Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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June 11, 2010 Favoriting
Blow, vuvuzela blow!
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo Wax 1990)

Zhang Lu 

(Listen: Pop-up)
Shanghai Nights
(Pathé 1950s)
Thu Su Yung  Great Love   Favoriting Asian Takeaways
(Normal )

Fang Jing Yin
Life on the Installation Plan   Favoriting Pathé 100: The Series #2
(Pathé )
Zhou Xuan  Many Things People Hate   Favoriting Pathé 100: The Series #13
(Pathé )
葛蘭  I Want You to Love  

Shanghai Nights

(Pathé )
Chen Jie & Golden Melody Band  Why Are You Not Smiling?   Favoriting Singapore A-Go-Go
(Sublime Frequencies )

Talkover Music:
Afro Funky   Favoriting Ritmo + Sabor
(EM late 1960s)

Johnny Shines 

Two Steps to Hell
(Listen: Pop-up)
Mr. Cover Shaker
(Biograph 1972)
The Hawks  Good News   Favoriting The Chronological Hawks/Bees 1953-1954
(Classics 1954)
Ivory Joe Hunter  Don't Be No Fool, Fool   Favoriting Woo Wee!
(Ace 1947)
Leroy Daniels  Hello Daughter   Favoriting The Complete Goldwax Singles, Volume 2
(Ace 1966)
Unknown  The Pick-Up   Favoriting Blues Belles With Attitude!!!
(Ace )
Dr. Horse (Al Pittman) & the Musical Jockeys  Crazy Beat   Favoriting b/w Woman You Talk Too Much
(Clown 1962)

Rocky Roberts
and the
Strasera Mi Butto   Favoriting Get Back Up Again, Volume 13
(Durium 1967)

Talkover Music:
Louise Freeman 
I Can Do It (If I Can See It)   Favoriting b/w How Can I Forget
(Shout 1974)

Brasil vs Italy: World Cup 1970 

Pelé Scores
(Listen: Pop-up)
Música de Futebo
(Mr. Bongo 1970)
João Nogueira  Samba Rubro-Negro   Favoriting Música de Futebol
(Mr. Bongo )
Scientist  Golden Goal   Favoriting

Scientist Wins
the World Cup

(Greensleeves 1982)
Brasil vs Italy: World Cup 1970  Carlos Al berto Scores   Favoriting Música de Futebo
(Mr. Bongo 1970)
Thomas Mapfumo & the Blacks Unlimited  Shumba Dzenhabvu   Favoriting Chimurenga '98
(Anonymous Web 1998)
Goal by Jose Carlos Araujo  Flamengo 3 - 2   Favoriting Música de Futebo
(Mr. Bongo 1950)
The Real Sounds  Tornados vs. Dynamos (3-3)   Favoriting Wende Zako
(Rounder 1987)

Pelé &
Elis Regina
Perdão, Não Tem   Favoriting b/w Vekemão
(Philips 1969)

Talkover Music:
África Negra & João Seria 
Lá Bô lá Gelo Múala   Favoriting Madalena Meu Amor
(Gravisom 1996)

Cobb & Underwood 

Black Snake Moan
(Listen: Pop-up)
Mountain Blues: Blues, Ballads & String Bands
(JSP 1930)
Blue Sky Boys  Who Wouldn't Be Lonely?   Favoriting The Sunny Side of Life
(Bear Family 1937)
Roy Newman & His Boys  The Devil With the Devil   Favoriting Dust Off That Old Piano
(Cattle Compact 1939)
The Stanley Brothers &
the Clinch Mountain Boys 
The Flood   Favoriting b/w I'm Lost, I'll Never Find The Way
(Mercury 1957)
Bill Carter  Stranger, Shake Hands With a Fool   Favoriting b/w Shot Four Times and Dy'in'
(MGM 1961)
Henson Cargill  Daddy, What's a Tree?   Favoriting


(Omni 1973)

Talkover Music:
The Wooden Glass feat. Billy Wooten 
Monkey Hips & Rice   Favoriting Recorded Live
(Interim 1972)

Philly Joe Jones 

(Listen: Pop-up)
Drums Around the World
(Jazzland 1959)
Willem Breuker Kollektief  Jan De Wit   Favoriting Live in Berlin
(FMP 1975)
Oscar Pettiford  Titoro   Favoriting Another One
(Bethlehem 1956)

Marion Brown
Iditus   Favoriting Juba-Lee
(Fontana 1966)
Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers  It's Only a Paper Moon   Favoriting The Big Beat
(Blue Note 1960)

Talkover Music:
Dollar Brand (Abdullah Ibrahim) 
Cape Town Fringe   Favoriting Cape Town Fringe
(Chiaroscuro Records 1977)

Ellerine Harding 

Get Up Daddy
(Listen: Pop-up)
(Mainstream 1972)

Jackie Moore
Dear John   Favoriting Get Back Up Again, Volume 3
(Shout 1968)
Willie Parker  You Got Your Finger in My Eye   Favoriting b/w I Live the Life I Love
(M-Pac! 1967)
Connie Price & the Keystones  Highland Park   Favoriting Science Class
(Now Again 2003)
Vernon Garrett  Shine It On   Favoriting b/w Things Are Lookin' Better
(Kent 1967)
Reuben Bell  Superjock   Favoriting Funky Funky New Orleans 3
(Funky Delicacies )
William DeVaughn  Be Thankful for What You Got   Favoriting

Be Thankful
for What
You've Got
(Roxbury 1974)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  9:03am Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks for many years of on-air delights. Looking forward to the web-only show.
  9:04am Parq:

Dang, I almost missed the last segue! Got my finger to the "on" button just on the last note of Hativka. Btw, I think the segue from Hativka to the Inner Ear Detour intro is gonna be pretty cool.
  9:06am Paul Sherratt,180 miles north of Hyde Park:

End of one simply peerless era and almost the start of the next !
  9:07am Hugo:

Goodbye to the old stream and hello to the new stream!
  9:07am listener 108365 in bushwood:

I'll never hear Israel's national anthem without listening for the funky bass at the end and thinking of Doug
  9:07am ∂avid:

I got your premium last night. I loved it. The Pax Nicholas artwork is great! I probably gonna play it every friday morning for at least the summer. Good luck in the future and I can't wait for the webstream!
  9:09am PMD:

I know this is not goodbye, but goodbye! Looking forward to your new incarnation.
  9:16am Drummer Some:

Good morning my friends!
  9:16am ken:

you better still kick it in at 9 am on fridays??? otherwise i will be very very cross!!! what a great way to start the wkend... all best in you new locale...
  9:18am trs:

Good morning. Happy to catch these last two shows, but I've missed many in this time slot in recent seasons.
Looking forward to the next chapter in Give the Drummer Some.
  9:24am ∂avid:

@ ken:
agreed. Doug in the morning and mr. fine wine in the evening always makes it feel like the weekend has officially started.
  9:24am Bobby B.:

We nae can gie the drummer some,
Be broa'cast ne'ermoreward,
But props an' pipes will streamside sound,
One hundre' Fridays forward.
  9:33am monica:

Doug, the grand tour continues. We're simply changing planes. Here's to the next leg of the journey!
  9:36am Drummer Some:

And you don't have to take off your shoes!
  9:39am mb:

"Why Are You Not Smiling?"

I smiled.
  9:42am Billy Jam:

the end of an era for sure. Fridays won't be the same without you Doug
  9:43am Drummer Some:

Billy Jam,
And I won't be the same neither, though on the new web stream I'll be doing the same old thing!
  9:45am drunk right now:

I don't have a reason to get up early on Fridays anymore!
  9:48am listener gary:

Say it isn't so. I can't believe how sad I am. And it's only a three hour difference in time! Best...
  9:53am trs:

What of the fine comments section during this fine show?
  9:54am Jason G:

Thanks for all the great Friday mornings, Doug, and really looking forward to the next chapter of your musical tour! Good luck with the twin moves, and can't wait to hear the new stream of Drummers.
  9:55am Drummer Some:

There will be a playlist WITH comments during the web-streamed show. The only difference will be that the NOW PLAYING info won't show up on the front page at WFMU.ORG and there won't be a NOW PLAYING info at the top of the playlists. Everything else should be the same.
  9:57am Paul Sherratt:

South Africa v Mexico. World Cup kicks off in around three minutes !
  10:02am Paul Sherratt:

Score update service throughout this Drummer Some
  10:02am Mr WH:

GOOOOOAAAAALLLLLL! Love it. That's 1970 by the way
  10:06am Drummer Some:

Tornados vs. Dynamos coming up!!!!
  10:07am still b/p:

Just heard yesterday about the new ball they're using that can have a li'l hook 'n warp in its trajectory. Goalkeepers no like.
  10:07am v k:

i thought i was fired up for the Cup; having heard that fine tune by Jose Carlos Araujo, i'm now on fire - GO USA!
  10:08am Drummer Some:

still b/p,
Bend it like freakin Beckham already!
  10:09am Hugo:

Give the goalkeeper some ...
  10:11am Paul Sherratt:

Drummers, goalkeepers, indeed !
  10:11am sinner:

I stand facing the northeast and Salute to the Great Drummer Some.
  10:13am Drummer Some:

I bow in thy Southerly and hallowed direction.
  10:14am Mr WH:

The president is rising from his seat to greet the drummer some
  10:14am v k:

keep the Soccer/Futbol songs a comin'
  10:16am Edgar:

  10:18am Paul Sherratt:

Ten minutes played and Mexico looking strong and the more assured team.
Sinner - a rare postcard for you from South Africa
  10:20am trs:

  10:22am Maria:

so sad to see ya go DOug, you will be missed!!!
  10:22am Paul Sherratt:

Doug, I was searching and searching for this song with Pele just a couple of days back !
  10:23am Maria:

but I know you wnt be too far from the earwaves!!
  10:25am still b/p:

Some American freestyle rap ace should try live play by play for the US games. Or throwdowns could happen where the big screens glow and crowds gather, a few minutes of play for each MC.
  10:29am βrian:

Bon voyage. Will watch for the web stream.
  10:31am annie:

here i am, i made it..
  10:33am Drummer Some:

Thanks βrian & Maria!

Hi Annie!
  10:34am annie:

these have been some crazy two months, eh??
  10:35am charlie:

Be well, MFSB (My Freeform Soul Brother)! Thanks for all the years (so far) of music and inspiration. Keep on pickin' 'em in Picksburgh!
  10:36am Drummer Some:

Will do, Brother Charlie, will do!
  10:45am Paul Sherratt:

GOAL from a 38th minute corner to Mexico ...but wait it has been DISALLOWED ( a very marginal off-side decision ... )
  10:46am fishmonkeystew:

Doug, you're leaving a huge gap to fill on Fridays. Good luck in P-Burg!
  10:46am sinner:

Paul--I LOVE the Holy Spirits Choir! Thank you.
  10:48am Bryan:

Your show is easily one of my favorites on the station, and because of that I'm ecstatic about the stream that will be available during the shows I'm not quite as fond of.
Best of luck in Pittsburgh!
  10:51am raissa:

DOUG, i will miss you VERY much on fri mourns. will tune in when you are reborn for sure! got your premium last night and I LOVE MY MOTHERLOAD! thanks doug!
  10:53am Aaron:

Great Set!!!! and nice tracks this week via the newsletter!
  10:55am Carmichael:

Hey Doug and dawgs!
  10:57am Jim:

Here's one of the most famous soccer match calls of all time:

Translation at
  10:58am Carmichael:

Annie, you ain't just whistlin' Dixie. These have been some life-changing months for me ...
  10:59am Paul Sherratt:

Half time - South Africa 0 - Mexico 0. The host nation making a very nervous start to the tournament. They should improve in the second half.


Do you have the Holy Spirit Choir albums ?
  11:02am Paul Sherratt:


Isn't that a glorious bit commentary. Worth losing just to hear it ! I wonder if the chap behind the microphone is related to Hugo-of-this-board in any way ?
  11:02am esch oder anarchie:

About that disallowed goal: it was offside even though a defender was between the shooter and the goal because the GOALIE was out of position and not between the shooter and the goal -- and unless there's two players between you & the goal when the ball is passed, you're offside, bubba.
  11:04am Carmichael:

Then the goalie should just run away every time the striker gets near. That way, they're ALWAYS offside.
I've always hated that nuance of the offside rule.
  11:05am Hugo:

Paul, not related, but still legendary. Lovely Breuker piece, by the way.
  11:13am Hugo:

There's always room for Marion Brown and Charles Tyler (to mention but two).
  11:17am Drummer Some:

  11:17am Paul Sherratt:

Score Flash

South Africa take the lead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11:19am Paul Sherratt:

Scorer - Tshabalala
  11:21am Carmichael:

Where's that Jorge Ben soccer song?
  11:23am Drummer Some:

Which one, Camisa 10 Da Gavea or Ponta Da Lanca Africano?
  11:28am Lenny:

..G/Morning to you Doug and the listening audience ,thanks for playiing the Marion Brown Septet selection./Lenny
  11:33am kk:

Dear Doug,

Good luck in P'burgh. Will definitely miss this Friday show, tho. Have been listening for eons!
  11:34am sinner:

Paul--All I have is that track on the Rough Guide to SA Gospel
  11:35am Listener Dave from NH:

There's a Jorge Ben soccer song? I am so sold.
Best wishes on the move!
  11:37am Lisa from Brooklyn:

I'll miss you, Coach Doug. Love your musical selections! Have fun in Pittsburgh - it's an adventure. Good luck and congrats to Jesse too.
  11:37am ?:

Lord Buckley
  11:38am Drummer Some:

Pleased to do it Lenny.

Thanks kk & Lisa!

I love you, too, your Lordship.

Dave from NH, Jorge Ben could sing about kitty litter and it would be stellar.
  11:40am Paul Sherratt:

Equaliser !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11:40am Drummer Some:

Gooooooallllll (dammit)
  11:43am Adam/ Buffalo:

Best of luck Doug. Can't wait for the web stream to start up. Thanks for killin it every Friday morning!
  11:45am Drummer Some:

I can't wait either. Glad you're sticking with it!
  11:45am mike cooper:

Good luck Doug - look forward to catching the show from "the ether side of life"
  11:46am monica:

From a whisper to a stream. FM's loss is online's gain. Bravo, Doug, for over 20 years of terrestrial magic.
  11:46am jill:

Thanks doug - you rocked the mic. Great show. Dontcha feel a little like Carson?
  11:48am Lore:

Sir, I raise my glass to you once again, and most certainly not for the last time.
  11:48am PKNY:

He's #1, he's the turntable king!
  11:49am Parq:

So long (from bcast point of view), old soldier.
  11:51am Paul Sherratt:

South Africa hit the post !!!!!!!!!!
  11:52am annie:

friday will never be the same.. :(
  11:52am sinner:

Drummer Some Brothers and Sisters! Let us all join hands and harmonize in our best isicathamiyan, polynesian, throat-singing doo-wop style and sing the praises of The Drummer Some!! Praise Him with Great Praise!
  11:53am Drummer Some:

I love you all madly. Please come on over with me to the new stream. I will be SURE to let know when/how/why to get it.

Doug S.
  11:54am Paul Sherratt:


The drummer has all the best tunes ...
  11:54am susan:

No reason call in sick on Fridays so I can listen without distraction to your always awesome show. I've had yrs of pleasure from your show. You are a genius.
  11:56am Drummer Some:

I am so deeply thankful. This show has meant (and will continue to mean) so much more to me than I could ever say...
  12:00pm Maria:

bye bye and see you soon all the best and thanks so much1!!
  12:12pm Brent:

i didn't get a chance to bid the show adieu, it is true that you have brightened many a friday, the selections are always fantastic and somehow right in step. see you on the stream. Todays opening set fit the mood here in Chengdu
  4:04pm Chris:

Long long time listener says, no, exclaims, no cries weepy goodbye, hello! Stream me, Doug, stream me.
  11:12pm El Thatchmo:

You are the Benchmark. Thank you.
  10:40am ABBY:

hi from lille, france, not far from place charles de gaulle!!
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