Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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February 26, 2010 Favoriting
Snow business like snow business
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo Wax 1990)


All My Money Is Gone
(Listen: Pop-up)
Rural Blues, Volume 1
(Document ca. 1949)
Frankie Lee Sims  I Done Talked and I Done Talked   Favoriting Lucy Mae Blues
(Ace 1954)
Leon Pinson  He'll Understand and Say Well Done   Favoriting The George Mitchell Collection,
Volume 1
(Fat Pos )

(Houston Stackhouse)
Big Road Blues   Favoriting George Mitchell Collection,
Volume 1
(Fat Possum 1967)
Sammy Faggitt Jr & the Sparklers  Slowly Losing My Mind   Favoriting Welcome to the Club
(Ace )
Dan Pickett  Number Writer   Favoriting Lonesome Slide Guitar Blues
(Gotham 1949)
Big Boy Henry  Mr. President   Favoriting Work's Many Voices
(JEMF 1983)
Lester Williams  Winter Time Blues   Favoriting Boogie Uproar: Texas Blues &
R&B 1947-1954

(JSP 1949)

Talkover Music:
Hey Mr Bundle   Favoriting Make New Friends
(Tru Thoughts 2004)

Moreno e Moreninho 

Chegada da Bandeira
(Listen: Pop-up)
Capelinha de Santo Reis
(Cartaz 1974)
Wanda Sa  Mar Azul   Favoriting Vagamente
(Dubas 1964)
Leci Brandão  Deixa Pra La   Favoriting Questão de Gosto
(Polydor 1976)
João Nogueira  Moda da Barriga   Favoriting Vida Boêmia
(Odeon 1978)
Pedro Santos  Quem Sou Eu   Favoriting


(CBS 1968)
The Gentlemen  Vazio   Favoriting The Gentlemen
(Rozenblit 1972)
Banda de 7 Leguas  Dia de Chuva   Favoriting Brazilian Guitar Fuzz Bananas
(Tropicalia in Furs )

Talkover Music:
Memphis Black (Ingfried Hoffman) 
Why Don't You Play the Organ, Man   Favoriting Soul Club
(Sonoroma 1969)

S.P. Balasubramaniam
w/Anuradha Paudwal 

Sawan Aaya Re
(Listen: Pop-up)
Magic of Melody: The Golden Collection
(SCI )
Bollywood Brass Band  Choli Ke Peeche   Favoriting Movie Masala
(Emergency Exit Arts 2004)

(A.S. Kang)
Kurhi Melio Murhi   Favoriting Gidhian di Raniye Gidhe Wich Aa
(EMI 1978)
Geeta Dutt & Moh'd Rafi  Dil Se Dil Takraye   Favoriting Love Marriage (O.S.T.)
(HMV 1959)
Moh'd Rafi  Mast Baharon Ka Main Aashiq
(from Farz)   Favoriting
Bollywood Remembers Laxmikant Pyarelal
(Times Square 1967)

Talkover Music:
Nicola Conte 
Forma 2000   Favoriting Bossa Per Due
(ESL 2000)

Georg Gräwe Quintet 

More Noise
(Listen: Pop-up)
Pink Pong
(FMP 1977)
Henry Threadgill Sextet  The Devil Is on the Loose and Dancin' with a Monkey   Favoriting Rag, Bush and All
(Novus 1989)
Lee Konitz  Out of Nowhere   Favoriting Motion
(Verve 1961)
Rob Brown / Whit Dickey / Joe Morris  Inside Break   Favoriting Youniverse
(Riti 1973)
Francois Tusques Intercommunal Free Dancd Music Orch.  Poses Ton Fareau et Remets la Machine en Route   Favoriting

Volume 4: Jo Maka

(Vendemiaire 1980)

Talkover Music:
Roy Brooks 
The Free Slave   Favoriting The Free Slave
(Muse 1970)

(Archie & Ray)

(Listen: Pop-up)
Bonny Lass Come O'er the Burn
(Topic 1960)
Paul & Linda Adams  The Sun Shines Fair on
Carlisle Wall   Favoriting
Far Over the Fell:
Songs and Ballads of Cumbria
(Sweet Folk and Country 1975)
Meic Stevens  Love Owed   Favoriting Ghost Town
(Tenth Planet 1969)
Townes Van Zandt  Colorado Girl   Favoriting Townes Zan Zandt
(Tomato 1969)
Dolly Parton  The Giving & the Taking   Favoriting Hello, I'm Dolly
(Monument 1967)
Iris DeMent  He Reached Down   Favoriting


(Flariella 2004)

Talkover Music:
Annbjørg Lien 
The Water Lily   Favoriting Felefeber: Norwegian Fiddle Fantasia
(Shanachie 1995)

Antoine avec Les Problèmes 

Ballade a Luis Rego,
Prisonnier Politique
(Listen: Pop-up)
Recontre Les Problèmes
(Vogue 1966)
Colette Magny  Lorsque S'Allument Les Brasiers   Favoriting Mai 68
(CMP 1969)

Chansons Pour l'Auvergnat   Favoriting Volume 3
(Polydor 1954)
Nina Simone  Il N'y a Pas D'Amour Heureux   Favoriting A Single Woman
(Elektra 1993)
Michel Magne  Marche des Syndicats   Favoriting Moi Y'en a Vouloir Des Sous! (O.S.T.)
(Universal 1973)
Superchic Génial
(hommage à James Brown)
Moi Y'en a Vouloir Des Sous! (O.S.T.)
(Universal 1973)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  9:01am annie:

good snowy morning!
  9:04am Parq:

Here in the City, we've gotten our first real snow of the year - of two years, actually, since we didn't have any heavy snow last winter. Going to be fun today and butt-ugly for the next three weeks.
  9:08am Jeff from St.Paul:

Which City is 'The City'? Isn't that what San Francisco calls it self?
  9:10am Jack:

Hi everybody! Good morning! We've gotten 25" of snow (Harriman) so far; the plow just got stuck in my driveway and had to be towed out. What's it doing up there, Annie?
  9:15am NS Andy:

Lordy, Lord, Leon- TUNE YOUR GUITAR!
  9:16am annie:

jack, we have about two feet all told. it's incredibly beautiful. it gives us all a reason to stop dead in our tracks.. there are many who have no phones or electric. but i do not envy the poor people who got tons of rain and wind.. rumor has it there are many trees down near westchester.
  9:24am Parq:

Fair enough, Jeff fr/St/P. Annie is upstate NY (for a while longer) and FMU is just across the Hudson from lower Manhattan, so I guess I got a little centric in referring to NYC as the City. How's the weather up your way?
  9:24am Joe Steele:

Every city calls itself the city.
  9:24am Jack:

It IS beautiful! I was out in it earlier; blinding whiteness, and SO quiet. I felt like a kid again...
  9:25am Charcutero:

Im about 30 miles north of Philly and my drive to work was awful. Glad to have your show Doug!
  9:26am PMD:

Bow wow. Mornin' all.
  9:27am annie:

i'm getting vicarious thrills and joy from watching the kids walk down to the sledding hill; hearing their laughter in the background. i was even invited to come along and bring the dog; if i see them i may very well join them today.. isa will get such a trip out of that!
  9:28am PMD:

We're having blow people over winds. Happy snow to you all! My brother in NH is supposed to have 3-5 inches of rain. whew.
  9:30am Bradford Eugene LaBonte:

It's just drizzling rain here in California. I'm starting to get why people move out here.
  9:33am Jeff from St. Paul:

Joe Steele - San Francisco uses "The City" differently though, like its a nickname beyond the local area. they even put it on their NBA team uniforms at one point. Just saying.

Parq - I didn't know NYC was getting so dumped on with Snow. We sorta glaze over those weather reports here because its business as usual for us.
  9:38am Paul:

Isn't only Manhattan "the city"?
  9:43am blacktooth:

this music is going perfectly in sync with the dancing pigeons outside my snowy window in brooklyn.
  9:56am J-Mar:

totalmente legal!
  10:08am Hugo:

Kinda fitting this set as I'll be in India the whole of next week
  10:12am Ian in Asheville, NC:

"Choli Ke Peeche": that's some beefy rhythm thar, boyo.
  10:19am doug in dc:

Vole marriage? As in the rodents?
  10:20am Drummer Some:

Have a brilliant time in the real down under.

@Ian in Ashville
Please don't speak of Uncle in that fashion. (Let him graze in peace.)
  10:22am Drummer Some:

@Doug in DC
If only! No, just a bit of typlexsia.
  10:23am doug in dc:

Voles in love, are there any creatures more pathetic?
Voles in love, never knowing that they've lost the game.
  10:30am Bad Ronald:

I should know because this vole's in love again!
  10:31am Drummer Some:

OK, Hugo how do you pronounce Georg Gräwe's last name?
  10:31am Toby:

Howie Rose interview snowed out. Bummer.
  10:32am annie:

oh, man i was just thinking: more noise on fmu.. and i looked at the playlist.. yup more noise <s> sorry i couldn't resist
  10:36am Drummer Some:

Rain called on account of game...

@Annie dear
Punch me right in the noise!
  10:38am doug in dc:

@Doug, I saw Georg Grawe some years ago, and his name is pronounced "Gay-erg Grah-va." Now I wish I could remember who he was playing with that night.
  10:38am doug in dc:

Actually, the last name was Gray-va
  10:39am Cecile:

Good morning!
  10:41am Hugo:

Not quite sure, the "ä" is rendered in English as "ae". I think the wovel sound of "a" in grass would be roughly it.
  10:41am Drummer Some:

@D in DC
Thanks! Can I count on you to be my senior German language correspondent?
  10:41am Cecile:

Isn't the City also the London financial district?

Annie, speaking of Isa, we've been tuning into the UK herding dog trials that they run on the RFD network. So gorgeous and lo-budget - when a dog runs out of sight, there's only one camera, so it runs out of sight! Last night was Wales. Just lovely.
  10:43am Drummer Some:

You can be my dipthong guy and Doug in DC can be my umlaut guy.
  10:44am doug in dc:

I'll help if I can. Thanks to Transparent Productions website, I can now confirm that the show was a lot farther back than I recalled, November 1998 to be exact. Georg Graewe/Frank Gratkowski/Kent Kessler/Hamid Drake. That was a good one, I still remember it.
  10:45am annie:

drumsome, i love you, no matter what!
cecile: around here, where we have alot of sheep, it is a great thing to watch these dogowners handle the animals with just a whistle and a click! incredible..
  10:47am Cecile:

I know! Unbelievable how tuned in they are to their owners.

Also, it's so fun to watch a shepherd's crook actually being used...
  10:49am annie:

and i think isa would be good at it, but it takes years to train these dogs. she would just be starting to be trained at this age yet kept faaar away from the sheep until she was ready. as it is she loves to chase any four-legged creature
  10:56am Cecile:

Hey, even a little bit of training is fun.
There's also things like lure-coursing, and agility to get some training in and exercise, but without the time committment herding requires..

I'm so glad you have her, it sounds like she's brought a lot of fun into your life.
  11:02am annie:

she's a treasure. just now starting to listen to me, with her stubborn nature, she's a handful. i figure she'll be up to par for obedience in 6 months.. i think she'll be happy in the woods of maine.. being here in the village for the last couple months, she misses her running and jumping and frolicking
  11:05am north guinea hills:

W00t!!!, didn't have to get to work until 11! I love snow!
  11:08am Chris - Bristol:

The English affectionately refer to us Welsh as "sheep shaggers" - although I must admit that I never became that bored or lonely when I was living in Wales.

Sound like you might have been watching a version of "One man and his dog"?
  11:13am jk:

greetings from Boston where it's sunny and warm this morning
  11:13am mike cooper:

All over the world = everyone talks of the weather - spriing like day herein Rome folks - sorry = sunny - windy - even warmer. :-))
  11:15am Drummer Some:

Everyone talks about the weather and no one does a dammed thing about it! (My personal pet peeve is people who complain about the weather--aside from citizens of New Orleans--of course.)
  11:18am trs:

We could go out and try to deke out all those snowflakes. Make it 10 feet without getting hit by one. No umbrellas or anything.
  11:20am north guinea hills:

I love the weather no matter how brutal or fair, as long as it leaves my life to spare.
  11:21am mike cooper:

Yes -we should all boycott the weather that wiill teach em.
  11:22am BSI:

WHOA... somehow I missed the bolly set, with the king of bhangra AS Kang... praise heck for archives....
  11:23am Bad Ronald:

No complaints from Snowdom and Gomorrah.
  11:24am annie:

my favorite photos of this winter's snow adventures are the ones from cities where people set furniture and chairs out to save their spots after they've been shoveled..
  11:27am PMD:

just had to stop for a moment and say I love Dolly.
  11:28am PMD:

Annie, I think the whole chair thing is funny. Thing is, I think it's usually respected. I guess though if anyone didn't, their car would be keyed.
  11:28am Bob:

One of the great things about taking a "snow day" and staying home is getting to listen to your show in real time.
  11:29am Elias:

I just went outside to shovel, and one of the neighbors had beat me to it! Good ol' New York.
  11:29am BSI:

Annie: that was all the rage down here during our blizzard (DC) - Some folks were collecting all that furniture & selling it via Craigslist. Viva Capitalism!
  11:30am north guinea hills:

@annie, i always found that so trashy. I mean, as long as you don't live in a touristy or commercial district, don't you think that whomever you think might park in your spot probably had to dig their car out as well?
  11:30am annie:

what a funny culture we are
  11:31am annie:

drummer, is this iris's latest cd??
  11:32am Cecile:

Chris, I grew up in a town with a engineering college. Until the 80s, the slogan used to be "Michigan Tech - where men are men, women are scare and sheep are nervous."

The show I was watching was called "Come Bye", which seems to deal with the various national trials. We saw part of Scotland, now Wales. It's on the UK Horse and Country channel, re-run on the US RFD
  11:32am Andrew from Toronto:

Awesome set starting with Kilbogie through Iris DeMent. Doug, you hooked me on the Bonny Lass record when you posted it on your blog...then to hear Townes, Dolly and Iris. An excellent soundtrack on a snowy day in Toronto.
  11:35am doug in dc:

It's silly, over 90% of the parking spaces are clear on my block, and people are still using the chairs. I can't begrudge my neighbor, though, he takes care of his invalid dad and also shoveled a lion's share of the sidewalk.
  11:36am annie:

i was wondering if her marriage to greg brown is still working for her. and if this songs is any indication, well.... i love her gospel songs..especially the one she recorded of her mother singing.
  11:41am Drummer Some:

@Andrew in Toronto
Glad you liked that sequence. The Bonny Lass record is to die for. Thanks for noticing it on the blog!
  11:46am Parq:

Rejoining the show at the tail end, took my time on way to work taking pictures. Have to leave my desk again. Vole you all wait for me?
  11:49am Mark:

Doug - Wonderful selections as always, thank you sir!
  11:49am monica:

doug, this nina track is gorge....
  11:52am Drummer Some:

My pleasure!

I love how bad Nina's French accent is and how much it doesn't matter. This ain't Nat Cole singing in Spanish...
  11:56am ?:

L'Unité des Ouvriers! Alors!
  11:58am Hugo aka ?:

C'est moi, n'est ce pas?
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