Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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September 25, 2009 Favoriting
How come no one ever listens to Prince Far II?
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo Wax 1990)

Jerry Woodward & the Cavaleers 

(Listen: Pop-up)
More Primitive Sound
(Collector 1958)

Hot Rod Volkswagen   Favoriting Hot Boppin Cats
(Collector 1960)
Johnny Faire  Till the Law Says Stop   Favoriting Ultra Rare Rockabillys, Volume 10
(Chief 1957)
Derrell Felts & the Confederates  The Weepers   Favoriting Rock and Roll Again With...
(Collector 1958)
Billy Hogan & the Twilighters  Shake It Over Sputnik   Favoriting Grab This & Dance, Volume 23
(Club 1958)
The Chuck-A-Lucks  Disc Jockey Fever   Favoriting

The Lin and
Kliff Story

(Bear Family 1958)

Talkover Music:
Bud Isaacs 
Steeling Home   Favoriting Bud's Bounce
(Bear Family )

Hajde Dano, Da Igramo
Cica Glisino
(Listen: Pop-up)
World Library of Primitive and Folk Music:
(Rounder 1951)

Gaida   Favoriting Mahala Raï Banda
(DCammed Discs 2004)
Balkan Beat Box  Hassan's Mimuna   Favoriting Balkan Beat Box
(J-Dub 2005)
Ursari of Clejani, Romania  Hora ca la Ursari   Favoriting Unblocked: Music of Eastern Europe
(Ellipsis Arts )
Losi Decki  Tica Kljucacica   Favoriting Spanski Brijac
(Slusaj Najglasnije! 2001)
Shukar Collective  Lautarium   Favoriting Urban Gypsy
(Riverboat/World Music Network 2005)

Talkover Music:
Miles Davis 
Helen Butte   Favoriting On the Corner
(Columbia 1972)

The Congos 

La La Bam-Bam
(Listen: Pop-up)
Heart of the Congos
(Blood and Fire 1977)
Big Youth  Survival Plan   Favoriting

A Luta Continua

(Heartbeat 1984)
Kendell Smith  Dry Land Tourist   Favoriting Time Running Out
(Ariwa 1988)
Prince Far I  Every Time I Hear the Word   Favoriting Voice of Thunder
(Trojan 1981)
Cedric Im Brooks  Jah Light It Right   Favoriting Cedric Im Brooks & the Light of Saba
(Honest Jons )
Church Triumphant of Jah Rastafari  Got to Move   Favoriting Churchical Chants of the Nyabingi
(Heartbeat 1982)

Talkover Music:
Sai-So (Strobe's Satori Beats)   Favoriting Kodo: Sai-So
(Sony Japan 1999)

Astor Piazzola 

Aria a los Analistas
(Listen: Pop-up)
Maria de Buenos Aires
(Trova 1968)
Los Mockers  Mi Diosa   Favoriting Psychodelicias, Volume 3
(What's That Sound 1968)

Leo Dan
Hay Una Chica en Mi Camino   Favoriting Flores del Chetenta: Música Joven y Canción
Protesta en América Latina 1965-1985

(Acapulco Rodríguez marathon premium 1972)
Sui Generis  Botas Locas   Favoriting Obras Cumbers
(Sony ca. 1970)
Los Walkers  19.8   Favoriting Walking Up Con...
(Electro Harmonix 1968)
Pajarito Zaguri  Descubrir la Realidad   Favoriting Pajaro y la Murga del Rock and Roll
(Parnaso 1976)
Los Gatos  Antonio   Favoriting El Rock de la Mujer Perdida
(RCA 1970)

Talkover Music:
Melvin Jackson 
Funky Skull (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Funky Skull
(Limelight 1970)

The Soul Giants 

(dedicated to Kippie Moeketsi)
(Listen: Pop-up)
I Remeber Nick
(Atlantic City 1968)
Roy Ayers Quartet  Unchain My Heart /
Comin' Home Baby   Favoriting
b/w A Man and a Woman
(Denon 1976)
Ernst Reijseger  Het Stort   Favoriting Taiming
(Hummeloord 1981)
Bosho  Last Wishes   Favoriting

Chop Socky

(Dossier 1986)
Yusef Lateef  The Improvisors   Favoriting The Doctor Is In...And Out
(Atlantic 1976)

Talkover Music:
Franz Auffray 
Sweet Popcorn (pt. 2)   Favoriting Original Popcorn
(Egg 1969)

Franklin Boukaka & Negro Success 

Kobota Elengi
Kobokolo Mpasi
(Listen: Pop-up)
Les Merveilles du Passe
(African 1967)
Orchestre Régional de Kayes  Malisajo   Favoriting Orchestre Régional de Kayes
(Musicaphon 1970)

Ubo Jazz Band
of Africa
K'Anyi Bili N'udo   Favoriting Ohaigiri Special
(Anadisc 1981)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  9:03am annie:

  9:05am texas scott:

: )
  9:10am fishmonkeystew:

Aw, yeah. You can't beat a Hotrod Volks. I loves me some classic VWs.
  9:14am dc pat:

: |
  9:15am Elin:

Hello all from Reykjavík, Iceland:)
  9:15am Parq:

I was trying to go for a Groucho Glasses smiley. The best I could do was this.

  9:17am Chico:

'Ats'a fine!!
  9:18am Bad Ronald:

0 )

Happy Cyclops
  9:18am Harpo:

  9:21am zeppo:

kiss me,baby!
  9:29am texas scott:

someone tell me.what have we become?
  9:30am annie:

scott if that's the g-20 stuff, i am pommeled with it on fb.. by friends posting constantly..
  9:31am Drummer Some:

Good morning (afternoon) to all y'all. Welcome once again to the show that never ends (well, OK, technically it does end). Hi and howdy to Elin in Reykjavík. Glad to have you on the boat. Now grab an oar and start rowing.
  9:33am texas scott:

annie,at least we have WFMU to keep us sane!
thank you,Doug!
  9:34am chris:

poor doug is geting a bit hammered on the blog this week. unfairly so. hate the game, not the player-pointer-outer.
  9:36am annie:

tru dat scott.. sad to see what it has come to, i know.. and speaking of the blog...... i have never climbed in to that foray! // perhaps i should.
  9:37am Groucho:

Rowing? Well, that's right up my galley! I like to take it slow, though...if you get my drift. Are you serving oar d'oeuvres?
  9:41am Drummer Some:

@Chris: Don't cry for me Argentina. I am happy to see all the response to my latest blog post. (If you like to see it, go here: I think people reveal themselves in their responses. All very instructive.

And yes, there WILL be a set of Argentine music coming up!
  9:42am chris:

Is this Rubber Biscuit?
  9:48am annie:

i see your point drum some. i might have a new toy to play with when i'm bored, too... the blogs!!
  9:52am v k:

liking the darker nature of this program
  10:00am dc pat:

oh yeah, Congos rule the planet.
  10:00am annie:

pat, are you still getting carrots?
  10:03am BSI:

ha, I missed the blog post but I'm up to speed now.
The bigger question is, where the hell did you find a copy of Air Fiction? That's not exactly top-shelf Muffins, I think there were about 5 and a half copies pressed!
  10:06am lucy:

perfect music for this morning, thanks!!!
  10:06am dc pat:

ha! I made a stew over the weekend and pulled up the last of them. Thanks for the suggestion--they went from an occasional novelty for the kids to a major part of stews and salads.
  10:12am annie:

so glad that worked... mine are finally getting ready to eat. been a long hard summer up here.. soo much rain, now it's been dry as a bone for a month.. whew!!
  10:12am Carmichael:

Greetings Doug and all from Fulough land.
  10:13am Carmichael:

He he ... "furlough"
  10:19am texas scott:

nice,very churchical!
  10:22am Parq:

Carm, that stinks. Hope it's brief.
  10:24am dc pat:

I planted little, quick maturing varieties in pots so they weren't huge but were sweet.
  10:27am annie:

even the farmers up here are harvesting smaller carrots.. it's been a pretty odd year ..
  10:29am BSI:

Wow, this is weirdly marvelous.
The only Piazzola I know is the nuevo tango record ZERO HOUR (which is mind-roaringly awesome), but this is quite another beast!
  10:30am Carmichael:

Just once a month for now, Parq.
  10:31am David H:

extraordinary. I too only know the nuevo-tango Piazzola, but this gives me new admiration for the man.
  10:31am annie:

i can see the piano player swaying in the rhythm of the moment.
  10:34am annie:

here i use this adjective: exquisite
  10:35am texas scott:

hey Brother Doug.GO ahead .play the whole thing!
  10:36am Parq:

Didn't know about the comments on Doug's blog post, so just read 'em. I got lots to say, but I'll stick to this. People who expect Doug, Hatch etc to stick to nice, safe, apolitical music should go listen to a nice, safe, apolitical radio station. If you've been listening to Doug for a while and it comes as a surprise to you that he offers left-wing opinions, then you're out to lunch and that's that.
  10:38am annie:

i concur, parq!
  10:41am gumby:

Freeform by definiton should require answering or cowtowing to no one. Let your freak flag fly Doug! Listeners can ride along or archive as they see fit.
  10:41am Parq:

Funny, isn't it, how that crowd never cries "No politics, just music" when a right-leaning opinion -- say, that of a certain ol' pal of ours -- finds its way to FMU listeners.
  10:42am texas scott:

Doug is much more than that measley title.
  10:45am will j:

A propos of nothing other than good music, I saw a great band for free in the park last night in Providence -- Extra Golden! Did I imagine it or were they the merging of Kenyan pop with the twin guitars of Television!?
  10:46am Bad Ronald:

I didn't know Doug was in Winger...
  10:47am Carmichael:

I'd better get started on the tinfoil hats for those bloggers. Invest in Reynods Wrap, everyone ...
  10:47am Carmichael:

  10:49am Parq:

Will, Extra Golden played a WFMU show at Lincoln Center in 2008. Great stuff.
  10:51am (original) chris:

i thought it was funny that some of the responses seem to accuse doug of having racial motivations, as if he's the one perpetuating stereotypes. i don't think they actually read the original post closely.
  10:51am Drummer Some:

One thing to keep in mind is that a huge portion of the audience that reads WFMU's blog has never listened to WFMU radio. They are completely separate entities to many in the blog audience. So my guess is that folks who are leaving vitriolic comments on the post haven't gotten the message that regular listeners have discerned. Of course, if you scroll through my blog posts, you'll get the idea pretty quick that I am a stinkin' commie pinko bastid.
  10:54am BSI:

hooray, stinko pinko!
  10:54am chris:

"huge portion of the audience that reads WFMU's blog has never listened to WFMU radio" ---- that's interesting. how do they usually come to it if they don't know fmu is a radio station?
  10:56am texas scott:

always remember,Doug,
what you resist,persists.
that goes for all you commie reds and blue bloods out there!
  10:56am dc pat:

proud let-winger here....what ever that means...
  10:57am j edgar hoover:

"you can always trust a communist...TO BE A COMMUNIST"
  11:12am Ψ-Ns:

If everyone would just stop watching TV altogether and focus on listening to WFMU, we wouldn't have these problems in the first place.
  11:12am gumby:

I'm reading a very interesting book about growing up in communist China in the 60's. It's called Colors of the Mountain by Da Chen. Pretty much an interesting book about growing up anywhere.
  11:13am BSI:

...can't we all just get a loan?
  11:15am Drummer Some:

@Chris: WFMU's blog gets echoes and linked to all over the Net. It reaches way into dark corners that don't necessarily know about the radio side of FMU. The blog is a great tool from bringing more people into the listening family. (Unless, of course, unrepentant socialist Nazi facist single-payer health care supporters like me don't scare them away.)
  11:20am GP:

Finally getting a chance to listen in again.
Good morning / afternoon / evening everyone.
  11:21am Drummer Some:

@Gumby: I'm currently reading Jonathon Spence's "Search for Modern China." Don't tell me anything. I don't want to ruin the ending!
  11:27am gumby:

I imagine the way we Americans perceive the recent past and present of China is sort of like the Europeans watching the US in the late 1800's and 1900's. Of course it's just fun to speculate where each will go next. Great, great Lateef tune I'm way digging this.
  11:30am texas scott:

diggin' the Yusef,Doug.
btew,I found WFMU thru an obscure blog about a year ago.
forever grateful!
  11:30am Chris:

isnt china going african-native these days?
  11:31am texas scott:

uh,that should read btw.
  11:50am Ike:

For some great GREAT stories/novels about China and Chinese people, check out the author Ha Jin. Very intense realism.

And I *love* this set of music.
  11:54am Marilou:

Great set. Not inspring me to stuff envelopes at work unfortunately. I have the strange desire to be on an island somewhere, instead.
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