Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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February 13, 2009 Favoriting
A program for all of God's children (and none of his chillun)
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Check out my Favorite Downloads of the Week, Vol. 3

Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo Wax 1990)

Gulf Coast Seven 

Keep Your Temper
(Listen: Pop-up)
The Sound of Harlem:
Jazz Odyssey, Volume 3
(Columbia 1925)
Fats Waller & His Continental Rhythmn  Ain't Misbehavin'   Favoriting Harlem Comes to London
(Disques Swing 1938)

Carolina Shout   Favoriting From Spirituals to Swing
(Vanguard 1938)
The Ten Blackberries (Duke Ellington)  St. James Infirmary   Favoriting Jazz From New York 1928-1932
(Historical 1930)
James P. Johnson  Jungle Drums   Favoriting The Original James P. Johnson
(Smithsonian Folkways mid-1940s)

Talkover Music:
Rubén González 
Tumbao   Favoriting Introducing Rubén González
(World Circuit/Nonesuch 1999)

Butch Stone & His Orchestra 

My Feet's Too Big
(Listen: Pop-up)
Even More Mellow Cats 'n' Kittens
(Ace 1947)
Fats Noel  Rocket Flight   Favoriting Groove Station:
King, Federal, Deluxe Saxblasters Vol. 1
(Westside )
James Von Streeter & His Wig Poppers  Hog's Knuckles   Favoriting R 'n' B Wig Poppers
(Lucky )
Lenny Lacour  Old Fish   Favoriting

Walkin' the

(Night Train )
Phil & Marie  Love Doctor   Favoriting She's My Black R&B Baby
(Still 1961)

Larry Dale
Please Tell Me   Favoriting Harlem Heavies
(Moonshine 1954)
Lincoln Chase  Our Love Is Satisfactory   Favoriting Shoutin' Out the Blues
(R&B 1957)

Talkover Music:
Earl Hooker 
Can't Hold Out Much Longer   Favoriting The Moon Is Rising
(Arhoolie 1969)

The Callahan Brothers 

Limb From the Old
Apple Tree
(Listen: Pop-up)
In Memory of The Callahan Brothers
(Cattle Compact )
Bradley Kincaid & His Kentucky Mountain Boys  Ain't We Crazy   Favoriting Boppin Hillbilly, Volume 28
(Collector 1934)
Dick Miller  Humpty Dumpty Love   Favoriting


(HBR 1956)
Big BIll Lister  A Nickel for a Dozen Roses   Favoriting There's a Tear in My Bear
(Bear Family 1951)
Jimmy Johnson  Woman Love   Favoriting Chicken Bop
(Starday 1956)
Nettles Sisters  Beatle Um-Bum   Favoriting Rodeo/Excel The Friendly Label, Volume 2
(HBR 1956)

Talkover Music:
Bud Isaacs 
Hot Mockin' Bird   Favoriting Bud's Bounce
(Bear Family 1955)

Geraldo Vandre 

Cantiga Brava
(Listen: Pop-up)
Canto Geral
(EMI 1967)
Sergio Ricardo  A Mãe   Favoriting Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (Soundtrack)
(FM3 1964)
Rodger e Teti  O Lago   Favoriting Chão Sagrado
(RCA Victor 1974)
A Barca do Sol  Córsário Sata   Favoriting A Barca do Sol
(Continental 1974)

Vide Verso Meu Endereço   Favoriting Adoniran Barbosa
(Odeon 1975)
Batatinha  Direito de Sambar   Favoriting Samba da Bahia
(Fontana 1978)
Bezerra da Silva  O Federal   Favoriting Bezerra da Silva e um Punhadode Bambas
(RCA 1982)

Talkover Music:
Franz Auffray 
Popcorn Popcorn   Favoriting Original Popcorn
(Egg 1969)

Max Roach/Clifford Quintet 
All God's Children
Got Rhythm [Note: I refuse to use "Chillun"]
(Listen: Pop-up)
The Historic California Concerts 1952
(Fresh Sound 1954)
Idrees Sulieman  Cattin'   Favoriting Jammin' in Hi Fi With Gene Ammons
(Prestige 1957)
Don Rendell / Ian Carr  Pavanne   Favoriting


(Columbia 1969)
Barbara Donald & Unity  Love for Eric   Favoriting The Past and Tomorrows
(Cadence 1982)

Talkover Music:
Afro Funky   Favoriting Ritmo + Sabor
(EM late 1960s)

The Sons of Truth 

The Ghetto
(Listen: Pop-up)
A Message From the Ghetto
(Gospel Truth/Stax 1972)

The Brockingtons
Smackwater Jack   Favoriting The Brockingtons
(Today 1971)
Bobby Womack  Point of No Return   Favoriting More Dirty Laundry:
The Soul Of Black Country
(Trikont )
David Porter  Introduction
If I Give It Up, I Want It Back
When You Have to Sneak
  (You Have to Sneak)
Help!   Favoriting

Victim of the Joke?
An Opera

(Enterprise/Stax 1971)
Kim Tolliver  Learn to Get Along Without You   Favoriting Come and Get Me, I'm Ready
(Chess 1973)
Funkadelic  Mommy, What's a Funkadelic   Favoriting Funkadelic
(Westbound 1970)
Matata  Something in Mind   Favoriting Feelin' Funk
(President 1972)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  9:04am annie:

morning doug!!
  9:10am Paul Sherratt:

The organist enttertains !
  9:11am Bob:

Does anyone else, when they see "Jazz Odyssey" on the playlist, think of Spinal Tap? ("HE WROTE THIS!")
  9:18am gumby:

"Derrick Smalls wrote this."
  9:28am Parq:

Never before heard this song turned around to first-person.
  9:29am Parq:

. . . and loved the Garbo reference.
  9:31am Sunset Park:

Doug, Did you ever list your top 10 for 2008 on the WFMU blog? I have always enjoyed reading your lists in the past.
  9:33am Drummer Some:

G'morning everyone and how you bee? (Buzz buzz.)

Sunset Park, I have NOT done my Top Ten list. Yet. I promise it sometime before '10.
  9:34am texas scott:

Good morning Doug and the rest.
I found a gem this week and wanted to share.
Killer stuff!!
  9:38am trev:

Listening in England. This is amazing stuff! Puts UK radio to shame... Thanks Paul Sherratt for the heads up...
  9:44am Parq:

Trev, trust me, it puts the vast majority of US radio to shame, too.
  9:44am dc pat:

looks like I missed a killer set...that's the way this stupid morning is going...
  9:45am dc pat:

here, here! Darwin and Lincoln!! Cheers.
  9:45am annie:

morning pat ; got your post..
  9:46am dc pat:

nice, so we're friends now?
  9:47am PMD:

annie's the best friend, ever...
  9:48am PMD:

And, sorry, top of the morn' to you doug... I can't hear you ver well since I have to keep volume down today...
  9:48am annie:

yes we are pat... and nice pic, pmd.. i waved at ya.
  9:49am Cecile:

Hola, junior birdmen!
  9:50am dc pat:

that's my tough-rapper-aging-punker pose.
  9:50am Brian Sanders:

It was 50 years ago yesterday that Lord Buckley made his finest live recording at the Ivar Theatre on Lincoln's birthday. Peace beloveds
  9:52am annie:

i love it. aahhhh. true dat brian. wonder who will play that today... ahem, ahem.. cough cough..
  9:54am still b/p:

Distracted after turning the music down a moment...I missed a handful of prime goods. It's the damn date..the triska-riska-doh-fubaria thing. 'S why ya got the "stupid morning" goin', too, dc pat. Dr. Kincaid, here, got the cure I think.
  9:55am annie:

doug i went the whole length and created a folder just for your lists.. major effort for me to add a new folder... hehe
  9:57am dc pat:

still: the usual, people trying to run over me on my ride in, broken things, bad moods, dis, dat....take deze and doze...
  10:01am dc pat:

whoa, the original Woman Love?
  10:01am Cecile:

t"hose ladies won't hold me..."

what rap is that from? I'm going nuts trying to remember.
  10:04am Cecile:

never mind. Bubba Sparxxx.
  10:06am chris:

this background music is sweet!
  10:08am chris:

never heard of Bud
  10:08am Cecile:

Doug, you might want to conceal your marital status. It could affect your fanbase. ;D
  10:09am trev:

Agree re: the background music, Ruben Gonzalez was cool earlier too.
  10:09am still b/p:

My bike's parked for the winter, but the short commute by foot -- and Thursday the 12th -- ain't so very safe/lucky, either. Took a bone-slammin' fall on ice yesterday morning.
  10:11am Cecile:

I am deathly afraid of that happening since I had knee surgery this fall.

I hope you took some ibuprofen or something...
  10:15am annie:

knock on wood, i have been extremely lucky about not landing on ice these last few years.. when i know i'm going to encounter ice and such i try to carry a bag of wood ashes.. i feel like hansel dropping bread crumbs.....
  10:20am still b/p:

The side-knob of my skinny knee is still talking about the hard surprise, Cecile, but it wasn't bad enough for pain relievers.

You do need to walk gingerly, now, along the paths of a thousand enemies in your extra cold zone. Knee stories...malicious meniscus episodes...oy, yeah.
  10:22am erik r.:

man that a barca do sol was flat-out amazing! never heard the like...
  10:22am Paul Sherratt:

This bloke's voice gets me every time - Adoniran Barbosa !
  10:23am Listener Dave from NH:

I don't think I've ever heard Mr. Barbosa before, but I can tell that I've gots to get my hands on some of his records now.
  10:26am HotRod:

Dougie FRESH!!!
  10:26am still b/p:

These voices, these warm tunes, or the hip motions they induce, could melt a lotta Maine ice and soothe a knee knob.
  10:28am Cecile:

Ice that sucka, still b/p, and yeah, chill your knee.
  10:34am Parq:

Annie, did you have blasting wind up your way yesterday? Here in the metro area, you couldn't cross a bridge and expect to stay in one lane.
  10:39am Drummer Some:

Listener Dave and everyone,
I got that Adoniran Barbosa here:

  10:42am HotRod:

How could you refuse if that's the name of the track???
  10:46am Cecile:

The same way Nina Simone sang "I love you Porgy" instead of "I loves you Porgy"
  10:48am texas scott:

I loves you,my chillun....
  10:49am Cecile:

Speaking of that, I loved the misleading headline today that went "President says forbidden word"....

It was "Macbeth".
  10:51am Drummer Some:

Max pronounced it "Children," so that's how I'm presenting it. The great Jerome Kern had no compunction about tossing around African-American dialect in his songs, but when the individuals whose humanity he called on for inspiration refuse to fulfill his rather sheltered understanding of them, well, I won't perpetuate it neither. At least not when Max Roach himself refuses to.
  10:55am HotRod:

It's all part of history...and that was NINA SIMONE with a ONE LETTER difference.
  10:57am Cecile:

It was a big one letter difference HotRod.
A very big one.
  11:00am HotRod:

And so is "Chillun" vs. "Children"
  11:01am kent goldings:

if i understand the background on that max roach track correctly (and i may not), the title of the song was "All God's Children," but that's not how it got transcribed on that particular album Doug played? i've seen the title as "Children" elsewhere.
  11:03am Parq:

Archei Bunker to his family: "Of course, you got a say in things! You got a say, you're mother's got a say . . . "

Mike; [singing] All God's chillun' got a sa-a-a-y!"
  11:05am Bad Ronald:

I, being one of god's children, am most certainly chillin'!

Love the show Doug.
  11:05am HotRod:
  11:06am Drummer Some:

The album lists the song title (accurately) as "All God's Chillun Got Rhythmn." When I heard Max pronounce it as "children," I made the informed assumption that he refused to pander to an uninformed presentation of black life by a white songwriter. I am merely presenting the song consistent with Max's perspective.
  11:07am HotRod:

Doug, I need to introduce you to my father...sooner than later!

Your show reminds me of my childhood.
  11:07am kent:

Doug, thanks for clarifying - that makes total sense now.
  11:08am Cecile:

And here's probably the reason Simone did her editing on the fly of "Porgy":

"Recognizing that Simone would benefit from formal training with a piano teacher, but also realizing that the family could not afford the lessons, Simone's mother arranged to clean the home of a British piano teacher in exchange for lessons for her daughter.

Inspired by the lessons, the talented Simone hoped to be the first African–American concert pianist. She earned a one–year scholarship at the Juilliard School of Music in New York City, but ran out of money and could not continue studying there. She was not accepted into her dream school, the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia; for the rest of her life, she believed racism was the reason for her rejection. She dropped her plans for a classical piano career and began singing in clubs. In 1954, she began playing and singing at the Midtown, an Irish pub in Atlantic City, New Jersey. She took the stage name Simone partly in honor of her favorite actress, Simone Signoret, and partly to hide her nightclub singing from her mother, whose religious sensibilities forbade it."
  11:10am texas scott:

Wow! Love the banter in the comments page.
Good show,Doug.
  11:10am Sean Daily:

Not even close to first comment! Woo hoo!
  11:16am HotRod:

Please! More trumpet!

ONE REQUEST? Tito Puente "Things to Come" off of "Mambo of the Times"
  11:22am JJW:

On Barbara Donald, I was listening to a special on her at MIT's radio station and the DJ said she currently lives in Washington state and plays intermittently though she hasn't recorded since 1982.
  11:24am annie:

parq' yes we did, it was heavy duty wind... from afternoon til just early this am.. and... this music has been great!!
  11:25am PMD:

dc pat, did you bike yesterday? get blown over by the wind? I almost did...
  11:26am dc pat:

yeah, man. It was worse going home--almost got blown into traffic and I saw actual waves on the Potomac
  11:33am HotRod:

  11:39am Marshall Stacks:

David, don't let the little man do your thinking for you.
  11:42am trev:

LOVED that cover of Help!
  11:44am Cecile:

me too, trev. I'd love a whole show of soul Beatles and Bee Gees covers...
  11:45am Cecile:

  11:45am annie:

hey maybe this is the build-up to the gettyburg address ala LB. ?? !! huh?
  11:48am annie:

followed up by barack reading from his book?
  11:48am Bad Ronald:

Luvs da funk!
  11:49am Cecile:

hey, bad ronald, good to see ya!
  11:50am Paul Sherratt:

It HAS to be a build up to something. Oh boy !

Trev ! Welcome.
  11:51am annie:

when da funk fits, boy does it do the soul wonders!
  11:53am PKNY:

Funkadelic is so necessary right now, thanks for playing!
  11:53am Drummer Some:

LB's version of the GA would've been SPECTACULAR. sigh.
  11:53am it must be in the archives!!:

i know this, i.
  11:57am potmanpaul:

am now definitely in postposting mood!
  11:58am postmanpaul:

freudian slip there.
  11:59am Bad Ronald:

Why thanks Cecile - right back at ya!
  12:00pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Great usual!
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