Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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August 20, 2010 Favoriting
Missing Abbey Lincoln terribly
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo Wax 1990)

L.C. Green & Sam Kelly 

Going to the River
(Listen: Pop-up)
Blues Guitar Killers! Detroit 1950s
(Barrelhouse 1950s)
Willie Love & His Three Aces  Everybody's Fishing   Favoriting Greenville Smokin'
(Purple Pyramid 1951)
Eddie Mack  Keyhole Blues   Favoriting Stompin' 16
(Stompin' 1952)

(Little Howlin' Wolf
/ photo: Bill T. Miller)
Stanger Mon'   Favoriting b/w Sunny Come Early (Mambo Voudoux)
(Beacon )
Dr. Ross  Illinois Blues   Favoriting Call the Doctor: Breakdowns and Blues By Mississippi One-Man Band Dr. Isaiah Ross
(Testament 1965)
Guitar Shorty  Like a Damn Fool (The Bear Blues)   Favoriting

Alone in His

(Trix 1972)
Lane Hardin
(aka Arkansas Johnny Todd) 
I'll Be Glad When You're Dead,
You Rascal You   Favoriting
The Travelling Record Man: Historic Down
South Recordings Trips of Joe Bihari and Ike Turner

(Ace ca. 1950)
Millie Esperson  Just Another Seaweed   Favoriting The Soul of Texas Blues Women
(Home Cooking )

Talkover Music:
Earl Hooker 
Can't Hold Out Much Longer   Favoriting The Moon Is Rising
(Arhoolie 1969)

Ray Pressley 

Land of Lincoln
(Listen: Pop-up)
The Complete D Singles Collection,
Volume 3
(Bear Family 1960)
Boots Faye & Idaho Call  Grinnin' Like a Possum (Bawlin' Like a Hound)   Favoriting Hillbilly Bop, Boogie & the Honky Tonk Blues
(Jasmine 1952)
Shelly Lee Alley  Bring It on Home to Grandma   Favoriting Alley Cat Stomp 1937-1941
(Krazy Kat 1938)
Jess Willard  Would It Be a Sin   Favoriting b/w Would You Believe in Me
(test pressing )
Bob Eaton & His Lonestar Boys  My Dreamboat Struck a Snag   Favoriting Decca Hillbilly, Volume 2
(Decca ca. 1950)

Biff Collie
I Want a Gal (to Cook for Me)   Favoriting Macy's Hillbillies, Volume 3
(HBR 1950)

Talkover Music:
Gender Wayang Pemarwan 
Gending Pemungkah   Favoriting Music for the Balinese Shadow Play
"The Mahabharata"
(CMP 1989)

Asha Bhosle 

Saiyan Re Saiyan
(Listen: Pop-up)
The Train (OST)
(Polydor 1970)
Manna Dey  Suraj Zara Aa Paas   Favoriting Ujala (OST)
(HMV 1959)
Technological difficulties gunked up this set. If you can, fast-forward the archive to about 1 hour 30 minutes
(to avoid the loud squeal!)
Unidentified  "Hyderabad Fidelity"   Favoriting

Radio India: The Eternal
Dream of Sound

(Sublime Frequencies 1996)
Kishore Kumar  Bye Bye Miss   Favoriting Prem nagar (OST)
(EMI 1974)
Ahsa Bohsle & Kishore Kumar  Typrewriter Tip Tip Tip   Favoriting Bombay Talkie
(Odeon 1970)

Talkover Music:
Whitefield Brothers 
Rampage   Favoriting In the Raw
(Now Again 2002)

Cleo Brown 

Don't Overdo It
(Listen: Pop-up)
Cleo Brown 1935-1951
(Jazz Classics 1949)
Hot Lips Page  La Danse   Favoriting Hot Lips Page 1946-1950
(Chronological Classics 1947)
Bill Barron  Groovin'   Favoriting The Hot Line
(Savoy 1962)

(Dizzy Reece)
Manhattan Walk   Favoriting Manhattan Project
(Beehive 1978)
Abbey Lincoln  Tender As a Rose   Favoriting Abbey Lincoln
(Riverside 1957)

Talkover Music:
Alice Coltrane 
Ptah, the El Dauod   Favoriting Ptah, the El Dauod
(Impulse! 1970)

Orquesta la Solución 

Homenaje a
(Roberto Clemente)
(Listen: Pop-up)

b/w "Mi Patria" Es Boringuen

(Ebirac/Numero mid-1970s)
El Combo Xingú  No Permites Que Me Interpreten Mal   Favoriting Xingú
(IRT 1972)
Ray Terrace  Hi Hi Hi   Favoriting Oye el Cuchy Frito Man
(Jubilee 1965)

Talkover Music:
Megaton   Favoriting Afro-Rock
(De Wolfe 1971)

The Montclairs  Do I Stand a Chance   Favoriting Dreaming Out of Season
(Paula 1972)

(Hearts of Stone)
If I Could Give You the World   Favoriting Stop the World: We Wanna Get On
(VIP 1970)
Ernie Hines  Come On Y'all   Favoriting Electrified
(We Produce 1972)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  9:04am trs:

Hi. Noticed sound quality got considerably 'tinny' when the theme started. Better sound rig on my end this week, too. So I don't know.
  9:08am Drummer Some:

The music before the theme was direct from a CD; the theme music and this blues track following are direct from MP3s. The sound quality is kind of at the mercy of the original source. (This blues tune, is all flange-y and weird. But I LIKE all flange-y and weird!)

Morning everybody!
  9:10am trs:

Sounds ok, then.
No links on the front page, today? I followed pattterns and bookmarks, here.

Happy to be listening.
  9:12am Drummer Some:

Not sure why the links aren't on the front page. Usually happens automagically. I have send an email to the good people at the station...
  9:16am trs: !
  9:49am Liz B.:

My bad... typo! Your playlist/stream links are on the homepage now. I've cut back on coffee and now you see what happens. Gotta get back on the sauce!
  10:08am Al:

HI Doug, Lovin' the show today!
  10:09am Drummer Some:

C'mon Liz, hydrate with those vital fluids!

Hi and howdy, Al.
  10:11am Vivian:

Liz-never, never cut back on coffee!~ Loved the hillbylly set. I believe you mentioned a web site for other tasty hillbilly tunes-darn work got in the way. what is the address?
  10:13am Drummer Some:

Vivian, it's an amazing site:
  10:18am Vivian:

Thank you Doug! How are you settling into the 'burgh?
  10:22am Bob:

Doug: I've just being hearing a single high pitch for about 40 seconds. It interrupted the Bollywood tune.
  10:22am jill:

ouch - loud high pitched sound emiting from my speakers...
  10:22am trs:

same same
  10:22am Vivian:

Same here!
  10:23am Drummer Some:

Not sure what the hell is happening... Will try to reconnect
  10:24am Tex:

I thought maybe Fabio was guest DJing this AM!
  10:25am jill:

finally, a justification for wearing tin foil on my head
  10:26am Bob:

Hearing swirling strings now...
  10:26am ∂avid:

I'm gonna go listen to a Nardwuar podcast. That's so much less annoying than this tone. HA. No, I'll stick around. I was kind of enjoying it for a minute.
  10:27am Bruce in Boston:

wish I could listen no luck all morning iTunes does nothing.:-(
  10:27am Drummer Some:

The server must be down....
  10:28am Bob:

Briefly heard some Dino, too, but the high pitch is back
  10:29am trs:

High pitch tries to dance with Dino. Kills him instead.
  10:30am Bill:

Kenny G has hijacked Give the Drummer Some
  10:33am Bob:

Hearing some 60s soul now!
  10:36am Drummer Some:

We should be back. I'll chat in a moment...
  10:55am Drummer Some:

Thanks for sticking through those tech-illogical difficulties. I figure this should all get ironed out by Arbor Day.
  10:55am Bill:

Are you going to play some Abbey Lincoln today?
  10:57am Drummer Some:

Is a bear Polish? Does the Pope shit in the woods? (That would be a yes.)
  11:01am Bill:

Is it the bear or the pope who wears the funny hat?
  11:02am Drummer Some:

Listen back to that Guitar Shorty piece I played in the first set and you'll have your answer...
  11:05am monica:

mornin', doug! splendid show this today. love cleo brown dearly. she "got straight' and went back to the church after her evil boogie career,
  11:07am Drummer Some:

Hey Monica,
La Lupe did the same thing. That's A LOT of evil to disavow!
  11:14am Drummer Some:

Did you hear the Abbey Lincoln track play previously? I think the stream cut out again and went back to the server's jukebox selections of MP3s.

Weird things 'appening today.
  11:17am Bill:

Didn't hear it before. I like this song - Abbey a cappella
  11:45am jill:

RIP to my mentor and former boss, Herman Leonard
  11:47am Drummer Some:

Thanks for remembering Jill! Leonard was a treasure. Great slide show of his work at the New York Times:
  11:54am PMD:

Thanks for the music! Although you stream, I like commenting live, but alas am now on the west coast...and don't get up early...
  11:57am Drummer Some:

I understand, PMD, you've got heavy machinery to operate and need your sleep! Glad you made it. (And pass the Cheerios.)
  9:21am ken:

yeah -- rembitika for a fuzzy friday!
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