Artist |
Album |
Label |
Approx. start time |
2009 Year in Review
Kneejerk Reactions
Storm Before The Calm
The Electrifying Sounds of ... |
Screaming Apple |
0:01:12 Pop-up)
Cecilia Und Die Sauerkrauts
Saurkraut, Wurst Und Other Delights |
Soundflat |
0:04:38 Pop-up)
Thee Crucials
You Ain't the One
Give Me ... A Keg ... of Beer |
Kaiser |
0:07:00 Pop-up)
Booby Traps
Makin' It with the Booby Traps |
Off the Hip |
0:08:57 Pop-up)
Steam Engine (live on WFMU)
Big Hits |
no label |
0:11:43 Pop-up)
Muck & The Mires
Hang All Over Me
Hypnotic |
Dirty Water |
0:14:12 Pop-up)
Dennis Diken with Bell Sound
So Hard To Say Goodbye
Late Music |
Cryptovision |
0:17:20 Pop-up)
Shut Up and Kiss Me
High Wire |
Deep Eddy |
0:19:52 Pop-up)
Shallow Grave
Not Now! |
Norton |
0:28:54 Pop-up)
Reigning Sound
Is It True?
Love and Curses |
In the Red |
0:32:06 Pop-up)
Jack-O & the Tennessee Tearjerkers
Stop Stalling
The Disco Outlaw |
Goner |
0:34:30 Pop-up)
Neil Young
Johnny Magic
Fork In The Road |
Reprise |
0:36:32 Pop-up)
The Devil In You
Revolution! |
Church Key |
0:40:58 Pop-up)
Lillies In the Street
I Blame You |
Sub Pop |
0:45:28 Pop-up)
King Kahn & The Shrines
69 Faces of Love
What Is?! |
Vice |
0:49:42 Pop-up)
Black Lips
Again & Again
200 Million Thousand |
Vice |
0:53:15 Pop-up)
Mark & the Spies
Hers To Keep
Give Me a Look |
Screaming Apple |
1:01:22 Pop-up)
Fallen Leaves
Miss Demeanour
That's Right |
Parliament |
1:04:09 Pop-up)
Black Hollies
Don't Be Afraid To Ask
Softly Towards the Light |
Ernest Jenning |
1:07:18 Pop-up)
Outrageous Cherry
The Song Belongs To Everyone
Universal Malcontents |
Alive |
1:09:52 Pop-up)
Sally Crewe & the Sudden Moves
How Can People Wear That Stuff?
Your Nearest Exit May Be Behind You |
8-Track Mind |
1:12:57 Pop-up)
Art Brut
The Replacements
Art Brut Vs. Satan |
Downtown |
1:15:17 Pop-up)
Eddy Current Suppression Ring
Winter's Warm
s/t |
Goner |
1:20:42 Pop-up)
Thee Oh Sees
Help |
In the Red |
1:23:51 Pop-up)
Personal and The Pizzas
Brass Knuckles
7" |
Search and Destroy / Bubbledumb |
1:29:17 Pop-up)
Hex Dispensers
Winchester Mystery House |
Douche Master |
1:30:54 Pop-up)
Brimstone Howl
Solitary Man
7" |
Rob's House |
1:33:50 Pop-up)
Dan Melchior und Das Menace
Carl Is Banal
Obscured By Fuzz |
Topplers |
1:35:46 Pop-up)
Vee Dee
Out Of My Skin
Public Mental Health System |
Criminal I.Q. |
1:39:35 Pop-up)
Pink Fits
Got Nothing On
De Ja Blues |
Off the Hip |
1:41:55 Pop-up)
Condo F*cks
Come On Up
Fuckbook |
Matador |
1:45:40 Pop-up)
Yo La Tengo
Nothing To Hide
Popular Songs |
Matador |
1:52:26 Pop-up)
Doug Gillard
No One Above You
Call From Restricted |
347 |
1:55:43 Pop-up)
Screw It Up
Leaves In The Gutter EP |
Merge |
2:00:06 Pop-up)
Neil Innes
Imitation Song
download from his website |
2:03:41 Pop-up)
Parry Gripp
Shorti Brigade
hoagiefest 2009! | |
2:11:02 Pop-up)
Saucy Jacks
Blown Like a Kiss
7" |
Chocolate Covered |
2:12:43 Pop-up)
Wau Y Los Arrrghs!!!
Viven!!! |
Munster |
2:22:56 Pop-up)
Forbidden Tigers
Glimpse of a Ghost
7" |
A Fistful Of Records |
2:26:05 Pop-up)
Scott Deluxe Drake & The World's Strongest Men
Corkscrew Submarine
Beneath the Bloodshot Lights |
Rank Outsider |
2:28:22 Pop-up)
Heavy Trash
The Pill
Midnight Soul Serenade |
Big Legal Mess / Fat Possum |
2:31:39 Pop-up)
Chuck Prophet
American Man
Let Freedom Ring |
Yep Roc |
2:37:47 Pop-up)
Another Planet Now
House To House |
Spark and Shine |
2:40:36 Pop-up)
Robyn Hitchcock & the Venus 3
I'm Falling
Goodnight Oslo |
Yep Roc |
2:46:37 Pop-up)
Box Elders
Alice and Friends |
Goner |
2:51:12 Pop-up)
Los Straitjackets
The Wild Mouse
The Further Adventures of Los Straitjackets |
Yep Roc |
2:53:19 Pop-up)
s/t EP | |
2:55:16 Pop-up)