Jewish Moments in the Morning with Nachum Segal: Playlist from September 24, 2024

aka JM in the AM
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September 24, 2024: Guests: Shlomo Klein of Fleishigs Magazine, Avi Hasson, CEO of Startup Nation Central, and Israeli Journalist/Documentarian Zvi Yehezkeli (To listen to the program please go to:

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Artist Track
Regesh  Modeh  
Simcha Leiner  Nigun Hachochma  
Simcha Leiner  Kanfei Nesharim  
Yehuda Green  Yisborach Shimcha  
Yehuda Green  V'nismach  
Eli Marcus  Rachamana  
Eitan Katz  Ki Hinei  
Joey Newcomb  Tantz w/ Joey  
Yechiel Schron  Modim  
Zevy Weinstock  Rochel Mevaka  
Yaakov Shwekey  Guf U'neshoma  
Eli Seidenfeld  Tefilas Chupa  
Ishay Ribo  Eretz Yisrael  
  7am ET News [in Hebrew] from Israel
Ori Avraham  P'tach Lanu Shaar  
Gad Elbaz & Eli Levin  Kol Haolam  
  Morning Chizuk w/ Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser
  Elul Shofar Blowing
Yaakov Shwekey  Anu Amecha  
Yeedle  Vayehi  
Aryeh Kunstler  Karov Hashem  
Dovy Meisels/Motty Steinmetz  Min Hametzar  
  Nachum Segal speaks w/ Avi Hasson
Mordechai Shapiro  Tamid Yesh Siba  
Shlomo Simcha  Kan Tzipor  
Yehuda Green  Holy Nigun  
Lipa Schmeltzer  Chibin mit Michoel  
  Nachum Segal speaks w/ Tzvi Yechezkeli
Eliyahu Chait  Bishvili  
Yoni Z  Crown  
Moshe Auslander  Shuvu Banim  
IDF Orchestra  Hatikvah  

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(C) 2024 JM in the AM. Generated by KenzoDB, written by Ken Garson