, fosters their leadership, and provides a unified voice and a vehicle for collective action for New York’s diverse immigrant communities.

Arab American Family Support Center (New York City): The Arab-American Family Support Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-sectarian organization that provides culturally and linguistically sensitive services to immigrant communities throughout New York City.

Action NYC: ActionNYC connects New Yorkers to free, safe immigration legal help. You can make an appointment to learn your immigration legal options and get immigration application assistance. There are ActionNYC sites in all five boroughs. Appointments are required. Your appointment will be in your language.

Immigration Equality is the leading LGBTQ immigrant rights organization in the country. It provide s advice and legal services to thousands of LGBTQ and HIV-positive immigrants seeking refuge, fair treatment, and freedom in the United States. The work is truly lifesaving because there are nearly 80 countries around the world where it is a crime to be LGBTQ, with consequences up to and including the death penalty. For this reason, Immigration Equality fights to obtain asylum in the United States for LGBTQ and HIV-positive refugees - with a remarkable 99% win rate.

International Refugee Assistance Project: The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) organizes law students and lawyers to develop and enforce a set of legal and human rights for refugees and displaced persons. Mobilizing direct legal aid and systemic policy advocacy, IRAP serves the world’s most persecuted individuals and empowers the next generation of human rights leaders.

International Rescue Committee: The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.

Kids in Need of Defense (KIND): KIND serves as the leading organization for the protection of children who enter the US immigration system alone and strives to ensure that no such child appears in immigration court without representation. We achieve fundamental fairness through high-quality legal representation and by advancing the child's best interests, safety and well-being.

Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF): AALDEF is a national organization that protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans by combining litigation, advocacy, education, and community organizing. Issues / focus include immigrant rights, civic participation and voting rights, economic justice for workers, language access to services, educational equity, housing and environmental justice, and the elimination of anti-Asian violence, police misconduct, and human trafficking.

Make the Road New York (MRNY): MRNY builds the power of Latino and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice through organizing, policy innovation, transformative education, and survival services.

Make the Road New Jersey (MRNJ): Make the Road New Jersey builds the power of immigrant and working class communities in New Jersey to achieve dignity and justice through community organizing, legal and support services, transformative education and policy innovation.

Listener comments!

Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:02pm chresti:

Hello sound paradise!
Avatar 6:03pm Snortley:

Sounds like something's out of phase; only sounding right in stereo on the airwave broadcast, but terrible in mono.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm Rob W:

Oops - thanks Snortley - should be OK now hopefully... - R
Avatar 6:04pm northguineahills:

ohhhh, I love that kannel (something else to add to my queue of instruments I can't afford)!
Avatar 6:04pm Snortley:

This cut is sounding OK now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Rob W:

Thanks Snortley - I will re-rip the first track for the future!
Avatar 6:14pm DouglasInDallas:

That "Ashkaru" by uKanDanZ was amazeballs! Keep em coming!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm Rob W:

Thanks Douglas!
  6:24pm yippie:

wow a yoik
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm maestroso:

Wow, this Áššu is amazing! Hi Rob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm Rob Weisberg:

Hi and thanks maestroso!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 6:39pm Smilty69:

Good evening, Rob and friends!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm katie:

Hotel Vegas is in Austin, not New Orleans. amazing anywhere though.
  6:48pm Listener Robert:

This must be the only clean version of these lyrics in existence.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Rob W:

You can count on us to keep it clean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm Rob W:

Oops yes thanks Katie, Hotel Vegas in Austin is where we saw Mdou Moctar and his band of course!
Avatar 🌍 6:59pm slugluv1313:

hi Rob and everyone!
looking forward to music from ESTONIA! ahhh those Baltic states . . .
and hoping to catch Mdou Moctor -- he sounds incredible!!!
@ northguineahills -- right?! all these instruments that are so wondrous! (and in my case, not only not affordable, no TIME to learn how to play them!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm maestroso:

That Väsen was great. Rob, have you heard Jaerv? A similar band from Sweden with some great vocals and instrumentals. I saw them at Scanfest in Budd Lake a couple of years ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm Rob W:

maestroso, I don't know Jaerv, thanks for the tip!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 7:15pm chresti:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm maestroso:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm maestroso:

Wow. Čendeš.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm Franco Twinkie:

Rob and Co.- Hey!
Avatar 🌍 7:49pm slugluv1313:

thank-you, Rob, for bringing Mari Kalkun to the WFMU airwaves!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm maestroso:

Yes. Quite beautiful.
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:26pm Granny Spicy Tuna:

this is marvelous
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:29pm Granny Spicy Tuna:

yes, more, please
  8:29pm zpulpa:

His is sounding wonderful in this rainy evening, helping release the tension in my heart.
  8:29pm zpulpa:

Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:36pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Rob and Mari. Outstanding!
  8:38pm katharsis:

kathartic spring
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:56pm chresti:

Thanks Rob and Mari!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm Rob W:

Thanks Chresti and everyone, have a good evening!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:57pm Granny Spicy Tuna:

Thanks for another excellent program
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm maestroso:

Great show Rob! Thanks!
Avatar 🌍 Swag For Life Member 8:57pm chresti:

Avatar 🌍 9:01pm slugluv1313:

wonderful show, Rob -- thanks again!
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