Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

September 3, 2006 Favoriting

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Favoriting Remorseless - Radio Birdman
Favoriting Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) - Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel
Favoriting Goin' Over The Hill - Dead Man

Favoriting Nobody Knows - Baby Woodrose
Favoriting Never Going Back To Georgia - The Badd Boys
Favoriting Suffer - The Dead Riders
Favoriting Puddin N' Tain (Ask Me Again I'll Tell You The Same) - The Alley Cats
Favoriting Align Yourself - The Bottle Rockets

Favoriting Rumble Mambo - Eddie Angel
Favoriting Russian Spy And I - The Regents (IL)
Favoriting 3rd Season - The Pushtwangers
Favoriting Is It True - Brenda Lee
Favoriting Pleatherface - The Mourning After

Favoriting King For A Day - The Legend Killers
Favoriting No Correspondence - The Beckett Quintet
Favoriting Cryin' Bleedin' Dyin' - The River City Tanlines
Favoriting Have You Seen Her Face - The Byrds
Favoriting Dance Like A Monkey - The New York Dolls

Favoriting Full Throttle, Empty Bottle - The Ghastly Ones
Favoriting It Shouldn't Happen To A Dog - The English Setters
Favoriting You Don't Wanna Know - The Checkers
Favoriting I'm So Happy - Lewis Lyman & The Teenchords
Favoriting Do You Swing? - The Fleshtones

Favoriting I'm You - The Esperantos
Favoriting Back Door Man - The Blues Project
Favoriting I'm Crackin' Up - The Maharajas
Favoriting Phantasmagoria In Two - Tim Buckley
Favoriting Need More Time - The Epoxies

Favoriting Can't Live Without You - The Fondas
Favoriting Blue Snow Night - The Gurus
Favoriting I Miss My Girl - The Dee Rangers
Favoriting Shadrack - Brook Benton
Favoriting The Loneliest Sailor - Captain Bogg & Salty

Favoriting Hanging On A String - The Bristols
Favoriting Telegram Sam - T. Rex
Favoriting Jenny - The Minders
Favoriting Paloma Blanca - The George Baker Selection
Favoriting It's Cold Outside - Stiv Bators

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