Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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March 6, 2009 Favoriting
Not Lemon Pledge, just PLEDGE!
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo Wax 1990)

James Brown 

Please, Please, Please
(Listen: Pop-up)
20 All-Time Greatest Hits!
(Poldor 1956)
Buddy Durham & Ralph Stevens  Saving Stamp Blues   Favoriting Wheeling West Virginia Revisited
(HBR )

Brett Ratliff
Trouble on My Mind   Favoriting Cold Icy Mountain
(June Appal 2008)
Buell Kazee  East Virginia   Favoriting Buell Kazee
(June Appal )
Brett Ratliff  Young People Who Delight in Sin   Favoriting Cold Icy Mountain
(June Appal 2008)

Talkover Music:
Wooden Glass feat. Billy Wooten 
Monkey Hips & Rice   Favoriting The Wooden Glass Recorded Live
(Intermim 1972)

Elder Utah Smith  Take a Trip   Favoriting

I Got Two Wings

(CaseQuarter )
Banda el Recodo 

Cangrejito Playero
(Listen: Pop-up)
100 Años de Música
(RCA )

Talkover Music:
Memphis Black (Ingfried Hoffman) 
Why Don't You Play the
Organ, Man   Favoriting
Soul Club
(Sonoroma 1969)

Melvin Jackson  Funky Skull (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Funky Skull
(Limelight 1969)
Charlie Parker  Lover Man   Favoriting Bird in Time 1940-1947
(ESP )

Say What   Favoriting Funky Skull
(Limelight 1969)
Charlie Parker  Boogie Woogie   Favoriting Bird in Time 1940-1947
(ESP 1943)

Talkover Music:
Sabu Martinez 
High Tension   Favoriting Sabu in Orbit
(SMC 1960)


(Listen: Pop-up)
Thing of the Past
(Gnomonsong 2008)
Jack Blanchard  The Dance of the Living Dead Chickens   Favoriting Nashville Sputnik
(Omni )

Talkover Music:
Afro Funky   Favoriting Ritmo + Sabor
(EM late 1960s)

Mike Osborne  Journey's End   Favoriting Force of Nature
(Reel Recordings 1981)
Gangbe Brass Band  Glessi   Favoriting


(Contre-Jour 2004)
Rusty Diamond  I'm Hung Up on You   Favoriting Nashville Sputnik
(Omni )
Razzy  I Hate Hate   Favoriting Country Got Soul, Volume 1
(Casual 1974)

Talkover Music:
Hey Mr Bundle   Favoriting Make New Friends


Love Vigilantes
(Listen: Pop-up)
Trains and Boats and Planes
(Diesel Only 2008)
Bill Davis Trio  Bring the Money In   Favoriting The Okeh Rhythm & Blues Story 1949-1957
(Epic 1953)

Talkover Music:
Organic Grooves 
Gold Weave   Favoriting Black Cherry
(Aum Fidelity 2002)

Los Diablos Rojos  El Guapo   Favoriting

The Roots of Chicha:
Psychedelic Cumbias
From Peru

(Barbès 1977)

Talkover Music:
Bee Houston 
Blues for Rupez   Favoriting The Hustler
(Arhoolie 1968)

Clarence Curvan &
His Mod Sounds
Calypsoul   Favoriting Calypsoul 70
(Strut )
La Sonora de L. Machado  Guayaba   Favoriting Gozalo! Bugalu Tropical, Volume 1
(Vampisoul )

Talkover Music:
Whitefield Brothers 
Thunderbird   Favoriting In the Raw
(Soul Fire 2002)

Eddie Noack  Psycho   Favoriting

Firewater Luke

Specks Williams  We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting 7"
(Jax mid-1960s)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  9:41am Cecile:

Doug, ignore my email, I figured it out...
  9:42am still b/p:

That is one nice substantial carbon-sink of a head shrub in the pic, Doug. Save the brain forest!
  9:49am annie:

great 'fro doug. my pledge is in the phone soon
  9:51am Cecile:

ooooh, you late to the game pledgers need to get in the running for the Trane show.

And Ben Ratliff is a great writer.
  9:54am Cecile:

  9:55am Jaime:

Thanks Doug! I'm reading that Ben Ratliff book - you're right - it is great.
  9:58am annie:

ok done!!!!!!!!!!!
  9:58am Laurie:

I agree with Cecile re: Hatch.
  10:11am annie:

if i do outside right now, will you just talk so i won;t miss any music? give me ten minutes... ;)
  10:19am Paula G:

Welcome, Doug!
  10:20am annie:

i am NOT from westwood!! aarrgghhh. it''s my mailing address, sorry to nitpick, but sheesh.. and.. happy to do it doug..
  10:21am Cecile:

don't forget jilly bam for nine great hours on Friday!
  10:24am Ike:

Annie, if you want to be referred to as "Annie from <wherever>" then always be sure to mention that (as a comment or whatever) to the phone slave, or in the comment section of the online pledge form.
  10:25am annie:

i did ike... ;( it's fine, if i DID live in west wood i would be there volunteering..
  10:26am gumby:

Mouse pledge is in! Thanks for all the tunnies!
  10:26am dc pat:

Indeed, our locale should be a requirement in our handles.
  10:27am Pearly Sweets:

Ole', the office place is a-buzzin' with the smooth latin beat!
  10:27am Hatch:

I love you too, Cecile and Laurie.
  10:27am gumby:

The Coltrane documentary was outstanding last year Doug. Looking forward to the Horn Love CD. FREEFORM 4 EVER!!!!
  10:29am El Thatchmo...:

As usual; dealing with the weighty issues: Scatology and Eschatology.
You are the benchmark, always and forever. I Gavanti.
  10:32am Jacob:

Thanks Doug and Hatch!! Hatch, I missed your fishing tip the other night on the Best Show. Any words of wisdom before the weekend?
  10:32am Ike:

Hmm. Annie, ask them to write it at the top of the card in big block letters next time. That's the best way given the layout of the pledge card, but we phone slaves often forget. Olé and meow!
  10:34am annie:

ike, i love you all.. it seems frivolous to complain about it. i won't be pledging til next year now. in the long run, it's all good.
  10:35am Hatch:

Jacob, my only tip right now is... wait for it to get a little warmer outside before you go fishing.
  10:36am Parq:

Whew. Barely made it here and have to leave already. A pledge before the end of the show, I promise Hey there, Ike, keep 'em flying.
  10:39am Hugo:

I guess there has to be some Lester Bowie at one point or the other in this prog.
  10:39am monica:

just gotta say that scott mcdowell makes for a fab co-host with the drummer.
  10:39am GUMBY:

Doug, You brought me into the world of African Funk from the 70's I am eternally grateful.
Not to mention that The Ex & Getachew Mercuria was THE BEST SHOW I have ever seen. Thanks to all the FMU staff and volunteers!
  10:43am PMD:

I promise - next week.
  10:43am Hugo:

Yes, I recorded the entire thing and put it on the iPod. Four hours of goodness!
  10:45am PMDVA:

To appease dc pat
  10:45am annie:

scott, i appreciate that. thanks.. i guess it's a pride thing. if i lived down there i would be a fixture at the station, to be sure. you guys rock.
  10:46am Carmichael:

Good morning, Doug & Hatch (sounds like a new detective team!). Bam! Charlie Parker right out of the box for me. Keep it goin' ...
  10:50am Carmichael:

Oops, is that you Bryce, and not Hatch? I misread the comments. So Solly ....
  10:50am Cecile:

back atcha Hatch.
  10:51am Cecile:

Hi, Gumby!
  10:51am Parq:

Doug, I salute your bravery. There is nothing that could get me to post, on the internet, a picture of me shirtless as a teenager (or now, for that matter).
  10:51am Cecile:

hathaway is a girl
  10:52am Cecile:

a fabulous lady person.
  10:53am Hathaway:

thanks, cecile. you're a fabulous lady person too. yis!
  10:53am annie:

i love these dubious gender-bending names. i once knew a girl named kevin..
  10:54am Carmichael:

My Grandma's name was Clifford.
  10:54am Hugo:

Not to speak of the boy named Sue ...
  11:00am jesse:

thank you thank you thank you. love the show and station and not just because you give me stuff.
  11:02am Carmichael:

Speaking of "Super Afro Soul", nice picture.
  11:03am Sean:

Not even close to first comment! Woo hoo!
  11:03am Cecile:

Awesome, Doug!
  11:04am annie:

i declined the bumper sticker. hehe. in exchange i get such wonderful tunes.
  11:06am Ike:

*Is* Cecile a fabulous lady person? Ken seems convinced otherwise! ;)
  11:06am Cecile:

Awesome photo! Doug, my birthday-twin, if only I hadn't been spending the year in Australia when I was 15.... LOL!
  11:07am Cecile:

Ken seems to think I change my gender as much as in a John Varley novel, and I lead him on.

I am a lady person.
  11:10am Vivian:

How much puts me in the running for Vetiver?
  11:11am Co-Host Scott M:

  11:11am annie:

oh cecile i saw a great flick last night
"charlie" a film by salvatore interlandi. it was on hulu. great yet very sad.. and music by matty charles and the valentines.
  11:11am PMD:

But annie, you could put the bumper sticker on your dog!
  11:12am gumby:

Hi Cecile! and hi to all. I've been a bad poster lately. Too much work caused by this crazy stimulus thingy.
  11:13am Ike:

And if you're pledging online then HURRY, Vivian, because there is a lag. Sometimes a huge lag, as I found out yesterday!
  11:13am annie:

my new dog, yeah, when she gets big enough, cecile i am adopting a puppy destined for the bathtub, if you get my drift. a husky, bordercollie, corgy, shepard mix
  11:14am PMD:

damnation... I may have to pledge today to get nashville sputnick... a chicken that looks like hitler.
  11:15am Cecile:

Oh, NICE. That is so cool!

Gumby, good that you are busy. That's a blessing these days.
  11:17am still b/p:

Afro-funk and boogaloo-hoo-hoo. I weep that I can't pony up more and pant after these premiums of paradise. Gave a tissue-thin slice of a half-pittance this week...but replacing my doomed ghost truck is about to vac up all available money and hip-check me to unhappy alien debtland. Weeping and weaving excuses and sleeping the itchy sleep of the guilty...
  11:18am annie:

i did one of those years ago, the whole shebang pledge. i got SWAG!!! wow. did i get swag!
  11:18am PMD:

Good job Doug - that's the first reasoning I heard that people who listen over the web should care about the booster.
  11:19am Randy:

I pledged last week at $50 level. Sure would like that country cd along with my tee.
  11:23am PMD:

Ike didn't mention that I pledge to get the chicken that looks like Hitler! Really really...
  11:24am Parq:

Guys, please excuse a little direct crosstalk. Annie, I didn't know you were getting a puppy! Oh please, post or email pics.
  11:25am PMD:

Oops, did I do wrong letting the cat/dog out of the bag?
  11:28am annie:

it's fine PMD, yes parq, once i get her i will post, i promise... i am trying to come up with a good name for her. but i think that will happen when i meet her./
  11:29am Hugo:

More Mike Osborne here:

Never released officially ...
  11:30am annie:

doug, i was wondering if a gentle mention of your email lists might be inducement to listeners...
  11:33am Carmichael:

This music makes me want to twirl a baton.
  11:34am annie:

you realize i have to plan my whole gardening schedule around the shows on fmu?
  11:35am Carmichael:

Annie, dogs and gardening generally don't go well together.
  11:36am well, i consider it a challenge then.. :):

  11:37am Parq:

Oh God, pictures of a puppy mischeviously digging in a garden - I think I may faint.
  11:37am annie:

the hard part will be to train her not to chase wildlife. which is where the husky might come in handy
  11:37am Sean Daily:

What's so bad about hate? Hate is what made this great nation what it is!
  11:38am annie:

i'll stage one just for you parq
  11:38am Carmichael:

Sean hates people who hate hate.
  11:38am PMD:

annie, hopefully you'll only have to stage one.
  11:39am Cecile:

Annie, your dog is a herder. There's some digging instinct, but I think more likely it will try and boss you and your friends around.

Huskies are huge escape artists, fyi. LOL!
  11:39am annie:

i'll be posting pics on FB. and thank god there is a fence!
  11:40am annie:

wonderful information cecile, i knew i could count on you!
  11:41am PMD:

darn it! I have an appointment. please let me win Nashville Sputnick...
  11:42am PMD:

PS - not money wasted at all if I don't, of course.

and I love love and I get along with hate.
  11:48am annie:

i have never heard her sing.. i knew she did.. this is beautiful
  11:50am Carmichael:

This song is so mellow, I put down my baton.
  11:52am Parq:

Loves me some Miss Laura. Thanks for that. Hope she and her now-toddler are doing well.
  11:57am Cecile:

  12:00pm Listener Dave from NH:

Dude(tte), bought is not the preferred nomenclature.
  12:00pm Cecile:

I am also going to work the phrase "peyote-besotted" into every conversation I have today.
  12:00pm BSI:

why not Kenny G?
wouldn't he be cheaper?
  12:01pm Carmichael:

  12:03pm Cecile:

I wanted Kenny, but his dad bought him.
His dad did offer to rent him out, though.

Yes, Carm, that's it.
  12:03pm annie:

he was bought-en
  12:03pm Hugo:

Adopted or adapted? Maybe appropriated?
  12:04pm Cecile:

  12:04pm Parq:

Smiling at the thought, 'Cile. "Yes, delivery order? I'd like, um, a small chicken soup, a turkey with muenster on a peyote-besotted bagel, and a light coffee."
  12:05pm BSI:

so isn't Ken getting your name tattooed on his forehead now? That's the deal, yes?
  12:06pm BSI:

oh, right. I meant to say, Ken's getting your name tattooed on his peyote-besotted forehead, yes?
  12:06pm annie:

images of cecile at the copy machine after her peyote besotted bagel. we want pictures!!!
  12:07pm Cecile:

Nice, Parq!

I told him I'd just like him to put a third eye in the middle of his forehead...

Aw, annie, I'd just be taking photocopies of my naked

  12:09pm dc pat:

dog and cow is excellent--just pledged enough to get one..
  12:09pm Carmichael:

I have been peyote-besotted in a past life. Aaaahh, the memories of things that may not have happened.
  12:14pm Cecile:

Doug, this peyote-besotted soundtrack is excellent
  12:21pm dc pat:

Eddie Noack: NICE!
  12:23pm Ike:

And he actually DID apply a third eye to his forehead (with some wood glue). I was there, and I saw it myself.

That Eddie Noack track is killer.
  12:24pm Cecile:

That is awesome, Ike!!!!! I knew Ken would come through.
  12:24pm still besotted/peyote:

Eddie maybe snacked on a few too many buttons himself, Momma.
  12:27pm stingy d:

hi! doug!
  12:28pm Drummer Some:

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